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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. Just tell the crew to get back on. Just like telling a squad to mount.
  2. Especially as one squad can't carry ammo for another squad so the only reason you would grab a missile is if you intended to use it.
  3. I would also like a "simulate dark" option. I know it's dark and my guys know it's dark but for the GAME I need to be able to see what is going on.
  4. And how did she know? Easy... her name used to be Lovelace </font>
  5. I think it is a Windows thing. I have had one CTD with SF and that was after having played several times with the same settings. This happens on other programs as well so I think it is just a feature of Windows.
  6. Too bad they can't all have their own names. I used to name my track after famous prostitutes or porn stars (once my entire squad were named after the various Lynns). When the Cinc USAEUR's wife complained they made us switch to naming them after battles or towns in U.S. history. So all of ours were named after famous defeats. Mine was Little Bighorn. Eventually they relented so I changed the name to Alota Fagina from Austin Powers. Good times.
  7. That seems to be what I am encountering as well. My guys will blast through a wall (an improvement as before they would set off their charges without making a hole in the wall) and run through the breach, all well and good. With buildings, however, they will set off their charges but will still run out the door.
  8. I think it is more like a pudding pack. Firing one from inside a building in reality would make you severly silhouette yourself or risk the missile hitting the window sill. It would still be possible but you better unass the AO once you launch one.
  9. Nothing too elaborate; we already see some of this in the ability of Syrian spies and unconventionals to evade sighting, for instance. I can imagine western SpecOps units that receive similar stealth characteristics--not because they blend into the neighborhood, but because of, well, stealth. This would add some spice to the usual run of missions. It's not nearly as important as adding to the broader base of vehicles and national armies, however. </font>
  10. See it all the time. I regularly put my guys on upper floors to give them some overhead cover.
  11. I got mine yesterday here in Houston. Nice to have a manuel that isn't a big stack of paper.
  12. For now let it stay. I would much rather tell it to fire again then not be able to because it put all its rounds into some apartment building.
  13. I don't even think it would have to fire. Looks as top heavy as a Suzuki Samurai (showing my age again).
  14. From a Bugs Bunny cartoon spoofing "Of Mice and Men." Can't remember exactly what character said it. Big dog or something.
  15. That is about the worse designed piece of combat gear I have ever seen. It would be much better to have a guy in the back and a zillion more rounds.
  16. If it has wheels or tracks a bunch of Joes or Tommies will figure out how to hitch a ride. I think it has more to do with the abstract unit sizes than it does with any actual value passenger capacity.
  17. Well, the M1s had a basic load of what 55 rounds? So why does the MGS carry so few? If you are going to make a fire support vehicle doesn't it stand to reason that you would make the thing able to provide fire support for an extended period of time?
  18. It's hard to keep track of anything now. I had an M1 hit during the demo mission and I think the driver was killed as the tank stopped for about a second. Then the TC status dissappeared and the driver was back and the tank finished its move. I watched the replay to try to see who exactly got hit but the crew status never changed back from their end of turn results. If the TC did switch with the driver then he is freaking Rambo to carry out the change in under 5 seconds while under fire.
  19. It could have been but replay looked like a maingun round. It didn't show the round being fired though so it may have been a missile. It was mission 1 of the campaign but I don't remember exatly what model T55 it was.
  20. I think two of the crew bailed out. The tank was a Cat. Kill. I thought at first that something snuck up on his flank but it was definitely a front hit. The impact was right front of the hull but face on to the turret as the M1 had just finished killing the guy's buddy and was aiming at the guy who killed him. The tracer came in over the fender. Not sure how accurate the graphical representation is as far as point of impact but it appeared to be upper hull or lower turret so I may have been one of those dream shots into the turret ring.
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