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Everything posted by Jotte

  1. As mentioned elsewere I'd personally like a Steel Patheresc kind of weapons system control/thoggeling for units but then there are the quesion of prioritys. The saying "the straw that broke the camels back" comes to mind when discussing where to draw the line on micro managment, in regard to Battlefronts resources to implement features and "feature creeps". I hope it might change but I'm not holding my breath.
  2. Sounds like someone needs to do a bit more urban recon by fire...
  3. Someone thinks he is supposed to control this: Roger roger Lucas Its worth trying to remember that you are supposed to control simulated humans, not just pixel robots.
  4. Kino we should sort out some matches in the future here. Let the rest of these heathens and barbarians keep their training wheels on while we scare their women and woo their sheep. Aye! Let Men be Men and sheep be scared! ------- Ok, who left the gate open so the Welsh could slip in?!?!
  5. @TheForwardObserver Look its working, its working! He's about to crack anytime now! Steve almost spill the beans (Yes, I'm a loony) Our desperation for more info is really starting to show, isnt it?
  6. Nothing really secret about it, just following what BF staff posts plus basic forum search feature skills. Christmas Bone 2015 (where the snipets of info came from)
  7. Hence the use of " around "safeguard" It might be fabricated through subterfuge actions but also through wrong people at the wrong power positions within various groups, setting of chains of actions and reactions in motion.
  8. One possible reason is to "safeguard" russian populations in the baltic's. Things could get out of hand in many ways that would lead up to such a move and it wouldnt even have to start at state level (ethnic group clashes etc).
  9. Saw that news and did a quick check. 3 T-72's fit in an An-124 by the looks of it. That'll expand the VDV's strategic fist quite a bit. Possibly the heigher weight of the T-90 by several tonnes makes it less suitable to use then T-72's, ie less room for extra ammo etc on the same flight.
  10. Anyone able to make out what Putin et al are saying in the video? They look rather amused by it all.
  11. @BTR and @Avtomat I'm enjoying these video AAR just as much as playing the game. Excellent stuff!
  12. I didn't say it couldn't be done, just that they are not really comperable regarding difficulty.
  13. Uhmm, those two engineering feats are not really in the same ball park.... You could always try and only play CM when really drunk, that might up the AI's chances quite a bit Re the video; That was really cool to see. The Mi-26 sure is one enormous beast. Even more VDV action: Russian troops in combat drills
  14. Well, I can only respond with this meme Very much looking forward to this even with "pseudo" VDV
  15. Are there any Russian eqvivalents of the US FM's available or are those secret documents? Getting my hand on such would be a fun hobby related way to fullfil my plans to learn Russian.
  16. This UI mod alone is more or less tipping me into ordering FB once I get home from work today. It gives me a very evocative feeling. Well done, well done indeed sir!
  17. Nope. But the principles etc are valid for all CM games from CMBN and later.
  18. What are those clip loaded, high elevation guns after the tanks?
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