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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. The BMP1 would put a bigger HE load on target while the 30mm BMP2 would put more rounds with less of a total weight. Everything else being equal, a hit by a 73mm would do more damage to anything within the blast radius, the 30mm, however, is much more accurate and can saturate an area. To sum up, if you want to throw HE at a single target or area then the 73mm is better but if you want to put a lot of rounds down range with a good chance of a direct hit on the target the 30mm is better. You just lose a lot of throw weight in regards to the amount of explosives.
  2. It's kind of the CMSF version of the CMx1 "Time Shift."
  3. If you start with one side American and buy some air, you can then switch to a red on red scenario and they will have air.
  4. The M203's 40mm grenade has a blast radius of 2.5 meters with a casualty radius of 5 meters. The 40mm fired from the MK19 has a blast radius of 5 meters with a casualty radius of 15 meters. Because the round is able to be heavier the Mk19 grenade has more explosive. Casualty radius is the distance at which the round can be expected to cause 50% severe casualties. Within the blast radius it goes up to a 50% chance for a kill and a higher chance to dissable 75% (if I recall correctly). A M67 is a 63mm hand grenade has a casualty radius of 15meters. For comparison the 105mm has a blast/kill radius of 35m while the 155mm has a 50m blast radius. This web site has statistics for various rounds. Article In training with the M203 we got credit for a hit if the round hit within 5 meters of the target. With hand grenades it was within 15 meters, or inside a foxhole. With the Mk19 it was within 15 meters or a hit on a vehicle target. A 3 round burst with the Mk19 through a window will clear a room.
  5. Hurry please! Not to be pushy or anything.
  6. If you can get an enfilade position on a trench line you can easily kill anyone inside. It is a confined space with little cover along the latitudinal axis. That is why real trenches have lots of kinks and redoubts so you can't defilad large portions of it. To me the small HE stuff is actually under powered. The burst of a 40mm HEDP round is 5m and it can cause casualties out to over 30 meters. Currently the 40mm Mk19 has to achieve almost a direct hit and the 40mm 203 is nearly worthless. Large HEAT is still rather overmodeled but getting better. A tank round fired into the middle of a squad should not normally cause the entire squad to go red. A bunch of yellow's and the squad supressed for a few minutes would be more likely. {edited because I am getting old} [ January 12, 2008, 08:48 AM: Message edited by: SgtMuhammed ]
  7. You can do it if you are firing from a large room or have time to puch some holes in the opposite wall. It's just when the backblast has no where to go that things get exciting.
  8. Ok, I just wanted to see if there was something with mine. I know that the real things can look funky depending on what angle you look from. I just wanted to make sure they weren't a missing texture. Looking at pictures of the real thing I figured out why they look strange to me. They should be kind of a mix of gold red and dark green but I guess getting the reflection effect would take a lot of effort for such a small piece of eye candy. [ January 10, 2008, 01:43 PM: Message edited by: SgtMuhammed ]
  9. Can't 11M (Bradley infantry) are afraid of the dark.
  10. Does everyone's look like this? Kind of pink? I know you can get some wierd hues on the real ones depending on the angle you are looking at them but does everyone's look like this?
  11. A note about the wimpy 60mm. If you are patrolling and suddenly explosions start going off around you, you don't really stop to say, "Oh, those are just 60mm, keep going men." They can still kill or supress, they just can't ignore as much cover as thier big brothers.
  12. Now you need to put a drunk GI in the back and make a voice mod of the MPs saying, "Now you can tell your buddies that not all MPs are jerks."
  13. Just an observation. Design what you like. Generally if you think it is a balanced fun scenario then so will most of the other players, at least that is what I have found. If you get too hung up on designing for others then you end up with something you might not like and are unwilling to really work at, which makes the end product suffer.
  14. 1. Yes everyone in the same group. I was thinking that maybe it was the assault order thing but the troops in the first example I listed were moving under an advance order. 2. Kind of reminds me of the charge of the mortar troops in CMx1. 4. This has been noted and is being addressed by BFC. Has anyone noticed whether or not the new dynamic lighting affects night vision?
  15. The baseline for spotting seems to be a full squad. The best optics, recon vehicles, M1 SEP, etc, seemed to make the vehicle as good as an infantry squad but not appreciably better. When I get time I will try things such as buttoned/unbuttoned, spotter in cover, etc. One note, spotter in Hide seemed to have no effect on spotting.
