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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. Uhm, what's the point? Steve said they would try to get PBEM in. If they can't... then they can't and we'll have to do without. It's not like they don't want PBEM. Oh alright then: C)Buy it but miss PBEM dearly and prick a Steve voodoo doll daily. Have a bit of trust in the BFC guys doing the right thing. Haven't they always? (except with Crusader AAs :mad: )
  2. Hi and welcome. Try the opponent finder forums, it's chat function, http://www.webandofbrothers.de/ and http://www.garykrockover.com/cmbb/faq.html don't know what ROW V has done to the amount of players available, I assume many old hands are a bit busy with their scenarios. But you are bound to find someone.
  3. How did you figure that one? France wasn't beaten in WW1
  4. Yes, you can put it clearer then that. Which nation are you playing? What force composition are you allowed and facing? What month and year?
  5. And I hardly think this is mainstream yet. Besides, there is a tank sim shaped hole in the gaming industry, why shouldn't they fill it? Realistic tactical shooters weren't mainstream but they are now. Mainstream made them mainstream. More power to BFC for making this move. And the hints that this is the first step in a series only makes me happier that what I truely wish for (realistic WW2 tanksim) is in the pipeline.
  6. You really should engage your brain before you utter a word like plagiarism. What makes you see Panzer Elite in this game? Merely because you drive a tank? Sjeez.
  7. St. Edouards, dammit! :mad: Not St.Edwards, not St.Eddy. Say it with me now, St.Edouards. Honestly, if you can't get the name right of the place your fighting at, withdraw your troops till you reach a place you do know the name of. People who made this mistake should have 5 points deducted from their score for each mistake. Or give 5 points to me, should the offender run the tournament.
  8. A way to switch from English to Russian voices in the game menu would be nice. Once I get to grips with understanding what's happening I'd be tempted to switch to Russian. It would be convenient to do this without needing to un-install/re-install. And yes, you guys talked me round.
  9. Yes, you can switch back and forth by saving in one game type and loading it up in another. And I'm happy for you to take the time to recover. I'd hate to have been beaten by a guy that was delirious. The defeats I habitually suffer sting enough as it is, thank you very much.
  10. As has already been mentioned elswhere we had a quite a giggle at this sim makers web site on the GF a few months back and while this sim does look sweet the technological and political bias I've seen there really has me wondering if this game is for me. I could use some reassurance on this. And you only get to play as Serbs/Russian voulnteers, right? I have to tell you, I don't really like playing as the Germans in CM and playing as a Serb definitely hits a raw nerve with me.
  11. *high pitch whistle* Brutus.. Nero... HEEL!
  12. Sgian Dubb from section three has been MIA since the start. He send a turn to one (two?) of our group, the rest is unable to contact him. I also tried his alternate he provided in case uphieval at work got in the way. No luck so far. SGIAN: as do we, your opponents.
  13. One of the first to download it, it took me a while to kick it's tires. And very nice tires they are. VERY sweet mod. But when kicking the tires I heard something hiss. Sorry. The .30 cal flexible (as found on Stuarts) is depicted with a MG34. Fix or do somefink! btw the German MGs seem to have their ammo drum on the wrong side unless it's that dual drum thingie but I don't think they are. But that's putting salt on all the snails as we say here in NL.
  14. I keep bluffing that my battalion of King Tigers are ready to snap the trap shut. When playing CMAK it doesn't work too often. :confused: Hideously under/over stating my strength is something of a hobby, though occasionally I set out to actually deceive, that too is fun on occasion. It does work sometimes too. That's even better. It's either that or Olympic level whinging, which I found to be quite fun too. Anything is better them returning a file without comment. That just creeps me out.
  15. I'm sad to hear you have been plagued so by illness. Here's one lifted to your recovery and health! *chink*
  16. Maybe it's somthing about the "Higlander" setup, because SgianDubh hasn't return his yet either.
  17. I want PBEM, and I have every confidence BFC now know this and will try to include it should it prove feasible. Should it not be feasible I will be comforted because it wasn't be feasible because CMX2 is so amazingly kick ass. YEAH BABY!!!
  18. Emmm, maybe I'm really simple but with broadband/contineous connection one could use the internet and the game to 'fake' a pbem, right? Use the TCP programming to in effect achieve a PBEM like game.But with the increasing Internet speeds and Gmail I don't see why very large turns should become a problem unless they exceed 10mb. And those dial uppers be damned, knuckle dragging troglogdites that they are. Still, I'm a bit surprised by the seemingly casual attitude to what is currently the primary mode of multiplay. But I'm not worried. It's BFC.
  19. All first turns sent or replied to. Four Axis scenarios for me to start. Just my luck, I prefer playing the good guys. Oh well, the Germans do get the coolest gear. The one Allied scenario I play as the Russians, a rather nominal good guy.
  20. Just received the files for Moltkes bridge twice. Same password and files also same but display in a different order in the attachment window. Just making sure I'm not hogging someone elses files.
  21. Kingfish, perhaps all the big announcements could be edited into the end of the first post below the rules. Though with the tourney gathering steam I guess most of the announcements that needed to be made have been made by now.
  22. I have no life whatsoever and thus can keep informed but I have been requested to keep two people informed with need to know information. Sadly one of them found out about the applications and entered the tourney anyway. He'd better not beat me. :mad:
  23. Sadly a CMBO side to ROW V was not feasible because apparently quite a few don't own CMBO (yeah, weird people) I'm in favour of a Cromwell filled bonus round for those who do posses the trilogy.
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