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Posts posted by Moon

  1. Actually, eLicense is not intrusive at all. But it is encrypted. That encryption is to prevent the game from being hacked (which is what DRM is about, or at least should be about; not all DRM leave it at that ;)) and it is quite effective ;) Comodo (and some other AV programs) cannot decrypt it. A good AV program should now let you know that it can't scan the file instead of outright blocking it (and worse, not telling you about it). But it depends on your settings, too.

  2. Check your DEP (Data execution prevention) settings. Make sure they're set to block "Windows relevant" programs only. If it is set to that option, select it anyway, save the changes and reboot. That may help.

    Another issue we found is sometimes related to anti-virus "toolbars". These seem to be more and more popular with AV providers (because they make money off them ;)) and they tend to block what UAC and DEP are supposed to block, and do so without any notices and even if you disable UAC and DEP. So check if you have a toolbar running, and disable that (it runs even if you disable your AV, doh...)

  3. I'm definitely buying both titles - but I'm a little reluctant to fork out an additional $21 on postage. I'm in western Europe obviously. If I want to pre-order both titles there is no way to remove the S&H fees. I thought there was some S&H discount?

    Yes, there is. If you were to buy both titles separately with the "mail delivery" or "download&mail" options, you would pay $20 ($10 if you're in the US) for each. So, at $21 you're saving $19 for S&H.

    Only NATO is on pre-order. Pre-orders are not available for "download only". It doesn't really make sense to offer pre-orders for that (you can't download any sooner than when it's available for download...), so pre-orders are always "download&mail".

    Afghanistan is not on pre-order. It's released. You can purchase it as "download only" right away.

    So what you should do, if you want to avoid the S&H, is to purchase Afghanistan now, and wait to purchase NATO later once it's out.

  4. As the readme and the error message say, you need full administrator privileges in order to install and launch the game. This is needed in order for the license to activate properly. Right-click on the game, select Properties, and make sure that 'Run as administrator' is activated.

    It is normal behavior that you are not asked for a key during installation. You need this after the first launch, which is prevented because you're not running with the necessary Windows privileges.

    Check out your Windows manual for 'User Access Control' for more info about UAC.

  5. Sounds like it could be a problem with installing "out of order". The order in which you install is important. For example, when you install British and then Marines, you may end up effectively downgrading your game from 1.20 (British release version) to 1.10 (Marines release version).

    Here is the correct way to (re-)install CMSF and modules:

    - Install base game

    - Install Marines

    - Use Marines key to activate (this activates BOTH base game and Marines)

    - Install British

    - Use British key to activate

    (- Install NATO)

    (- Use NATO key to acivate)

    - Patch to the latest version (make sure to select the right components to update); currently this is 1.21

    When you install correctly as above, you will show v1.21 in the menu, and all modules will be properly activated.


  6. Actually, it works perfectly fine, HintJ, if you follow the instructions correctly. The patch allows you to choose which components to update. You have (incorrectly) chosen to update the base game and the modules, even though you do not have the latter. This installs different executables and follows a different unlicense logic than if you only have the Plain Jaine base game. Hence, your unlicensing broke by installing the patch incorrectly.

    The workaround for this would be to simply re-run the patch, and this time choose the right components (in your case, just "Update CMSF" and nothing else). Then you unlicense function will work again.

  7. Saved games go into "./Game Files/Saved Games" folder. If it's empty, then you may be running into a problem with Vista/Windows 7 that is preventing the files form actually being saved to disc. The fix would be to make sure that you run the game with full admin rights (Right-click->Properties->Run as administrator).

  8. The official confirmation of the release date will follow soon, but I can quickly confirm already now that the Russian street date is indeed September 10th. We will follow very shortly after that. The english version installers are being compiled and need to be tested, but that's pretty much all that needs to happen before release. There will be no pre-orders this time.

  9. I'm still trying to find the PRINTABLE manual for Brit forces.

    It is saved inside the game directory. The file is called "British Forces Module Manual v1.20 print friendly.pdf". If you use the Windows Search feature and search for this file title, you will find it.

    Incidentally, you will also find the save games that way, because inside the games folder is another folder called "Game Files", and inside that is one that is called "Saved games". That's where your saved games are located.

  10. Phil, there was a bug in versions prior to v1.21 with the unlicensing routines. It would often unlicense only the latest module. This has been fixed in v1.21, so after reinstalling make sure you update to v1.21 always. As part of the v1.21 patch, all the links to unlicense are copied correctly.

    The NATO manual will provide detailed instructions on how to unlicense and relicense the base game and modules. There are also updated articles in our Knowledgebase at www.battlefront.com/helpdesk.

    In short, the base game does not need to be unlicensed at all, because any module key will relicense the base game automatically.


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