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Posts posted by Moon

  1. We have started offering print-friendly versions of the PDF manual with the CMSF British Forces module. The full version of CMSF includes a print-friendly PDF as of one of the recent patches. There will be no print-friendly manual in the demo, though.


    PS. Full versions are often also available with a full printed manual, disc and case via mail delivery for only $10 more (plus shipping).

  2. So in fact you both could win?

    If you mean if both could achieve their objectives, then yes. As Elvis points out, the players can have entirely different objectives. This was in CMSF already as well. One side may have to hold a certain piece of ground while for the other that particular objective is worthless, and instead it must eliminate a specific unit etc.

    But, both sides cannot "win" as such. If both "win", then by definition you have a "draw" :) (...assuming that the victory points awarded for the objectives are equal).

  3. Question here Steve, and I hope it does not appear I am needlessly splitting hairs. There is cover and then there is concealment. Now, in the above situation, the enemy sees the guy on the left, but cannot see the other guys. Lets assume the inability to see the other guys is a product of concealment, not cover. So the enemy engages the one guy they see, and the others are in the 'beaten zone'. So even if the enemy cannot see the other guys, can the fire affect them, sort of like area fire?

    Yes, of course. CMx2 traces (nearly) each bullet and shell. Even a ricochet off a tank or a bullet (we're talking not just large calibar shells but small arms fire, too) can cause damage at the point of secondary impact. Whatever is at the point of impact will be affected, concealed or not.

  4. Have you guys been changing eLicensing software?

    No. What changes is your anti-virus/internet-security etc. software. It changes whenever you update definitions or change settings etc.

    All the problems/crashes you are listing are caused by a system on your PC blocking the exeuction of parts it (erroneously) thinks are malicious (it assumes the worst because it cannot decode the encryption). Comodo seems to be one of the most intrusive systems in this regard. I would suggest to submit a support ticket at www.battlefront.com/helpdesk if you haven't done so already. Ian (Schrullenhaft from above) can perhaps try to help you there in more details.

    You could also contact Comodo as it's their software faulting here and tell them about this "false positive" (good companies will ask you to send them the flagged files etc. and will update their definitions).


  5. I had to use paypal to avoid some anti-fraud hiccups, even though I had entered 100% correct info.

    You may have entered it 100% but the information that your credit card provider has may not be :) The anti-fraud filters take the information that is registered with your credit card provider and compare it with the billing address, ZIP, street number etc. that you use for the order. Even if you enter the latter 100% correctly, if the info we get from your credit card provider doesn't match, you'll be rejected.

    Call the service number on the back of your card to make sure the information matches. I don't know for sure but I think it may take as little as having an extra appt. or unit number in there (even if the rest of the info is correct) to throw a red flag.

  6. Yet Google registered all the credit cards they send to the participants to their company address in the USA. Does that mean that I should enter that address -- despite me living not there -- when registering?

    Probably yes. The anti-fraud filters compare your billing address to the address that the card is registered to. It needs to match exactly. You can enter a different shipping address (which would be your home address).

    I'd also prefer to use that card instead of registering on paypal,

    You do not have to register on Paypal in order to use Paypal and pay with credit card. Paypal will let you use a credit card through them a number of times without a Paypal account before they will ask you to register.

    What you have to do is choose Paypal as payment method in our store, and on the Paypal page, instead of registering or logging in, click on the "Pay with credit card" link which is usually somewhere on the left side of the screen. The actual layout of that page seems to vary a little, but here is a screen (I google'd it).


  7. first you sign away exclusive rights... then you agree to be an apple groupie, then you agree to apple taking all your profits, then you agree to modify the game down to the average MAC users level ;)


    Oh, so it's like every other contract with one of the bigger publishers? Nothing new then :)

    As someone else pointed out, I don't think exclusivity is required (it would be a showstopper obviously if it was).

  8. they're very supportive of indie companies and the mod scene in general.

    In short, they're not EA or Activision.

    Yup, like I said, they're smart. Pushing all the right buttons with the customers and making that red pill easy to swallow. They're the Facebook of games. More power to the Steam groups!! Make more CM Steam groups!!! :)

  9. I think it could be simulated fairly accurately in the hex and counter board game Squad Leader that is oh about 30 years old. But designed for effect, and designed well.

    If you ask me, the problem with this approach is that the outcome is "designed" before the event takes place. This is useful for a "historical stats reproduction machine", but that machine cannot be applied to anything else than it was specifically designed for (or that which the designer wanted to achieve with it), or the outcome will be entirely irrelvant.

    One man's thoughts...

    Which would be more valuable if they were not based on a "hazardous" guess before even seeing the game.

    IMO, one reason why you will constantly see relatively high casualties in any game is because we are (thankfully!) not playing with real lives. There are no ill effects of sending all your men to their death. And while morale for the individual soldier is simulated to some extent, that extent is very limited to the immediate situation the unit IS in, and not what it WILL be in. It only manages to offset the effects of a reckless armchair general by a little.

    Lastly, let's not forget to compare apples to apples. Front line units generally had way higher casualty rates than if you take a whole battalion including supply, staff and others, obviously.

  10. The license remains and can be separately removed after the game is uninstalled, as far as I know.

    I don't think that's possible. The main executable is the program you call to unlicense. Obviously that is nuked during deinstallation.

    You can unlicense it after you reinstall the game. Removing the exe does not remove the license for it, and you can unlicense it after reinstalling.

  11. I never understood why uninstalling the game doesn't run the unlicense process before nuking the thing?

    Uninstalling DOES trigger the Unlicense routine. When you start uninstallation, the unlicense window is the first thing that pops up.

    But it's not automatic. You have to click on the "Unlicense" button (usually, your key will be already entered for you). If you don't and click "Cancel" instead, then the uninstallation will continue without unlicensing.

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