  16. I don't think you'd wanna surf a beach with an HMG and sniper rifle in overwatch, no matter how cool the rifle is Curiously though, where is it? </font>
  17. I have seen several mods in the scenario section and CMMODS.
  18. Ok. Did some quick testing. Syrian veteran infantry: Clear day 0900: 500m range: flat terrain: All spotting units veteran Syrians hidden in grass, wheat, wheat with trench, brush, brush with trench, craters, woods, woods with trench, and trench in open. Spotting conducted for 5 minutes. Infantry squad (Base line): spotted enemy in woods, crater, trench, and grass in from 10 to 30 seconds. Wheat with trench in 2 min. Brush with trench 4 minutes. Unknown contacts in brush within 1 minute. (If equipped with Javelin Launcher same contacts were made within 2 minutes with no unknown contacts) Recon team: Grass and crater within 20 seconds. Woods within 1 minute. No other contacts within 5 minutes. Recon Stryker: trench in 30 seconds, brush in under 1 minute. Wheat trench and squad in grass 1.5 min. Trench in Brush 4.5 min M1 SEP: Grass and open trench within 10 seconds. Woods, craters, Wheat trench, and Brush within 1 min. Brush Trench 2.5 min. Bradley FIST: Craters, Grass, and Wheat trench within 10 sec. Open trench within 30 seconds. Woods within 1 minute. Hummer with no gun (only a driver): Troops in crater spotted in 50 seconds and nothing else. For infantry spotting seems to depend on the number of eyes spotting. A full squad is very good at spotting. Recon squads will see the same targets but take longer. Vehicle optics do seem to have an effect as the hummer with 1 guy with his Mk1 eyeballs seems to be nearly blind. The M1A2 SEP, however, spots almost as well as an infantry squad. These figures were taken from only a single test with each system so an average from more data might have different results. Interestingly, nothing spotted infantry in wheat or a trench in the woods. The infantry were facing away from the spotters and had no hide orders. Spotting units were given short fire arcs to keep them from shooting the targets.
  19. Sounds like the XP version of the old DOS Boot disk. But then none of you guys probably remember those.
  20. Congress won't let BFC fix that one.
  21. Yes, you can get troops to show up pretty much anywere on the map. It should be possible but the results might not be the same. Might be interesting to try though. I don't think there is a Superman unit to simulate CSM Basil.
  22. Sorry, forgot to run it. Too many pots on the stove. I'll try to remember to do it tonight.
  23. Ok, so I messed around with the waypoints and had some interesting results. Here are some of the things I noticed: 1. Once the infantry dismounts the Bradleys quit moving. I placed a waypoint on the covered side of a large building and told the infantry to dismount. So far so good. The next waypoint directs the platoon to take the building. The dismounts move out and the Bradleys stay put and give covering fire. Wonderful. The next order is to take the building on the opposite side of the building from the Bradleys. The infantry move out but the Brads remain in place. Luckily there were other Bradleys to provide fire but I was upset that the platoon did not move together. In an earlier run I had the unit quality set to green, low motivation, and the infantry must have panicked and dismounted early. Whatever the reason, the move to the next unit consisted of all the dismounted infantry and the crews of a couple dead Bradleys. Meanwhile the remaining Brads remained stationary in the woods and took no further part in the battle. Another platoon was given a waypoint within a building and all the Brads proceeded to mass around two sides of the building and then dismount their infantry. The infantry then attacked a different building, in accordance with another order, while the Brads remained stationary at the first building. 2. Even though the vehicles seem not to want to move once their troops are dismounted the crews from destroyed vehicles seem determined to fulfill their orders. I have seen several vehicle crews as part of the assault. Good motivation but strange. 3. The AI always seems to move its infantry with either “Fast” or “Quick.” AI infantry always seems to be running. I have yet to see them hunt. Maybe they do so when I can’t see them but too often they seem to just run into my guns. 4. Syrian Republican Guards infantry are blind in the dark. The scenario I am working on has about the last 30 minutes in the dark. Once the sun sets the Syrians go blind. The only units able to see were units with GPS icons, mainly SF, and the T72 TURMS. One SF squad had taken a couple casualties and I guess had lost their GPS and were unable to see. Their sister squad was at full strength and could see just fine. I found that a bit strange. Anyway I’m still messing around with it. I definitely agree that we need more groups.
  24. The AI though should call for fire on its own if it has access to the required assets, FO's and such. So far I have never seen it do this.
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