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New file at the Repository: Bridgehead at Soloki H2H (2011-10-14)

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Background This CMBN scenario, ‘Bridgehead at Soloki’, recreates a fictional small scale armoured engagement on the Eastern Front in late July 1944. In this scenario US forces represent a Soviet forward detachment that has been tasked to secure several bridges that are part of their main force supply lines. Map Size: 1.6km x 1.5kmTime: 2:30Hrs +0-15 minutesUnit Size: Approx several companies each side (all reduced numbers due to combat losses etc).Scenario Loading time: As it’s a large map it’ll take a few minutes to load. Be patient!Play as: Best played as H2H although the stronger player may want to take the US (Soviet) side as this will be a tough fight for the Germans; Next best played as Germans vs US AI. There are AI Plans for the Germans but due to the nature of this scenario and the German force make-up it’s asking a lot of the AI to do a plausible attack and hold any ground it may take. About The Scenario0830Hrs 28th August 1944Several days ago Soviet forces successfully launched an attack that broke through the German MLR. A Soviet armoured group was pushed through this gap and advanced east along the axis of the main highway, capturing the key bridges near the VORSKLA RIVER at SOLOKI, before pushing on to seize the key town of ORLOVKA. After some heavy fighting, and low on fuel and ammunition, this unit set-up an all-round defence in and around the village of ORLOVKA. A Soviet infantry unit was tasked to secure the armoured group&rs...


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Yeah version 2 has a tweak to one of the US AI Plans - that's it. Otherwise it's the same scenario.

Despite the title this is playable as Germans against the US AI. Although I have a German AI Plan in it given the situation in this scenario it's asking a lot of the German AI to do a credible attack. So it's there more for interest. Where this should be really fun is H2H. The Germans ahve the tougher fight so the better player would be worth taking the Germans. All feedback much appreciated.

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Damn you George this is a great map and iam very sad not to see any russians on it ....

I played it Ger vs AI because RT MP is not an option for me. (shame on BF)

But its a really good looking map which brings the eastern landscape into CMBN as good as it gets. Well maybe, some day, we´ll all get the CM on which we so long have waited, with eastern front, WEGO-MP or RT-MP with at least 2v2 and so on ... ^^

BTW, maybe arty is a bit overpowered vs AI

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Did anyone figure out what was the problem with the Fire Brigade scenario? I was never sure if it was my hardware, or some bug in the game. I could load it and do moves but I could never load a saved game. Was a shame as I thought it looked like a wonderful scenario.

It's a very large scenario that pushes most PCs to their knees. FWIW it runs just fine on mine (been playing it today). I can save files, reload em etc. No FPS issues even when lot's of fighting going on. My PC is a pretty run of the mill machine. I believe the whole OOM issue is being looked into so it might help some folks. Just worth bearing in mind some PCs just don't have the oomph to run very large scenarios.

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My point was that I could run it, but when I saved a FIRE BRIGADE game I could not reload it...

...ah my bad. Sorry. Hmmm...not sure what that could be. As I said my mediocre PC runs it and I can load from save files, no problems. Still fingers crossed that BFC come up with a fix to make these larger scenarios less problamatic to run :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Right, ive played this in a PBEM now for the last two weeks.

It is a very disappointing conclusion because the US reinforcements would not show up at all. We played at least 12 minutes past the 9:30 time.

A bug?

Errmmm.... bit of a spoiler alert for other players might be in order for that info mate....










I checked the scenario (version 2 and version 1). The US reinforcements will show up. Just that ETA's are just that - an estimated time of arrival. Also the arrival time is a wee bit variable. So keep playing and in the next ten minutes you will for sure get your cavalry coming over the hill. So not a bug but a design decision - think how often have you made arrangements with someone and they always turn up ten minutes late ;)

So bottom line you need to keep playing.

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  • 2 months later...

A beautiful map! I see a lot of work went into its design with the variety of terrain within to enjoy. My friend and I have been playing the scenario PBEM and we've been playing it now via Veteran level for 44 mins/turns. So far the Germans have been experiencing several veh problems...exorbitant amount of bogging even on roads, vehs that stop for no reason and just sit and wont move with no indication they are bogged or immobilized yet. As for the US (Russian) side calling in artillery has been a chore especially with the off-board 81 mm Mortar....its spotter called it in for a specific target and it took 15 turns to arrive...and of course not on the location....but for 14 turns this barrage could not be "adjusted" or "ceased"...it constantly said it was "busy" to the spotter and to other potential spotters it said "denied" of course and it would show who the original spotter was for the barrage.

The US has also had INF throw their arms into the air as if surrendering but still be able to spot the enemy locations for the US side even though they are surrounded by Germans for several turns!

We are just wondering, George, if you have designed this scenario to make sure most vehicle movement to be a tedious task, especially for the Germans, and artillery contact or lack of to be an issue for the US to reflect an added "realism" to this scenario?

We like several other CMBN players feel the bogging/immobiliztaion results in the whole game system by BF needs to be tweaked a bit so its not so easy to get bogged so it reflects a more realistic result and we're wondering if this is the game's influence or you over-tweaking it for this scenario to reflect a very muddy environment in this map?

Oh, by the way, I hope my US reinforcements don't delay...I sure could use them anytime soon.............

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We are just wondering, George, if you have designed this scenario to make sure most vehicle movement to be a tedious task, especially for the Germans, and artillery contact or lack of to be an issue for the US to reflect an added "realism" to this scenario?


Glad ya like the map :) Re the points you raised - nope no design intention on my part.

Of the cuff I think the spotting issue may come down to being in touch with a higher command unit. I'd have to open the scenario up to see who I assigned the FOO team to.

Vehicle bogging has been commented on before - although I would say the small river crossing areas have a lot of boggy ground - I found myself that crossing the streams would usually result in a few vehicles becoming stuck.

I'm busy right now but will check the scenario just to see why the spotting issue is taking so long.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Aplogies for the delayed response - been busy with work stuff...

Possible spoilers








Guess main question is did you win? Did you both think it was fair i.e. force make-up etc. I think the Russkies have the harder job but they can whittle down the Germans and stay alive long enough to be of use when help arrives to counterattack.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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