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Posts posted by Moon

  1. Yeah, it's very nice and dandy that it works for you, however, i only get 20 fps with everything turned to lowest running at 1024x786 on a system with HD5770. Tbh, that is just plain stupid. There is so much discrepancy with performance between various computers that one does not know where to look for the problem.

    That's true, but what you are saying above is something else entirely than "CM is ugly" or "it's so slow". What you are saying is that you have problems on your PC with getting the performance/quality out of it that others get. That's an important modifier. Mind you, I'm not saying that the engine is perfect or can't be improved (it can and will be; with the basic simulation firmed up and polished, we will be able to add more and more visual/performance improvements to it over time). But I am saying that some PCs may need tweaking to get the best performance, and yours seems to be one of them. As I suggested before, tweaking some of your hardware/video settings may have a dramatic effect on what you see in the game. The game manual has various tips on what to try in the Options section, and I believe there are some hints at www.battlefront.com/helpdesk in the Knowledgebase area, too.

    Unfortunately, you can't assume just because you have the latest gadgets that the game should be running at 60 FPS with all the latest gizmo catchwords enabled. Many of the modern cards are optimized for specific big budget games and are using specialized functions and settings to provide you with the latest marketing-optimized eyecandy.


    PS. I know this isn't primarily about FPS, but here is an interesting web find: http://www.100fps.com/how_many_frames_can_humans_see.htm

  2. I have order NATO and want to order CMA but when i go to order charges full shipping price.

    Does anyone know if you can stagger the order for the shipping discount, or do you have to order them both at once to register for the discount?

    I assume you are referring to the Shipping&Handling savings mentioned on the website? If you order both NATO and CMA at the same time, then you will save S&H for the second item. This is between $9 to $19, depending on where you live. This is nothing new, and in fact applies to any order with more than one game in it. What happens is that our store charges a base S&H for "mail delivery" options, which is between $10 (US) and $20 (Europe). But for each additional product beyond the first, only $1 is added. So if you buy two games, you'll only be paying $11 to $21, respectively, thus saving between $9 and $19 on S&H for the second game when compared to buying two games separately.

    I know it sounds a bit complicated but it really isn't if you think about it :D

  3. This is with just 2x AA and 4x AF.

    Have you actually tried to change some of the settings and see if it improves? I have a very old PC here and my quality is much better than e.g. Marc's screen. You can see for yourself when you look at e.g. the CMA trailers which I made on this old PC AND running FRAPS capture at the same time.

    I seem to recall vaguely something about AA and AF settings and how certain settings can slow things down a LOT. You may want to play with your video card settings somewhat and test the results.

  4. Defaulting to My Docs (or other user related directories) is actually the recommended way to do it according to Microsoft. As Schrullenhaft mentioned, certain other directories, especially the 'Program Files' directory are 'read-only' by default (starting with XP, although not enforced there), which is causing problems with, among other things, save games etc.

  5. pkjsmith, you can see what a product includes exactly (manual, no manual, what type of box, CD or DVD etc.) when you go to www.battlefront.com/store, select the game you want, and then select the delivery method you want.

    For your convenience, I'll summarize here:

    1. There is no way to pre-order "download only". There is no point because you won't be able to download any sooner than when it's released (nor would it be any cheaper), so we are not offering this option.

    2. NATO will be, like British Forces, a jewel case with CD. No printed manual.

    3. Afghanistan comes in a DVD style amaray box with CD inside. There is no printed manual. For one, at $35 for this game it would be too expensive to print a 200 page manual. But secondly, the manual also does not differ so much from the CMSF manual - at least not in the game mechanics etc. - so we felt less need to print the whole thing this time around (*).

    Sounds like you should be going for "download only" based on your preferences. Just make sure to make local backups of the games you download (e.g. burn to disc etc.) because we do not offer infinite digital storage for your games, and your downloads will expire after 365 days.


    *) (but, Normandy of course will have a fully printed manual again)

  6. I find there are some programs that tell me that I require ADMIN status, when I am (or should be) Admin.

    Starting with Vista, your default account does not have full admin rights when UAC is enabled (which it is by default). Even if it's the only account on the PC, you may have to "elevate" your privileges for certain things. eLicense is one of those things. Another one is anything you want to write into your Program Files or certain other directories.

    The basic idea of UAC is legit, but the implementation by MS is rather lacking IMO, especially because users are not made aware of it in the docs and (even worse) not when errors pop up.


  7. Will there be a Marines + Brits + NATO bundle (mail delivery)?

    Hey, that's a good question! And the answer is: yes. Once NATO is released, we will also offer a "Modules bundle" with all three modules. This will replace the Marines+Brits bundle available currently (aka, the Marines+Brits bundle will be discontinued).

    I want to have hard copies of both CM:A and NATO. If I preorder NATO and CM:A package, will I received the boxed hard copies of both games when NATO is shipped?

    Correct. "Pre-order" always includes both "download & mail delivery", and if you select "mail only" or "download & mail" for Afghanistan, you will get hardgoods for that, too, once NATO is out.

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