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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. * Cleaned up some gun icons and new Italian-theater 25pdr textures. Just did a dummy install and realized what this means. Seperate textures for a NA and Italy 25pdrs. Nice. No chance the muzzle break was removed from the NA gun, is there?
  2. A 'me too' on the arty issue and a for not doing a proper Churchill MkI. But kudos for the tripod bren and re-including the PzIIIF. The seperate CMAKIIIF install was, even if only couple of MBs in size, a pain in the hind quarter.
  3. Could you please stop making these excellent mods? You are endangering my HL2 time. Pretty!
  4. Could you please stop making these excellent mods? You are endangering my HL2 time. Pretty!
  5. The Mods are just standard .BMP files. Replace the one that are in the CMAK/BMP directory with the ones in the mod and you are done. Winterized vehicles are new, just put them in the BMP directory and you are all set, no files will be over written. By the way, go to http://www.cmmods.com for all (nearly) your modding needs. Glad to see they convinced you. Enjoy.
  6. Wow, Aristoteles. Really nice work. Normally your mods are a bit too dirty for me but those Italian AFVs are so craptastic that the worn look really suits them. Good job!
  7. Ofcourse they did, you ninnie! Otherwise there wouldn't have been room for the Crusader AAs.
  8. 251 support group? Do they talk about being bullied by Ma Deuce armed M5 Halftracks? Nice work!
  9. 251 support group? Do they talk about being bullied by Ma Deuce armed M5 Halftracks? Nice work!
  10. Yeah, I have Lucky Strikes Panthers installed and they are beautiful. True classics. If only Shermans could be made to look that nice. *sigh* Not much you can do with Olive Drab. Black camo, tactical markings and stowage is about it, really.
  11. Absolutely hideous! Wait.. no... on second thought... like OMG man, it's freaking beatiful! Nice work.
  12. I'm confident they included a proper Churchill MkI, a 4 gun 25pdr FO (possible even affordable in a QB) and both the 40mm and 2x20mm Crusader AA. I mean... they'd be fools not to, wouldn't they?
  13. Sweet Mod. Really, really sweet. Liked all the bells and whistles. I was particulairly pleased to see RAF roundels, something I tried my hand at but couldn't get right. Thanks!
  14. But it might also mean that those tanks that had burnt would show lots of hits. Michael </font>
  15. I keep reading that the 'burns easily' was something of a myth. Any tank burns easily if you have thin armour and get hit by a large caliber high velocity shell. That makes a lot more sense to me but would this actually be correct? Wet ammo stowage makes sense and is sure to help but otherwise I'd assume most tanks loaded with fuel and ammo that get penetrated with a shell with excess energy goes 'WOOOSH' a lot.
  16. I tend to use run in this instance. It gets them into cover just that bit quicker. Most are in position so quick that the enemy hasn't the time to fire. Those that aren't that lucky get shot up a bit more then if they are advancing but they then do revert to crawling making them lesser targets while their mates that were a bit quicker then them sort out the opposition. Most times it works. If it doesn't one tends to get kicked around... badly. Also try to let the smoke fall so close to the enemy that they not only fall in front of the enemy position but into it aswell. Not only could this offer protection for your troops all the way to safety but it might also cuts the enemy position in two in regards to their mutual fire support.
  17. Finished Campenois and what a terrific battle it was. Thumbs up to Sergio, it was great fun. Sent the result to KF, was this alright? Proof of honour is about finished too, and thank the gods for that. Not a scenario for me I'm afraid. Wolf is going at a pedestrian pace and won't be finished on time. I'm pleased that my opponent is also keen on playing on. I hate unfinished games.
  18. Nothing in the BMP direcory? You didn't by any chance got confused with the PBEM directory, did you? Because I know what happens to CMAK when there are no files in the BMP directory: It goes black.
  19. I believe the cloth ammo belt was a major pain. But I'm still not very happy about the Vickers in CM. It's continuous fire capability is not at all well modelled. Oh well.
  20. I know it's just a current ship list but I'll add my voice to the corus just in case. No British G-class destroyers yet? First ting I do in any naval game is load a Hipper v Glowworm scenario. Second thing I do tends to be a river plate battle. So get busy!
  21. Sure, that would be fantastic. It's going to be tomorrow though. I gave my scanner away to my sister since I never used it much. Sure enough, I have had constant need for it's use afterwards. Typical. Tried googling for online sources but only got text results.
  22. Please? Given the amount of Swastika flagged ACs and tanks I am a bit surprised at the lack of response. Or is this silence the silence of Modders beavering away as I write this?
  23. For the last couple of months I've been gaining more and more confidence in modding the odd little thing in CMAK. A couple of weeks ago I started trying to apply the RAF roundel on the bonnet of British armoured cars but I just can't get them right. Things show up where they shouldn't, don't show up where they should and appear distorted when they do. After trying my hand at the various ACs I finally give up, I just can't make it look good on any of them. So here, finally, is the plea: Please please, can someone more experienced then me look into adding this form of air reckognition for Brit ACs? Thanks.
  24. I think that's a bit misleading info. Most shots fired weren't intended to hit, there's a difference with intended to miss. People had this nasty habit in battle to keep their gun up and their heads down. It's in a soldiers interest to survive the battle, killing while doing so was purely optional and thus more effort was made to do the former and often trusted to luck with the latter. It's been a while since I read about but there was a US Army study about it after WW2 (sory I googled but can't remember it's name) but it's something I believe Tacitus commented on aswell. Roughly 15% of soldiers are detemined to kill the enemy, most just go through the motions.
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