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umlaut last won the day on April 2 2021

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About umlaut

  • Birthday 12/16/1966

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    Århus, Denmark


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  1. Does anyone know how to contact @Bootie? I sent him a message two weeks ago when I posted the first mod, but haven't heard from him. I'm not a member of FGM - and I can't find any contact info on the site.
  2. Wasp IIc carrier - partly based on Aris' work on carriers for CMFI/CMBN
  3. Wasp II carrier - partly based on Aris' work on carriers for CMFI/CMBN
  4. Here's the Morris C9B SPAA. A slightly reworked version of my mod for CMFI.
  5. While we wait the modding master to perhaps arise once again, I couldn't help myself. So here's the first of a few mods of weathered vehicles for the Downfall module. Don't know how many I am going to make, but it certainly won't be all the new Downfall units. Here's a Dropbox link for the Pershing - but it will only be temporary until the files have become available on https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/cm-mod-warehouse/
  6. I've played the US version as US vs AI - and had lots of fun. But it is clearly balanced for H2H - much too easy when playing against the AI.
  7. Fine, thanks, how about you? I just finally managed to get enough of CM a couple of years ago, so I've stayed away. Perhaps Downfall will lure me back in. Having fun with the module so far
  8. I've updated/created a couple of vehicle dealerships for Downfall to the best of my abilities. That is: The existing German dealership - with the new Downfall units. A new UK dealership - plus a few Canadian vehicles that I couldn't find in the British TOE. No Polish forces, at they don't seem to contain other units than the British. I think I have found all units available in the dealerships, but I'm not sure. I haven't updated the US dealership yet - but might do so later. UK dealership FB.btt Dealership_GER snow 45 Downfall.btt
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