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Posts posted by Moon

  1. No problem Rosseau!

    There is an easy way around the problem with your computer going south: burn a copy to CD, or copy it to a USB stick. These are cheap a dozen these days and can hold Gigs of data. That way, you will never lose the setup files you downloaded. And since your license key never expires, you're not going to have a problem loading the games even if your PC burns through.

  2. Actually, we are getting a (small) cut. We granted 1Cs wish to be on there. We won't be putting any other games up there for the foreseeable future.

    Steam is selling the series for some time now and the cakes are rather lukewarm so far. Steam is a multiplayer club for mainly FPS junkies and they do not suddenly all jump to buy a game they don't understand just because it's one of the 2000+ games listed on Steam. Some people pick it up because it's dirt cheap, for sure. People buy all sorts of things if they're cheap. If it's good for the hobby or Theatre of War is yet to be seen (I'm skeptical in case you're missing the subtle hints) :) The game series certainly deserves a higher price.

    Which games you will keep and play longer (the one with the non-expiring "eLicense crap" or the one with the "online archive") remains to be seen. Just note please that Battlefront is not providing support for games bought off Steam, you'll have to contact 1C's support directly.


  3. Which is: I have to log on five or six times sometimes just to post, and a double post is a result of this.

    There is no reason to log in so often. Once is enough. Here is how:

    1) Use the login in the upper right hand corner.

    2) If you log in at the login page (where you are redirected to after hitting the New Reply or New Thread button), then:

    - enter your login details and submit

    - if the page reloads and shows you the login window again (and you seem to not be logged in), click on the "Battlefront Forum" link in the top left corner. This will load the forum main page and will show you correctly logged in.

    There seems to be some kind of redirect bug in this version of vBulletin which reloads the login page instead of sending you back to the thread. I will add a FAQ entry about it.


  4. Please submit a support ticket at www.battlefront.com/helpdesk if you haven't done so already. Include your license key(s).

    If the 365 download period was juuust exceeded (like, a few days ago), and you didn't make a backup (e.g. burn to disc, as recommended) then we can give you an additional download for free; otherwise if it's further back, we offer a one-time re-download extension for $5.


  5. Wicky is correct, the forum login and the main site/store/repository/helpdesk logins are not connected in any way. You have a (separate from the forum) login for the latter if you either have purchased something from our store within the last 3 years, or if you manually register(ed) using one of the links on the main page.

  6. That's a very strong indication that your anti-virus program is throwing a 'false positive'. This can happen with anti-virus programs that are configured to 'guess' if a file could be a virus, and not only match known virus definitions. This is also called 'heuristic scanning'. It can also happen if a virus definition is not precise enough. You should try updating your virus definitions (usually, if you have a problem, other people have, too, with all sorts of files, and often the AV company will correct the problem from their end) and if that doesn't help, contact your anti-virus company and tell them that you suspect a false positive.

    What is also possible is that you already have some kind of virus on your PC not related to the files you download.

  7. If you purchased from us directly, then your license key is saved in your online customer account at www.battlefront.com. After logging in, click on "My Account" from the top menu.

    If you forgot your login, go to www.battlefront.com/lostpw, and enter the email address you used for the purchase. You will receive a new random password by email, as well as your username (called "user account" in the email).

    All purchases from Oct 1, 2007 on are logged in this system (means that you will definitely find Marines and later modules in there, since they were released after that date, but your CMSF purchase may not be in there, depending on when you bought it).


  8. Perhaps incorrect multi-core utilization? I seem to recall something about a setting that you could adjust in the game for this. Check out the game options and look for CPU or core usage. If it's on, uncheck it and try again. If it's not on, check it and try again :)

  9. Besides posting here, make sure to try some other ways to find online opponents for your Battlefront games!

    Buddy List

    Did you know that the vBulletin forum comes with a nifty buddy list feature, which allows you to see if other forum members are online and PM them? Live chat is not possible, but by exchanging instant PMs you can set up a game just as fast!

    You find the Buddy List in the menu bar on the top of the forum, right hand side under Quick Links -> Open Buddy List.

    The list is likely to be empty when you first open it. You can add users to your Buddy List by looking at the user's profile that you want to add, or by opening the Buddy List Management feature in your User CP (control panel).

    Battlefront.com Browser Toolbar Chat

    Do you know our Battlefront.com Browser Toolbar? Besides offering a quick way to interact with all the news from Battlefront.com, including Repository and Forum posts, News and Announcements, you also get a live online chat right in your browser, connecting you with all the other users (tens of thousands that is!) that have downloaded and are using the Battlefront.com Toolbar! Needless to say, the Toolbar is entirely free, no strings attached, and it's easy to install and deinstall (or hide) if you don't like it.

    Here is a direct link to the Battlefront.com Browser Toolbar page, explaining the details, and offering free downloads. The Toolbar is available for the following browsers currently: Microsoft Explorer, Firefox, Safari

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