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Posts posted by Moon

  1. Besides posting here, make sure to try some other ways to find online opponents for your Battlefront games!

    Buddy List

    Did you know that the vBulletin forum comes with a nifty buddy list feature, which allows you to see if other forum members are online and PM them? Live chat is not possible, but by exchanging instant PMs you can set up a game just as fast!

    You find the Buddy List in the menu bar on the top of the forum, right hand side under Quick Links -> Open Buddy List.

    The list is likely to be empty when you first open it. You can add users to your Buddy List by looking at the user's profile that you want to add, or by opening the Buddy List Management feature in your User CP (control panel).

    Battlefront.com Browser Toolbar Chat

    Do you know our Battlefront.com Browser Toolbar? Besides offering a quick way to interact with all the news from Battlefront.com, including Repository and Forum posts, News and Announcements, you also get a live online chat right in your browser, connecting you with all the other users (tens of thousands that is!) that have downloaded and are using the Battlefront.com Toolbar! Needless to say, the Toolbar is entirely free, no strings attached, and it's easy to install and deinstall (or hide) if you don't like it.

    Here is a direct link to the Battlefront.com Browser Toolbar page, explaining the details, and offering free downloads. The Toolbar is available for the following browsers currently: Microsoft Explorer, Firefox, Safari

  2. Unlearn what worked in the usual RTS games, and instead start thinking in terms of real people, real world situations and tactics.

    Take your time, and pay attention.

    Personally, I suggest playing WeGo first before tackling real-time. This will take the urge away to do the usual point-and-click "tactics"* that work in unrealistic RTS games. It will also help you "getting in close" to the action and notice the little things.

    *)One common mistake by newbies is that they tend to simply throw numbers at the enemy. This works in RTS games, but won't work here. Before rushing the enemy, hose known or suspected positions with fire. Then hose them some more. Then pour serious fire onto them. Then unleash really a lot of fire on them. Then, and only then, rush in :)

  3. Waaarg,

    the three game bundle only requires the base game to be installed. This means that it will even work with v1.00 (Paradox retail) or v1.01 (Battlefront release). 1.01 is recommended because you get the training campaign with it, but not required. The bundle will then install Marines (v1.10), British (v1.20), v1.21 patch, and NATO (v1.30) in this order.

    What game/version is your PS referring to? Thw v1.21 patch IIRC required v1.10.

  4. OMG, I can´t wait anymore.....

    Im new to the game and have only played the demos, but im afraid to buy the current bundles (Marines+British and NATO) and watch the big bundle (Marines+British+Nato) being released the day after. :(

    QQ: Im considering buying the CM:SF from GamersGate for U$9,00 will it work normally?

    Gamersgate has the 1.00 Paradox version on sale IIRC. Paradox stopped support for it. However, after you buy the Bundle, the modules will effectively convert your game to the Battlefront version anyway. So yes, it should work "normally" after you also get the bundle (or at least one module). If you don't, then you'll be stuck at v1.20 or will have to pay $1 for the v1.21 conversion.

  5. thanks for the update.

    QQ , whats to test out of interest ? why is it any different than installing 3 modules individually ?

    For one, you need the 1.21 patch for NATO. So you can't just jump from British forces (v1.20) to NATO. So we have an installer which takes care of all of it. What needs to be tested also are the dependencies - will it work with a Paradox CMSF 1.00? What if it's already patched? What if there is a module already installed etc. Lots of little things.

  6. Well, the NATO installer is not programmed to remove any Modules. I guess it's possible that one of your anti-virus or similar security programs quarantined it.

    If you purchased Marines from us, then your download is god for 365 days. If you forgot to make a backup copy of the setup files, then you can re-download within that period. After that period expires, and you don't have a local backup, you can request a re-download at www.battlefront.com/helpdesk. It will cost $5 (and you'll need your Marines license key, it will be deactivated).


  7. Well, we did move to a different server which changed a few things. Maybe updating any bookmarks you saved would be good, too.

    Having said that, I did make a small change to cookie behavior just now. Maybe it will solve the problem you guys have, maybe it will now cause problems for everyone, we'll see :)

    BTW, the forum isn't an online banking account or some such. There is no real need to log out when you leave it. Using the "Remember me" setting is pretty safe.

  8. No. This isn't exactly true. I just did it. Came here. Was not logged in. Logged in as usual.... was told to wait or click here....waited....it booted me to the relogin page....I chose instead to refresh (nada)....Still not logged in.

    Are you sure that you are not logged in? No "Welcome" message in the right upper corner? Have you tried hitting F5/refresh at that point?

  9. Prior to the v1.21 patch, there has been a bug in Unlicensing. It would often prompt you to unlicense the last installed module only. This was fixed in 1.21 and if you have NATO and it was installed correctly and working, then you should have no problem with this.

    You will find "Unlicense" linky under Start->Programs->Battlefront->Combat Mission Shock Force (or whereever you installed the game). You can call them one by one and unlicense all the modules by hand. Or, when you hit the "uninstall" link, you will be prompted to unlicense all of the modules one by one as well.

    You do not have to unlicense CMSF, the base game. That's intended. That's because when you later reinstall the base game and a module, (re-)licensing the module will automatically activate the base game, too.

    For more information about all of this, see our Knowledgebase at www.battlefront.com/helpdesk.

  10. Yes. I understand that, regarding once you clear your cache.......You are required to log in again... The problem starts from there. Once you are logged in (you really aren't) once you go to post in the forum. You have to re-log in again several times or hit the refresh until it is recognized.

    I will go with the F5 option from now on.

    No, you don't have to re-log in several times. Hitting refresh once after the first login will do the trick. This forces your browser to sync the login status. Note that this is a problem with your browser and cache settings, not the forum.

  11. meade95, if you clear your cache manually, then it is normal that you need to log in again. That's intended behavior.

    After logging in, hit F5 (or whatever the "reload" key is in your browser) if you do not appear to be logged in. This will force loading the page from our server instead of loading it from your cache, and should be all that is needed in order to sync your login status.

  12. Lethaface,

    After pressing F5 I was though.

    This happens when your browser is caching instead of actually re-loading the page from the internet.

    However this time in FireFox I checked 'remember' details and now FF logs me in on the forum automatically. So that should solve everyone´s problem.

    Heh, yes. If you don't then your session info is deleted when you leave the page. Now, it isn't deleted while the session is still active. However, if you have caching issues on your PC (as indicated by having to press F5 to reload the page), then your session may in fact be closed by the server.


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