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Posts posted by Moon

  1. Hi!

    The problem is not with Norton or administrator privileges. You get what you describe when one of the game components/modules is broken.

    It's unusual that you had to enter keys for British and Marines. Did you have British and Marines installed before? Did you have patch v1.21 installed before you installed NATO? (that's required)

    The http://www.battlefront.com/helpdesk is the best place for quick support (it's where your email automatically goes, to, btw, if you email "support").


  2. I never received a reply from sales re this, but do you charge a CC immediately an order is made, or after the product is ready and about to be shipped?

    (I thought it was the latter, but I nioticed my CC was charged a month ago when I made the NATO order.)

    It is the former, and this is stated on both the pre-order page as well as in the Sales Policy (online and email). The charge is made when the order is placed, not when it's shipped, and we encourage people to wait with their order if they do not like the idea of it. Charging when the order is made is a necessity we learned from the early days of CMBO. We had many many many many pre-orders, none of them charged, and when it came to shipping out product a lot of cards expired, changed addresses etc. Charging immediately resolves a major headache, and since we always ship within 4-6 weeks of the charge being made, there are no legal headaches, either.

  3. I feel the same way.

    Would be nice if the preorder had other options, like Nato and brits download for 35 dollars.

    paying extra in this day and age for a hard copy is nonsense to me.

    On a side note, will BF have any 2 for one sale options like a Nato / Brit combo package anytime soon ?

    You will get extra options once the game is released, such as "download only" for example. There is no point in pre-ordering a download.

    We are going to change the current Marines+Brits Bundle (aka "Modules bundle") into a Marines+Brits+NATO Bundle, but again, only after the game is out.

  4. Ok so basically I unistalled the game.. reinstalled it again. I get a message that says CM Shock Force .EXE has stopped working.

    Since there is no problem with the game, uninstalling and reinstalling won't change anything. You need to change what is stopping the game from launching, and that's - probably - your anti-virus or other security settings.

    LAME!!!! lol Guess I need a new disk... although mine is in perfect condition. I did everthing by the book. In Admin mode and nothing.. so my copy has some serious issues or something else is amiss. Although there are NO... .EXE files in the program files at all. so its not loading from the disk is my guess.

    There is no problem with the disc, and there has to be an exe because otherwise you cannot launch the game to enter the license. From your previous post, it seems like your anti-virus program is removing the exe after launching it.

    Thats all I got.. I will seriouosly consider buying all the packs.. as I dont want to buy something thats not going to work.. or install on my computer properly. Unfortunately none of my other Battlefront games like Windows 7 as well.. (Battlefront CM BB, or CMAK) although I read there is a patch that fixes this.... ???? Im a little sceptical right now.

    Submit a support ticket at www.battlefront.com/helpdesk and we'll make sure your PC is able to run the games.

  5. I installed the game... I went to Run it as Administer.... but maybe there is something wrong with the disc... there is not EXE. file at all. It accepted the license I have but there is no EXE file to be found? I will uninstall.. and reinstall again... if that does not work.. then I will either bag it... or buy a new version of the game. Cant see how a disc will go bad being boxed up.. but anything is possible. Anyways.. there was no .EXE file at all.

    The EXE file is what needs to be launched for the license window to pop up. If there was no EXE, then you would not have been able to license the game in the first place.

    The EXE may have been removed by your anti-virus program after running it!

    There is no reason to buy a new version of the game at all. Nothing is wrong with the game. You are fighting against crappy security implementation on your PC (not of your fault, there are many crappy programs out there unfortunately).

    Submit a support ticket at www.battlefront.com/helpdesk, please. Ian can walk you through disabling your anti-virus program temporarily for the activation to work. Some REALLY bad AV programs need to be uninstalled or they install some kind of toolbar without your knowledge that cannot be deactivated normally etc. but for most setting an exception rule or choosing "snooze" mode usually works fine.

  6. I just got back from overseas... bought a new computer with Windows 7... put in my CD for CM Shock Force and I cant even get it to install now... I tried 4 times... and nothing... Should I just buy a new copy or does Windows 7 and Vista "F" everything up. I dont know what to do.. I was just about to buy the entire collection.. but if it wont run with Windows 7 Im screwed... any suggestions???

    CMSF (and in fact ALL of our games) run perfectly fine on Windows 7. I am not sure what it means that you cannot get them to "install"? This is too vague to offer any help. Is the disc broken? The downloaded file corrupt? Does it actually install but do you mean that you cannot activate your license?

    Here is some generic help (available also in our www.battlefront.com/helpdesk):

    Usually, the main problem is one of your security settings:

    a) you have to "Run as admin" for the first launch (this is required to get your key activated)

    B) your anti-virus program should be stopped from "guessing". AV programs cannot decode our copy protection and may suspect something bad going on. The bad ones simply block the program without telling you anything about it.

    c) DEP (data execution prevention). Basically the same thing as above. This should be set to only affect "Windows relevant programs only".


  7. Ah, if you were able to license, then scratch all that I said :) Yes, sounds like a driver thing. Looking at what you just posted, it's not surprise to be honest. Those "Mobility" cards are often "dumbed down" from the "real" version and do not support certain graphics libraries. I am not sure about CMSF, but I do remember that most Theatre of War games (and many other games, too) do not support mobility cards specifically.

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