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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. Wasn't ToW supposed to appeal more to CC fans then CM fans? And with Battlefront providing guidance, God forbid, it might appeal to both! Or fans of both, like me.
  2. Nietzsche, do you take story suggestions? If so, where would I send it?
  3. They may look slightly odd up close up, but from further away the trees look frigging awesome. Except the palm trees. Their movement is just plain weird and unnatural. Now, I realize the focus of the game is Syrians v USA, not trees v wind, but if there is any tinkering with the trees to be done, start with the palms. Aw heck, I'm a Dutchman, what the smeg do I know about palm trees? Grain, salt, take with.
  4. It's not as unfunny as the Peng thread occupants spilling out into the rest of the forum. *shudder*
  5. And I believe it's just as capable if not more so, is it not?
  6. Curse my faith in my fellow man! :mad: :mad: :mad: You guys may be right, reading it all a second time it's all rather ...suspicious. Have at it!
  7. Damn me for eating a meal and typing slowly. People, could we not rush to conclusions, please? Maybe I'm naive but I think we have very little grounds to accuse Leib here of anything more then a somewhat poor taste/judgment in picking his nickname. If he is a troll, that will surface later. We need not hassle him now, the evidence isn't there to do so. I, for one no not think he is a troll.
  8. That's the first thing a troll says, usually. Not saying you are, because I don't think so. Just that it has been my experience. A troll is someone who provokes (sometimes in stunningly subtle ways) a heated discussion. not for the discussion part, but the heated part. Yeah, weird, huh? Anyway. Despite this thread veering off course wildly (sorry, I do hope you understand that wasn't my intention) with the whole SS thing you haven't been flamed yet, so I wouldn't get your nickers in a twist just yet. Believe you me, If I or any of the other regulars disliked you, they'd be less then shy about making their feelings known. So pull up a chair and make yourself comfy, I welcome the fresh blood into this community. Ah, but turn about is fair play and all that. Would you go about the streets dressed as an SS soldier? I think not, because besides risking a thrashing by an enraged member of the public, you would think it poor taste. But that is what you are more or less doing so on this forum, by your nick. Not saying you don't have the right to that nick, but expecting us not to comment or form an opinion based on that knick is unrealistic and dare I say unfair towards us. Your right to your nick doesn't deprive us of the right to find it distasteful. There are many German units who fought at least equally well and with bravery but got their hands a hell of a lot less dirty then the WSS. btw The game is supposed to be closer to Close Combat then Combat Mission in gameplay style, but with the 3D and realism it should please fans of both series. Keep our fingers crossed that it can deliver the goods and rank amongst such wargaming greats. I also remembered another thing it hasn't got. It hasn't got a seperate US and UK campaign. Instead it has a Western Allies campaign where you could command British in one mission and Americans in the next. A bizarre thing to do, IMHO. Ohwell! *edited cuz I is thick* [ November 02, 2006, 10:50 AM: Message edited by: Elmar Bijlsma ]
  9. This thread has nine replies, including yours. I find it incredibly hard to believe that you do not have the time, you just don't have the quote. You are just caught without the facts to back your scaremongering. Unless you are talking about the thread you lifted Steve's quote from. And that was frigging four weeks ago. Here and now, he's being given a warm welcome compared to a generic "do a search, you lazy bastiche" reply. Hence my conciliatory and jokular repeat of the "DO NOT MENTION THE ELEPHANT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROOM." bit. Instead you decide to stir the pot with your persecution complex. Dude, you need to relax a little. With an attitude to fellow members like that, how can we not get along famously. Me, I have no problem with 1stSSLeibstandarte (he deserves kudos just for spelling it right, a rare feat ) whereas you on the other hand, are starting to bug me with your hysteric antics. Amen to that. How about if you get a fair parting shot in, if you must, and then let's leave it that, shall we? [ October 31, 2006, 05:17 PM: Message edited by: Elmar Bijlsma ]
  10. Who's generating a Sigrun style inferno here? No one in this thread condemned him for his sig. No abuse, no labelling anyone a nazi. I intended it as good natured advice, something his pre-emptive 'don't call me a nazi' begged for. And the Sigrun inferno wasn't about his name. It was about how he thought the Nazis were a bunch of swell people that did the world a favour by killing the untermensch. Something completely, utterly different then a controversial nick. THAT I did and do have have a big problem with. Oh, and DO NOT MENTION THE ELEPHANT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROOM.
