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Posts posted by Moon

  1. I've been royally pissed about CMx2 the last few days, because when it doesn't work - it just doesn't work. No small box pops up, nothing.

    You should probably be royally pissed about Windows or your anti-virus software instead. One of these probably blocks the execution of the program. Which is ok. What is not ok is that, like you say, it does so without any indication of what it is doing.

    First things first: make sure you launch CMSF with full administrator rights. Right-click, select "Run as admin" from Properties. That already should help in most cases. If it doesn't help, check if you have the file runservice.exe in your C:/Windows directory. If you don't, then try reinstalling the game but this time make sure you do so with full admin rights, and, before you first launch it, you set the Run as admin flag.

    If that doesn't solve it, then the next thing to look for is your anti-virus program. Some aggressive ones, especially those coming with toolbars and what not, tend to get into the way, and - what makes this bad - don't tell you. Our knowledgebase at www.battlefront.com/helpdesk has a few entries for the most intrusive av programs. Nothing against av programs, but some really go too far, without telling the user what they do, and are a nightmare to shut down (I spent a week once trying to get rid of Norton).

    The LAST thing to look for are your DEP settings. "Data execution prevention" used to be very buggy in early CPUs but this has improved a lot, so for most people this should not be an issue.

    If all fails, submit a support ticket at www.battlefront.com/helpdesk. We can work with you specifically to get it to run.

  2. Point should be to encourage pre-orders, no?

    Actually, no, not really :) We are offering pre-orders mainly because a) people ask for them and seem to come to expect them and B) because it somewhat helps us in planning physical goods production, especially printing. We do not try to "push" pre-orders. There is no reason to, and nearly no difference for us if you purchase a pre-order or buy the full game a few weeks later. Everyone should make their own decision about wanting to pre-order or not.

    Many game publishers are building up a hype before release. There are several reasons for that, one of the main ones being that they have to invest a ton of money into advertising and want to recoup that investment as quickly as possible. So they try to tell you, the customer, that pre-orders are good for you, cool, or what not.

    We don't really follow this approach, and don't want to "dupe" anybody into pre-ordering. Our games are long-time sellers, and our business model is set up in a way to make the best return over time, not on day one. We're lucky, this way :)

    Having said that - pre-orders ARE attractive for people who plan on buying the hardgoods version anyway (since they save a whole bunch of money on the "download & mail" delivery option), and in the specific case of NATO for people who plan to order Afghanistan and NATO anyway. If you do not fall into these categories, you may just as well wait.

    BTW, just so there is no misunderstanding: it's not like you can't play Afghanistan immediately after your order even if you purchased a NATO pre-order! We're only talking about the phyiscal goods here. If you purchase Afghanistan as a download, you can download immediately after your purchase, as usual.

  3. A small point, I'm sure, but you mentioned that the shipping policy was on my CONFIRMATION email. Wouldn't I have gotten that AFTER I'd placed my order?

    It is *also* available there. It is shown to you before you place the order, too, when you click the little "agree to terms" checkmark before you're able to submit the completed order for payment.

    (FWIW, I DID receive a confirmation about how to DOWNLOAD the UNAVAILABLE NATO, but it said nothing about your shipping policy. I have searched my email folders far and wide and I cannot find any other confirmation email. Shrug. It is no matter.)

    IIRC, you get two emails after a successful purchase of a product including download delivery. One contains your download info, and another one with the confirmation of your Purchase Order. The latter, when you scroll down, contains a complete copy of the Sales Policy. (For the record, you may get a third email with a payment confirmation and a fourth once a product ships with the Order Status update, as well, but this doesn't apply to all customers).

    If you didn't get the confirmation email, then it's probably got stuck in your spam filters.

  4. Perhaps a notice on the shopping cart page that SHIPPING WILL BE DELAYED UNTIL ALL PRODUCTS ARE AVAILABLE could be added?

    It's there already (albeit not in neon colors and flashing :)). It's part of the "Terms and Conditions" that you have to agree to for each purchase. IIRC it says the same thing that our "Sales Policy" page reads as well:


    If your order contains any out of stock, backordered or Pre-order items your order will NOT ship until all ordered items are back in stock. We do not ship out partial orders.

    A copy of this is also at the bottom of your order confirmation email.

    Granted, it may have been a good idea to mention this specifically on the relevant announcements. Frankly, I forgot, mainly because this policy has been in effect for so long (11 years, the entire existance of Battlefront) that it didn't seem like it would require explicit mention that an order containing a pre-order item won't ship until the pre-order item is available.

  5. Our experience with Canadian customs has been all over the place. We had very long inexplicable delays as well as very quick deliveries in the past. It really seems to be hit and miss and/or depend on the local customs office handling your order, more than anything.

    On average, though, shipments across the border do seem to take somewhat longer than one would expect, compared to shipments to other parts of the world that we do regularly from the US warehouse, such as Australia or Asia, especially considering the fact that our US warehouse is within a couple of hours drive of the Canadian border :)

  6. Yes, I used the phrase "How to install Mods" in the Search function and got this reply:

    "The search term you specified (to) is under the minimum word length (3) and therefore will not be found. Please make this term longer.

    If this term contains a wildcard, please make this term more specific."

    It balks at your use of "how" and "to". These are extremely common words as you can imagine and would have been found a million times. Have you tried "install mods"?

    I tried every variation of phrasing installing Mods to no avail (after refreshing the image verification a half dozen times until I was actually able to read one).

    You do not need to enter the image verification if you are doing your search while logged in. The image verification is only used if you are using the search function as a guest, i.e. when not logged in.

  7. 1. Has CMA been shipped to any customers yet and if so, when were they shipped? I cannot find any shipping date info on my account page.

    Yes, shipping has started a day or two after release. The order status in your online account changes from "Confirmed" to "Shipped" within 24 hours after a product is processes for mailing.

    2. Has anyone that ordered CMA "mail only" received their copy yet?

    Yes, of course. Many people have received their hardcopies already.

    3. If I ordered it along with NATO, do I have to wait for NATO to be released and then have it shipped as one package or will they ship separately when each becomes available?

    If you pre-order NATO together with an order for Afghanistan (or any other product), then your order is on hold until the pre-ordered item becomes available, as per our standard Sales Policy.


  8. Why would you need to unlicensed separate modules that can't be played without the base game after they have been installed?

    Because you are unlicensing "keys" (or, to use another word, licenses), not games, and modules are purchased separately, and therefore are a separate license (and hence use a separate key).

    The situation seems to be, unlicensed CMSF and it also unlicences the Brit module. But not Marines.

    As mentioned before, and as the Knowledgebase explains: once you have a module, you do not need to do anything with your base game (key) - ever again. Licensing a module, licenses the base game. Unlicensing a module, unlicenses a base game. Simply don't unlicense the base game, and you won't run into any confusion.

    Starting with v1.21 patch, there are links to unlicense every module in your Start->Programs menu group. Simply click on each module you have, and unlicense them one by one, that's all that you need to do.

    I'm grateful that not many companies use this system as between my family I think I had about 30 games on one of my PCs and doing this that many times, well tedious is not the word I'd use.

    Unlicensing takes literally one second (and one click). So if you have 30 games that you need to unlicense, you will spend 30 seconds on it. I wouldn't use the word tedious, either.

    The 30 seconds you spend unlicensing your 30 games during the 1 time every year or two (or more) that you change computers is a tiny price to pay (if you ask me) for the total transparency no-backdoor no-intrusion services that eLicense provides, unlike most other DRMs.

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