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Posts posted by Moon

  1. Heh... yeah, this can happen. The installer attempts to figure out the correct path from your registry, but this isn't failsafe, especially if you have retail version of CMSF, or also if you manually copied files. It's always good to doublecheck the install path. It HAS to match the place where your game is installed, otherwise, obviously, the module won't work correctly, or not even show up.

  2. Each module is $25 when bought separately. So you'd pay $50 for it (same as for the three game bundle, but then if you have Marines already, you gain nothing). If you order "mail delivery" or "download&mail", you save on shipping, as the second game will only cost $1 in S&H.

    We do not plan to offer a NATO+British pack.

  3. For me this is not an issue, but for one buying a module package it sure sounds like it may be... Am I correct in thinking earlier modules remove the need for the Paradox patch?

    Correct. ANY module removes the need for the Paradox patch. After installing a module, you only need Battlefront patches, and you do not need to patch the base game separately. Patching a module always updates the base game automatically (just like licensing a module always activates the base game automatically).

  4. Oh, and to answer the original question:

    you definitely need the game patched to v1.21 before installing NATO. I think the other replies in the thread explained the seeming confusion. If you only have the Paradox Plain Jane CMSF game and nothing else, then this may mean having to buy the $1 v1.21 retail patch. This upgrades your game to v1.21 (and converts it to a Battlefront version, since Paradox stopped support).

    There is a way to avoid the $1, but it's a bit convoluted. You have to patch CMSF Paradox to whatever latest version patch is available for free (v1.20 I think), then install NATO. It won't work (correctly). THEN install the v1.21 Battlefront patch (it's free), and then install NATO again.


  5. Not that i am quibling about spending $1 (or about £3 after fees in practice) , not much point in purchasing 1.2.1 (paradox) as im planning to purchase module .... could do with that NATO/BRITS/MARINE bundle though. How long before the buddle is availble (historical how long does it take 1 day , 1 week, 1 month ?)

    A week or two? Not sure. There are a bunch of other things on the plate that need to be done first (such as the 1.30 patch and demo).

    BTW: The Marines+Brits bundle is available right now for $35. If you buy that and Nato, you'll spend $10 more than later with the three-module-bundle, but you can have it right away.

  6. The nato patch 1.30b is downloadable before the nato module is released :confused:

    The 1.301 Hotfix was released early because the only people that may be needing it are some of the pre-order customers (who have been able to download already since yesterday). If you didn't pre-order, then you do NOT need this hotfix.


  7. Combat Mission Shock Force v1.30 features/changes


    o Teams and Squads can share ammo with other members of their immediate formation (usually their platoon).

    o Soldiers with movement orders will move before reloading their weapons.

    o Area fire orders are immediately canceled when any active member of the firing team/squad enters the target area. This allows for better room-clearing.

    o Troops have better discipline sticking to covered-arc orders.

    o New animations: idle, aiming, and reloading for ATGM gunners, and idle-prone for riflemen.

    o Soldiers won't fire grenade launchers at point-blank range.

    o Updated Syrian soldier model.

    o Corrected issues with some Syrian soldiers having wrong uniforms.

    o Operators of non-deployed man-portable AT-7 and AT-13 ATGMs won't stand up prematurely, and firing "from the shoulder" works properly.

    o Fixed a bug that occasionally caused fatigue too rapidly.

    o Troops are slightly less likely to use AT weapons versus infantry targets that are not in buildings.

    Artillery and Air Support

    o All-new Syrian air power: MiG-21, MiG-23, Su-17, Su-21, and Su-25 jets; Mi-24D Hind D and Mi-24P Hind F helicopters; AT-2 Swatter, AT-6 Spiral, AS-7 Kerry, and AS-10 Karen missiles.

    o When a support mission is activated, its estimated time of arrival continues to be updated in the Support View as time passes. Note that this is only an estimated time, and the actual arrival can come sooner or later.

    o "Light" artillery missions have slower rate of fire.

    o Corrected a bug that prevented a few types of blue-force weapons teams from calling in artillery.

    o When air support expends its ammo (marked "empty") it also displays "landed" rather than "busy".

    User Interface

    o Floating icons for units that are not capable of receiving commands (e.g. panicked, destroyed) are partly faded.

    o Team weapons that are not deployed, and cannot be fired in that state, show a "Not Deployed" message over the weapon silhouette.

    o More descriptive names are shown for ammunition types in common calibers, e.g. "7.62x54R" instead of simply, "7.62mm".

    o The morale state of Shaken is highlighted in red (like Panic) instead of yellow, since, like Panic, the unit is out of player control.

    o RPK and RPK-74 show the correct green and yellow icons.


    o All BMP and BTR series vehicles have passenger firing ports.

    o BMP vehicles allow passengers to acquire much of their MG ammo.

    o Slight increase to Bradley vehicle armor.

    o Fixed a bug that could cause a BMP-2 gunner to reload for too long a time.

    o Vehicles create even less dust when driving in wet conditions.


