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Other Means

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Everything posted by Other Means

  1. They're described in the manual. They aren't dug in and so can be seen and avoided.
  2. If you see a tank with the turret turning with the tank, and it's at an angle rather than straight on, you know it's GD'd.
  3. There's a certain percentage that the tank will get caught, I think 50%. Therefore; don't rely on them. In my experiance it's futile to try to build a perimiter per se. Place a couple here and a couple there on the most likely overwatch places. If you have a strict perimeter your oppo knows where they will be, usually in a forward line, and can pick a route through. If you use the predicitive overwatch method he needs to scout everywhere his tanks are going to be.
  4. I said light AA has the same effect on everything, not everything has the same effect. Would you go along with that?
  5. I think light AA has the same effect on anything, i.e. gun damage.
  6. Interesting, I avoided them for the molotovs. I'll have to give them a look. For that matter I'll have to have a BB game.
  7. Jason mentioned PIAT's (which are CW AT weapons seen in CMAK) before so I thought I'd add my 2 peneth about them as they're my favorite AT weapon. Cons: Poor range. 50m is about the best you're going to get with them. Irregular reload time. This simulates the action of the PIAT where it was a little down to luck if it re-cocked itself. Pros: VERY stealthy. You can use them from the smallest patch of woods and unless your oppo is watching very closely he won't notice it firing. There's no sound or rocket trail. Good penetration. I've had them go straight through the front of 80mm StuG's, which is better than a T34/76 :mad: No backblast: They can be used from buildings. Cheap. Each CW platoon comes with 1 for about 12pts. Great for defense, especially coupled with the points above. Of course, this is the wrong forum for them but what the hey.
  8. It's way more than an FPS. That's just one component. See: http://1944game.com </font>
  9. If it's a FPS, are you going to model player suppression? No offence but otherwise who needs another FPS? BFC who run this site have all the model and other info you could ever want, all meticulously researched. They may be willing to sell it to you. You could even have a chat about publishing, possibly.
  10. Ditto, if the total file size gets too big for his share.
  11. Or try Falk's excellent site: http://cmak.jemian.com/
  12. In QB's against human opponents T34 charge tactics have left me with nothing to show but burning tanks. And I've tried about 100 times. You're going into territory where you have no idea about ATG's, infantry, mines, AT teams or anything else. The Germans have organic infantry AT and your opponent can buy more 80mm front StuG's than you can tanks. T34's are hopeless at shooting on the move, if they have to acquire targets they do it slower than Axis tanks and the ROF is slower so you have to risk more to achieve fire superiority. If you keep your TC's unbuttoned your opponent will have a sniper to kill them, and then they are basically just big Dinky toys. And you will be out pacing your infantry because any Axis tank will be able to keep them penned back down to grenade range, so you WON'T be able to set useful covered arcs. IMHO, the only way to beat Axis armor is to make them come to you. Use the T34's to win the infantry war until he's forced to bring his armor forward. Keep behind cover and you have all the ammo you need to pound down his MG's, even before they're resolved from sound contacts. Then when he brings his armour to challenge either mass, split or hide. The Axis player usually leads with his StuG's as before the T34/85 they will shrug most things off and kill everything in return. Now you can try to turn them, or have light flak try to M-kill him. But for the love of god, don't go rushing to his back line to try and get an angle, there's people who will kill you there.
  13. It's true. A nice walk in the country has me looking for covered routes, finding overwatch positions and seeing cover and concealment everywhere. My friends have even asked me why I'm steering them a certain way and have been...well, quite hurtful about my mumbled "mg nest...field of fire...overwatch" responses. I didn't even know I was doing it.
  14. If you need a backup, drop me a mail. I've also just recieved a mail from Erik Springelkamp addressed to you which I'll forward on. I've replied to him and told him I'm not you. At least...I think I'm not.
  15. How big is the zip? I could hold it for a time if it's <=10M. I won't set up a site to host images etc but people can d/l it from a URL you can publish.
  16. Washington has to at least get a nod for relinquishing the sword. </font>
  17. Beware of arguing by analogy. That way madness lies.
  18. TV was one of the best scenarios I've ever played and the other two were decent goes. Thanks for giving us them.
  19. The main PITA for me with LfB (after Mike left - boom tish) was the fact that I'd select for a waypoint, click...wait for the game to recognise it...and place it. Seriously, what's the designer running, Big Blue? Saying that, I really enjoyed the "feel" of the scenario rather than the actual playing. It felt like a desolate battle in a forgotten corner of Russia that only the dead would remember. If most of the craters, the fires and other cycle eating hogs were removed it might even have been fun. And yes, I was playing on auto-pilot before Elmar countered. But that's my fault I guess.
  20. In addition to all of the above it helps if you don't play it like a game. Play like your infantry are real men. Don't expect them to run for 20 minutes or to sit on top of a hill and be shot at. Left click on one of them. Now hit tab. You're now behind and above them, if you press the 2 on your number keys above the keyboard you will be 10m over their head. On the advance, look to where you think the enemy is and plan where to go to get there, avoiding high ground, keeping to cover etc. Cover is anything that will stop bullets coming in (different from concealment which just stops them being seen) like trees or rocks or a dip in the ground. Now select "move to contact" and set your waypoints on those pieces of cover, just do the next 100m or so, you can add more in the next orders phase. If the unit comes under fire, change the orders to "advance" to the next piece of cover. That's what you're going to do for each unit but you need to do that after you've taken a good look over the battlefield and seen where you think the most of this cover is and planned your advance through there. This will get you towards the enemy and hopefully within spotting distance of the shooter. What you need to do now is bring up your heavy HE (High Explosive) shooting weapons to hit where you think the shooter is to suppress them and allow your infantry closer. On the defense, do the same from the attacking point of view and try to think where you would advance through. Now get MG's, mortars, artillery etc to have line of sight (LOS) to places on that path. Your shooters should be able to see the path from the side, so that when the attacker brings up his HE chuckers, they have to advance from the back of the map to do so. If they can see where you're shooting from from the back of the map, that's where they'll stay and they will kill you. You want them close to bring them into effective range of your weapons that will kill them. The thing that generally throws HE is tanks. HE will kill from anywhere because it's the explosion that kills but with most things that kill tanks you need to still have the shell travelling fast, therefore it's range dependant. So when on the defense you want the attacker to come to pre-arranged areas where they can be shot at by your anti-tank guns. That's the basics really. It's the use of combined arms that's the real key to victory in this game. You'll love it, eventually.
  21. Conscript 155mm spotter + open map + 1 clump of trees for cover + TRP = ~150 Enemy infantry. Happy days.
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