  11. Yes ...and no. I'm not the big brained software engineer here, so take this with a large dose of salt. But to send it via IP to IP then it either needs to be received at the time of sending. That's TCP play, really. If it's not, that file needs to stay somewhere where both sender and receiver can access it via the ingame interface at the time convenient to them. I mean, the turn has to stay somewhere in between sending and being received. That would most likely have to be a site set up for it by the game maker, if it's an ingame feature. For them, a PITA and expensive in bandwidth. For game makers letting us make out own file sending arrangement is the best way to go unless they make us pay to play. I do NOT pay after a game purchase, ever. Never ever. In a million years. Really I'm not. And I mean that. A lot.
  12. Put it on an FTP site your opponent could access too.
  13. As to what's missing, I'm sure you've got the most significant ones even from a cursory look: No onboard mortars, enter-able buildings, map editor, quick battles. That's all the biggies I can think of right now. About tank engagements: I take it you mean realistic penetration and damage model. Some bits would appear to be worse (armour angle) and some bits are better. (complex damage modelling) Definitely not typical RTS/FPS nonsense stuff. About your nick, okay then. LISTEN UP PEOPLE, DO NOT MENTION THE ELEPHANT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROOM. Seriously, you take a name like that and you honestly expect people not to react to it? The SS is only cool in Japan. You will find life on this forum harder with it, I assure you.
  14. ...and you are not inviting them to your birthday party, right!? :mad: :mad: :mad: Most posters don't get into trouble, ever. You need to be wondering about the actions of the few that do. Are they being picked on completely at random out of sheer evilness of both forumnites and moderators OR are they eejits with the social skills of a shark during a feeding frenzy?
  15. Uhm, yeah. Way to welcome a new recruit MeatEtr. Welcome Merry. don't mind some of the other patrons. Their bark is worse then their bite.
  16. While I am still interested in CMC I do agree it's place in the market, if there was any, has come and gone. The gap between CMC and the CMBB release date is just too big. Including the Finns and other minor Axis afterall, are we? Thought not. So what's taking so long? Nor am I inclined to believe that CMC has any chance whatsoever as a stand alone product.
  17. Good one! Thanks man, a very entertaining look at our little budget wars.
  18. I doubt that, as they are nearly the same. Besides, late war you'd think they could've made allowances for this in new tank production. If the Germans wanted MG42s in their tanks they would've had. What I understood to be the case was that the MG34 requires less barrel changing due to it's lower ROF. With barrel changing a major PITA inside an AFV that would be a good reason to keep it. Also, I've heard it put forth that that the MG34 was somewhat allergic to dirt because of the precision engineering whereas the MG42, being more crudely constructed, was more tolerant to dirt but mechanically less reliable as a result too. So you mount the MG34 in a tank where it's relatively safe from dirt and hand the MG42 to the infantry trudging who are through mud.
  19. Two Peng threads... will it be allowed, just like water boarding?
  20. Can you tell us more about what makes you believe that green Sherman crews are better then veteran Pzkfw crews? Because I can tell you green crews of ANY nation are worse then veteran crews. But veterans crews are not invulnerable to shells from a green crew. Nor do veteran crews come with a guarantee to hit what they are aiming with. So expect that green Sherman to get lucky every now and again. And if you handle your Pzkfw badly, don't expect it be a rare occurrence either!
  21. No.... it's that you aren't listening to us . It's no good having a hot **** gun if you have crapola armour. Optics is considered in game but only in those tanks where the optics are special. As for a veteran crew advantage, what are you proposing here? A veteran Allied crew will do just as well as a veteran German crew. How are the Mark IVs supposed to be disadvantaged by this? Are you perhaps advocating that German crews should get some bonus simply for being German? That's silly! As for the 75L48 being a better gun then the M3 75mm gun, yes, you are quite right. BUT YOU CAN'T JUST LOOK AT THE GUNS! The Mark IVs armour was less then most other medium tanks, including the Sherman that you have such a low opinion of. THat kinda takes away the advantage the 75L48 gives. Hence the combat mechanics work out fairly well. You just underestimate grossly the capabilities of the Sherman. And another thing. Don't go on about how we are not reading you properly. Various people are disagreeing with you. Either we are all wrong and ****ty readers... or you are wrong. Have you considered that possibility? You have not succesfully argued why you think the Mark IV was short changed in the game. You put forth some some vague notions but you never factually back this up. Please, I invite you to clearly, factually prove to us why the Pzkfw IV was short changed in this game. So what specific advantages do you think the real PzKfw IV had that it hasn't in game?
  22. I'm just disappointed it's not a dancing ballerina in a camo tutu.
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