    o On-map mortars will fire when given Target Light orders, but at a very slow rate of fire.

    o Accuracy of SPG-9 reduced slightly.

    o Antipersonnel mines modestly reduced in blast power.

    o Updated RPG-16 rocket model.

    o Updated M72 LAW model.


    o New sound effects for collapsing buildings and walls.

    o Sounds for armor penetrations and ricochets by large projectiles are louder.


    o Changing door/window layouts on the sides of buildings is easier in the editor 3D preview. When control-clicking buildings, for convenience, door configurations are skipped for upper levels without balconies, except when your camera view is inside the building. This makes it easier to set up "interior" walls between immediately adjacent buildings.

    o In the unit editor, when you rename a unit that is not a formation (e.g. squad, vehicle) the name change applies to that unit's leader, not the unit itself.


    o Updated TO&E.

    o Fixed a PBEM bug that occasionally caused orders to be skipped.

    o Corrected a problem that could cause both players to set up in the same zones in a Quick Battle.

    o Computer player can set up mines and IEDs better.

    o Nonexplosive projectiles hitting dirt at night don't show "sparks".

    o Doodads (e.g. grass) are properly darkened when in shadow.

    Marines Module Only

    o Corrected a gun barrel alignment problem on the T-90 tank.

    British Module Only

    o Fixed a bug related to British Jackal/WMIK crews and their dismountable heavy weapons.

    o Scimitar is more likely to fire APFSDS than HE at a BMP.

    o Fixed a bug where a 51mm mortar gunner could switch to his rifle and abandon the mortar unnecessarily.


    Changelog for 1.21 (and earlier):


  8. The NATO installer will not remove any files. It's not coded to do anything like that.

    Look inside the Modules folder of your CMSF installation directory. Do you see the file "CMSF Marines Module.exe" there? Look into the Data folder - do you have the "Version 110 Marines.brz" file there?

    If they're missing, then something removed it. It could be your anti-virus program.

    The solution would be to reinstall Marines. But if you do that, you will downgrade your game, so you will really have to:

    - install Marines

    - install British

    - patch to v1.21

    - install NATO


  9. BTW, this may get lost in the readme, so I thought I'd mention it here:

    since v1.21, the installer copies any existing hotkeys.txt file and renames it to hotkeys_old.txt before overwriting it with the new version default. This only works though if no hotkeys_old.txt file already exists in the Data folder (the installer will not overwrite it). You can then compare the old file with the new file and make any adjustments as needed. Simply copying the old file back usually won't work.

  10. Ooops. Is that going to effect the early adopters?

    Only a few, and only if you do not have the other two modules (British+Marines). The first symptom if you are affected is that it's asking you to license a module you don't actually have. If that happens, simply ignore the request, and before launching the game, download and run the little hotfix file for NATO that you can get from www.battlefront.com/patches (or if you click on the Check for Updates link).

    But everybody downloading now and for the past couple of hours or so does not need this hotfix, as the main files have been corrected already.

  11. The ReadMe file addresses this issue. It is visible when you launch the NATO installer (before actually installing anything):


    NOTE: Save games from v1.21 ARE COMPATIBLE with v1.30, provided that you save your turn-based games in the COMMAND phase (not the replay phase) before upgrading to v1.30. If you are upgrading from an earlier version than 1.21, e.g. 1.10 or 1.11, then save games from these versions are NOT compatible with 1.30. In this case, we recommend you backup your existing "CM Shock Force.exe" file before continuing with this install by renaming the file to something like "CM Shock Force old.exe". You can still launch the game with that renamed exe and finish your previous in-progress battles. Using that old exe however, you will not have access to all the new features of v1.30. Once you have finished your old games, you should delete that old exe file.

  12. If you are going to offer pre-orders early access, why not have an option for download only pre-orders.

    Because pre-orders as it is do something good for the customer (he/she saves $10), and something good for us, too (we get more orders for hardgoods and get a better return on our investment to print them in the first place).

    BTW, it was not planned to have the delay be as long as it is. But the first batch of installers had a small bug and we needed to fix this first before making the actual release. It won't be long anymore.


  13. Chad, being the only user on the computer does not make you the admin. From Windows XP on, and even more strictly with Vista and W7, you have to run with "elevated" special permissions. It's a Microsoft "feature". At least as long as you have UAC (User account control) enabled, which it is by default.

    Setting the game to launch as "Run as admin" is what will fix the problem. Disabling UAC will also solve it. If "nothing happens" even after you launch with "Run as admin", then something else may be interfering in addition to UAC. Check out our Knowledgebase at www.battlefront.com/helpdesk for possible solutions. You can submit a support ticket there, too.

  14. Hi Matt,

    NATO is not a standalone. It requires the base game to be installed AND PATCHED TO v1.21. You do not need to have any other modules installed, but you do need the base game.

    Still, your problem led me to find a little bug in the installer! It affects people who do not have one or both of the other modules, and *may* lead to an error similar as you reported. Not too many people should be affected, and a hotfix is forthcoming.


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