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Posts posted by Moon

  1. they will give you new licenses

    To be exact, we won't give you new licenses, but will reset your existing license key so you will regain one of the two instances you can have at the same time. But the, by far, better and faster way is to UNLICENSE a key from your end. See our Knowledgebase for more details about how eLicense works.

  2. see BF , this is why a POLL system on the forum would be helpful ... we could anonymously post our age without being embarrassed .... just think of the free market research ...

    There is a poll system on the forum. We just don't use it.

    I remember a poll on the forums back from CMBO/CMBB days and I think the average age was 42 or something...

    It was slightly lower back then, in the mid to upper thirties. It had actually decreased over time as well, to the lower thirties / upper twenties a couple of years ago.

  3. A pretty good one (actually, one of the best I've read) is our own http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=shop.flypage_bfc&product_id=89&category_id=23&manufacturer_id=0&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=26 from the Battlefront Bookshelf, which came out together with CM Afrika Korps. Even though focussed on North Africa and Italy, it does provide for some excellent reading.

    We also have Bibliographies for CMBB and CMAK.

  4. It doesn't matter if the key is nuked because you will never need it again. The Knowlegdebase article I linked to provides a step by step guide for reinstalling, and as you see, after installing CMSF you don't need to activate it. Simply install a module and THEN activate both.

    Saving away a copy of the executables doesn't make any difference for several reasons, including compatibility with non-Battlefront retail versions of the game.

    Every key that does count (i.e. all the individual module keys) are preserved and can be unlicensed individually (or altogether when uninstalling), as you would expect, so this is the "unlicense everything in the stack" option you're looking for.


  5. That's not 100% correct. Uninstalling and unlicensing are two different things. However, it's not 100% incorrect either, because usually whenever you uninstall, the unlicense dialogue is called up first, automatically. So in fact, usually whenever you uninstall, you should also have no problems unlicensing.

    You can unlicense manually by clicking on the "Unlicense..." link in the Start->Programs->... group of the game in question. Each game has that link since about the end of 2007. For other methods to unlicense, see our Knowledgebase at www.battlefront.com/helpdesk, e.g. this article: How can I unlicense my software?


  6. BTW, one feature not yet mentioned anywhere (I think) is that there are actually variations in the uniforms in the game now; the same unit (soldier) type can have a slightly different uniform on the map. I know that at least for the US side you will see a whole number of uniform shades (reflecting the historical hodgepodge of uniforms assigned for D-Day), even within the same platoon or squad. Not sure about the German shades, but at least there are a number of different helmet styles that I know of (plain, netting, camo).

    As for why there may be different textures... well, for example, some textures in the game are much older than others, early placeholders so to speak to make alpha testing a bit more pleasant. And we do in fact tweak things also based on beta tester feedback, and this includes potentially making different shades of stuff, such as e.g. camo schemes for vehicles.

    I do know that there was a (very nerdy ;)) discussion on the beta board about uniform shades for the Germans. As you know, Steve is a uniform buff with a huge collection, so rest assured that any such concerns are close to his heart :)


  7. In addition to range being realistically modeled for on-map mortars and guns, it will be really cool to have ballistic trajectory realistically modeled as a consideration in indirect fire support.

    It is realistically modeled, and you can in fact watch the rounds from a mortar as they lob from tube to target. I'll make sure one of the videos we'll release will show this, it's a neat effect.

  8. Will there be limitations to indirect fire for on-map guns?

    I know for sure of one limitation for on-map mortars... "weak" on-map mortars on extremely long maps may find that they cannot reach the far end of the map. The effective range of these on-map mortars is correctly simulated in the game. I assume (without having checked) that most on-map *Guns* are powerful enough to fire all the way to the end of the longest map you can have in the game, though.

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