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George MC

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Everything posted by George MC

  1. Any chance you could also upload to http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods please? I like and must have
  2. Hhmm - you're comparing two games - which one is right ya think? Maybe CMAK had it wrong?
  3. Jeez guys! It's enough work making one scenario never mind balancing it for three differant play versions. Nope not for me sirree.
  4. Nah not into the pacific. You'd end up playing with the trees turned off on a round flat map representing an island. Or a round map with a pointy bit in the middle - then spend the next two hours pinned down ona beach or combing the island for the last few holed up defenders. Nah Ost Front all the waaaaay
  5. Michael - you hit the nail smack on the head - well said.
  6. The CMSF scenario design manual will pretty much get you started in the basics. They are the same game engine. Main difference is terrain types e.g. CMBN has more and differant terrain types. Otherwise creating the basic map and the process of placing stuff then the CMSF manual will do. For specific CMBN stuff refer to the CMBN manual. There have been some issues with trenches and foxholes - the next patch should address all that
  7. If it's so good why you hanging out here? :confused:
  8. Hi Guys Cheers for the kudos. Very much appreciated. @Alte Fritz - good tohear from you again. Cheers for the info. I steered clear of being too specific although the map is the same one used for Strachwitz at Kharkov in CMBB - although a wee bit reduced. I suspect the modules could come thick and fast once the BFC guys start going - lot's of shared units for 44/45 stuff. Guess the earlier periods may take longer (assuming BFC do 1943 and earlier etc - hope they do). @Erwin - must admit I like the combined arms close co-op the closed terrain of Normandy encourages, but yeah good to roam around larger open spaces as well with long range tank duels and being able to manouver your units about at speed
  9. Several of the demo scenarios have now been uploaded to the repository here at BFC. Good luck with your CMBN experience
  10. Both patches are under development at the moment. Takes time to fully test both and to implement changes. You have to check that any new tweaks don't break something else. So it's all on-going and it's on-going well. Patience my children
  11. Until the patch comes out if playing WEGO or RT expect to get an OOM error after around anything from 5 to 10 turns or so. In my PC I was getting the OOM error after about five turns. With the pacth I'm good although the other night (after playing around 30 turns) and during some very heavy action (lot's of armour firing at each other over long distances, infantry fighting in villages) I was booted out of the game. In this case I can fully understand why that was! TBH even with the patch I'd still save every half dozen to ten turns or so. This scenario does oush the CMBN PC and Mac technical boundaries!
  12. Cool Be interested to hear how you get on. I'd suggest saving every so often though as once battle is joined it can soon chew up a lot of memory. It's just such a large map with lot's of units that heavy fighting can cause the game to fold.
  13. Ah... Well hopefully the patch and the OOM issue it helps with should allow you to load it. Does seem odd how it affects differant PCs though - 'afster' PCs seem just as affected as 'slower' ones and vice versa.
  14. Downloaded it and just installed it. Man it sounds great! Just makes ma panzers come alive!
  15. I'm thinking it might be more due to what players have running in the background as looking at the specs gievn above your right - they are all good PCs. Once the patch is released that should hopefully make a difference.
  16. Errmm not sure I understand but you can: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?page=shop.cart&func=cartAdd&product_id=279&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=26 Might need to create an account to purchase but should be easy enough. Unless I've misunderstood your post?
  17. That's quick! They're up http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=1317
  18. Oh if you check the YouTube video of the scenario you'll see I changed the name as I minded there is a scenario in the CMBN German campaign of that name ps to save confusion I renamed it 'Fire Brigade'. Just if you were wondering...
  19. No worries mate I've just uploaded my three to the repository. Should be up and downloadable tomorrow. I've also posted a link to this thread on the beta forum. I'm just thinking who the original designers were of some of em and I'm not sure many of em are still active as beta testers so there might be some gaps. Still fingers crossed
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