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Other Means

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Everything posted by Other Means

  1. troop. got it. was this mix enshrined in orders? if so i feel justified in asking for it in the patch (as much as anything else) as i feel the German formations where ad hoc. i'm sure such mixes happened everywhere as necessary. but if it's part of doctrine it's a different matter. AIUI, that (the Tp cmmd not taking a Firefly) was standard practice throughout the British Army. </font>
  2. ASUI Fireflys were mixed into Sherman platoons to give some extra AT capability. can this be represented using the current engine? if so, is there any chance of it being in the patch?
  3. was it conscript? they're not trained well enough in fire dicipline to have covered arcs.
  4. dammit. i actually felt my ears turn red. i'll cover up by saying i wasn't talking about this time.
  5. Even Cesspoolers know it's 'Jamoomba', you tit. </font>
  6. i really don't know how BFC are going to get around allowing area fire. after all, the player is Jambooba in these circumstances. i suspect it'll only be allowed if a unit has been seen by a unit that shares a radio net with the firing unit. and then after a delay to consider command delay. but then what happens to recon by fire? good luck lads.
  7. the T-34. mainly because it did what a tank was designed for, which isn't armour on armour engagements but to exploit a breakthrough. while the Axis were going for bigger & bigger guns & armour the T34 kept to the point. later, fitted with the 85mm gun it could kill most anything. but it's first job was to race into the rear areas of the enemy & kill the divisions at their roots. can you imagine Bagration with Panthers? half of them would have broken down within a week. the T34 was always there.
  8. i feel the Axis gunners where aided by the Allies using varients of the same model throughout the war. if you've shot at enough Shermans/T34's you know the range at first contact. give or take a small enough margin of error for it not to matter with a HV gun.
  9. so far, yes. not liked it but accepted it. and prayed for the patch.
  10. interesting. so first contact against you is infantry to infantry? unless you reveal some big HE chuckers just for the purpose. in which case - good swap for your opponent. most people prefer to use MG's to keep an opponents infantry at arms length. these pin your men without actually doing much damage, in which case rally time is IMHO) the most significant factor in keeping an assault moving.
  11. and another fly falls into the trap. heh heh.
  12. hey! i never said i was a novice, just that i'd been playing someone (The Crow on these boards) who handed me my arse on a regular basis. as to the split squad idea, i don't agree. see this CMBB thread for why. also, the green tanks are mainly for anti ATG & MG work. they don't need to be quick draw artists, especially as there *are* 5 of them plus 5 regs. any AT work could be done by them or the StuG's. the spotting would be done by the infantry, that's why they're there. as for the HT's...well as i said i've never (no not once) played as the Axis, but i've had similar things done to me. if you feel it's a bad idea i'd be willing to learn why. i've actually set up a battle vs the AI to see how it pans out. i may post a screenshot here of them all in flames if it proves me wrong.
  13. if you're going past wooded terrain, it's better to use many cheap tanks than one large <strike>target</strike> tank. if you're going Axis go Panzer IV's. it can kill anything but you can afford enough to overwhelm everything. and if you think the PzIV is weak, play the Allies for a while. also, buy some heavy on-board mortars to take down the AT guns. i wouldn't split my squads for recon. i think the rally time hit is too much. here's what i would go for, although there's bound to be better picks, i've never played the Axis, although i wouldn't mind a go. 1 reg, 1 green PzIVH platoon. 1 ref StuG IIIG (late). 1 reg PG '44 battalion. 1 vet armoured PG platoon (with the HT's) 1 reg SPW 250/9 platoon. 1 reg SPW 250/8 platoon. 2 reg 105mm (radio) spotters 2 vet sharpshooters 2 reg 81mm mortars. altogether 4500pts. i'd buy a lot of HT's & mix them up. a HT is strong enough to make him reveal hit AT assets before he can have a go at your tanks and have enough firepower to take down most things. if they are mixed up with gun HT's then they are a good balanced force by themselves, i think. advance the HT's first, with the infantry. 50m behind them the tanks, with the StuG's on overwatch. it's possibly worth "fast"ing your HT's to the trees with the vets in to clear patches. depends on the terrain of course.
  14. in CMAK terms i think i prefer the PIAT. it's very stealthy & can fire a few rounds off without being noticed. keep the range <50m & they work well but you get enough of them to risk going for the longer shots anyway. they do their job of making your opponent keep his armour out of the way very well. of course, i'd still rather have the later Panzergrenadier & all those lovely fausts & shreks.
  15. In the school of Elverum - a tiny hamlet - the Norwegian parliment gathered on April 9 and gave the government extraordinary powers to act in the best interest of the nation in the state of war that existed. Supra-constitutional powers in this case, not normally allowed. Fullmakt means er... letter of authorisition, kind of, or comission. You know if you give your wife a letter that says she can empty your bank account in your name, and sign it, that's a Fullmakt. The same day, the Norwegian King refused to accept the German suggestion of accepting German presence and protection, saying he'd rather abdicate. This was the first reaction the Norwegian state was formally capable of, on the invasion. It meant Norway chose to fight. This was not at all certain, before that point. The allies were much relieved, and joined the fray. Your ancestral compatriots can thus be said to have fought and died for the Elverum fullmakt, as it became part of the Allied cause. Whereas mine of course fought against it... Try Googling for Eleverum and Fullmakt written apart. Cheerio Dandelion </font>
  16. excuse me but what is "Elverumfullmakt"? google sent me back to this thread, which frankly scared the bejezuz out of me.
  17. also the little men in CMBB. why do they not have a commissar unit to follow behind & spread evil propaganda that The Fuhrer attacked first? WHAT ABOUT THE SOVIET BATTALIONS AT THE BORDER? <font size="-3">dammit where does all this spittle come from?</font>
  18. sorry Redwolf, do you mean to say indirect as your 2nd word? confused of Liverpool.
  19. they're valuable when playing as the British whose lack of short range firepower is a handicap in close terrain. but FT's following behind provide the instant hit that ensures fire superiority. the 2" mortars help as well of course.
  20. well, here's a guess: the infantry was in cover (buildings). yes it was the same cover as yours but i'm not sure that makes a difference. plus it was a whole platoon. plus the greens went in first followed closely by two squads of vets. plus they were fresh & hadn't been fired upon. all this coupled with their faith in their general made them hard to pin, therefore your FT's broke & ran. if i was going to use the FT's individually like that, i'd have had them "hide" by the closest wall to the advance, with a 30m cover arc. that way you get enough cover differential to maybe pin all the attackers. at least to get a couple more bursts off. but generally it's a bad idea to use any unit in a position where it can't be supported. (i can't find the autobahn map BTW)
  21. 1) "don't look at ze kamera don't look at ze kamera...oh nine, does zis greatcoat make my azz look fhat?" 2) "Guderian sends E twelve" "Scheiße. he sank my battleship" 3) the Wehrmacht mime squad practices the old mirror routine. "NO FRITZ. again! i graize my right hand unt you graize your levt"<sup>1</sup> <sup>1</sup> this was later abandoned as it was found to convene the Geneva convention.
  22. ah ha, i see what the problem is. most Italian buildings are built around a courtyard you see. that's just what it should look like.
  23. this TC last night said that they did fired on the move. he also said "the German's didn't fire like we did, 1, 2, 3. they would always stop & aim". so it looks like they were trying to get as many shots off as they could while driving for cover/angle.
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