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Other Means

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Everything posted by Other Means

  1. Usually I'd plug cmakdb; http://cmak.jemian.com/ But Folke's server blew up. Try again in a week, he's looking to get new...well everything.
  2. "Well, us Brits don't tell the French and other countries we borrowed our language from that they're spelling it wrong. Plus at least we had the decency to put a newish kind of language together, rather than just grab one and change a few spellings." You're welcome. I think what my compatriot is saying is; Talent borrows, genius steals.
  3. That was excellent - kudos. I think I managed to follow even without understanding the captions. Odd to see tanks without the targetting lines.
  4. I'm away thu to fri. Normal service restored fri night.
  5. I don't have one at home; don't know why you weren't getting through. Got your 3rd attempt.
  6. Then you really ought to play late 45 CW. Seeing a 75/L48 bounce off a Churchill really makes your day. That means you can take care of all the StuG's and PzIV's - they even get cower which is fun to see for the allied player. That means your opponent has to bring out his kitties. Achilles in overwatch can take out any uber cats and you can win the armour war for a change. It takes some rock-paper-scissors type handling but it's all part of the fun. Also, you generally end up with at least a Churchill left and their MG ammo never runs out.
  7. Yep. It's a long standing issue. I think it's been explained by the factory & the AFV being abstractions of what is actually there. In reality I reckon it's a bug they can't squash.
  8. Did you have the T34's on "hunt"? That makes sure that they stop when they see a threat and so gives the best chance for a kill. I share your frustration BTW and can well believe it happened.
  9. I've had Hetzers destroyed by 12.7mm HMG fire. Not sure if it was CMBB though. </font>
  10. Actually, I do have a fair amount of CMBB playing under my belt and have *never* seen a closed top AFV destroyed with one. Maybe my experiance is an outlier but from discussion here in the forum I don't believe so. So ineffective they are. They have had zero effect in the game vs recorded effect in real life. And so I stand behind the statement.
  11. While an American colonel evaluating the MC as a weapon in 1940 found it to be completely useless. Source: 'A Colonel in the Armored Divisions' </font>
  12. 1 - tank crews are given only pistols to stop players using them as recon when the tank is destroyed, as this is not historical. 2 - Heavy MG's have 3 crew directly serving the weapon but the other 3 are fetching ammo etc. 3 - Completely agree about the MC. The Hungarian uprising is a good demonstration of tanks being destroyed with MC's. I have no knowledge of the Panzerwurfmine. 4 - Captured small arms where used on an ad-hoc basis and as such their distribution cannot be built into the game. 5 - Bikes, motorbikes, horses. The argument for and against them went on so long it became a running joke on this board. The basic argument being any of them would not be used in the actual battle as the infantry fought dismounted. 6 - Recon units were used differently by the different sides and there area of operations isn't really relevant to CM. CM assumes all recon etc has been done and the troops are just being used as line infantry. Giving them extra stealth wouldn't help as they are not fulfilling their usual role. 7 - Grenades are *very* effective if used correctly. Your men must be unsuppressed and the enemy suppressed. Then grenade combat < 30m makes a lot of casualties. 8 - Snipers in the game are not the well trained guys {and girls for the Russians } you are thinking of, more a guy with a scoped rifle. However they can still be very effective. Use them to hunt down enemy artillery spotters, scout and most of all - kill tank commanders. They are one of the most useful units in the game. It is doubtful BFC will ever release CM as open-source as there is so much research gone into it. So yes, there will be no more patches and welcome to the forum.
  13. Well that sucked. A whole weekend without a single turn...admittedly I owe the St Naz setup but still.
  14. Obviously you can't see the TC portrait. The Tac AI, which both your commanders on the ground and the AI's commanders use, targets the highest value unit first, taking into account other things like likelyhood of killing etc. It's a workaround in the code but it works reasonably well. Of course, terrible gamey people will crest with all their tanks and then move their HQ tank back and forth in and out of LOS, thus making the enemy target the HQ, then the other tanks, then the HQ again etc and therefore lose the increased chance-to-kill ratio, while their own are happily scoring hits.
  15. I haven't submitted AAR's for the 1st round. I fully intended to but TBH I was that eager to get started I rushed all my setups and got them out ASAP. And therefore I got spanked. So I don't feel there are any lessons to be learnt from how I played because I'd dug myself a very big pit from the get go and no-one would play like that again. Ever. I'm playing as a NABLA reference in this round and taking a bit more time about it. As there are going to be less people playing (true?) I'll write up my games to the best of my ability if people would like to hear it. I'd also like to express my appreciation of the organisers - well done chaps. Cpl Carrot, if you're ever planning to work in the UK, drop me an email. We* are always on the lookout for developers and have offices in Liverpool & London. *dear god the site doen't work in FF & they've said "Lexus's". someone gonna get :mad: 'ed.
  16. 80mm front StuG's for what, 130pts? I love the feel of the scenarios in CMBB but the unit pricing policy is awful.
  17. Caption Competition! Wipe the thought bubble and go to the GF. Start a thread called "Caption Competition" and give the story, a link to this thread and the image. People will respond with witty<sup>1</sup> comments and you can use what you think she'll like best. <sup>1</sup> For a given definition of wit.
  18. If you start a game it should show up in the log shouldn't it?
  19. I think the scenarios look brilliant. I've sent a LfB turn out to Mike Dorosh and I'm nearly done answering Tiger Valley. St Naz will be done soon.
  20. "To The Volga, slow to load" is practically the name of that scenario I believe.
  21. I imagine it's personal preference but I think the PIAT is the best infantry AT weapon in the game. It's less accurate than the shrek/zook but a lot more stealthy. You can often get a couple of turns firing from a PIAT from the least amount of cover. You've got to wait for side shots sometimes but I think this is outweighed by it's good points. With a zook or shrek you get the distinctive sound plus the exhaust plume and often get spotted mid turn.
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