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Problem Loading on iMac

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None of the CM games will run in OSX whether in classic or native. You must run it OS9. Classic Rave is the reason behind this and sadly Apple doesn't want to do anything about it.

If your not running in OSX, what are your system specs?

[ September 04, 2004, 12:20 AM: Message edited by: Panzerman ]

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Chipmunk Hunter,

I'm confused. The info I have is that no iMac built after 1 January 2003 will even run OS 9, though the reason is at the software level, rather than hardware. The only exception to this I've found is that Apple has a downloadable file for 15"

iMacs which will permit OS 9's installation and use. The catch is that you have to be an Apple certified technician in order to access and download it.

I sent off heartfelt pleas for help to both Leo La Porte and darksider Kevin Rose at Tech TV, seeking some sort of hack or workaround. Not only did I get no response from either, but was repeatedly told on multiple Mac boards that there was no way to run OS 9 on iMacs built after the cutoff date.

From an iMac perspective, this meant that the fastest machine available which was OS 9 capable was an 800 MHz unit.

So, how is it that you apparently have an OS 9 capable 20" gooseneck iMac? I know for a fact that those came out well after Apple killed OS 9 on iMacs and made them OS X only.

Panzerman is correct. There are known Mac video card compatibility problems, as a little delving on this site will show.


John Kettler

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Panzerman-I am no Mac expert, but I believe I am indeed running through OSX in Classic mode. To clarify, I have not done any partitions on my hard drive to have a separate area for OS 9. I have left everything as it was shipped to me and I'm starting OS 9 from "inside" OSX. I hope that makes sense.

I have an nVidia GeForce FX 5200 graphics card with 64 MB of VRAM.

John-I'm confused too. I guess the bottom line is: Is it possible for me to run CMBO, CMBB, etc. on the machine I have?

Thanks for the help, guys.

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Originally posted by Chipmunk Hunter:

Panzerman-I am no Mac expert, but I believe I am indeed running through OSX in Classic mode. To clarify, I have not done any partitions on my hard drive to have a separate area for OS 9. I have left everything as it was shipped to me and I'm starting OS 9 from "inside" OSX. I hope that makes sense.

I have an nVidia GeForce FX 5200 graphics card with 64 MB of VRAM.

John-I'm confused too. I guess the bottom line is: Is it possible for me to run CMBO, CMBB, etc. on the machine I have?

You are trying to run CM within the classic (emulated) environment (0 S 9.0) of OS X and this is not possible, and you will need to have OS 9.0 available as a startup-disk. The easiest way to check if you can do this is to go to System preferences in OS X and click on the startup-disk icon, if you see OS 9.00 then you are in luck and only need to click the icon and restart and you will then be in native OS 9.00 and enjoy CM until your hearts content.

However if you don't see the icon for OS 9.00 as instructed previously, then your computer will obviously not be able to run CM unfortunately. I have an iMac/700mhz 15inch which fortunately came with OS 9.00 and OS X available as a Startup-disk, but that was in 2002 prior to Apple dropping support for 0S 9.00. I can't see what else you can do short of buying a second hand Mac with OS 9.00 installed, which could be the only option you have if you really want to play CM.

I hope this helps.

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From what you’ve said earlier you’ve already got a 9.2.2 System installed. What you need to try and do is go to System Preferences - Startup Disk - then select the 9.2.2 system - Restart

If that doesn’t work then you’re stuffed :eek:

There is a warning to OSX users on the purchase page

System Requirements


PC: 500MHz Processor

Mac: G3

Operating System:

Mac: OS 8.6 to 9.xx

Currently MacOS X no longer natively supports the RAVE 3D graphics API. Combat Mission: Afrika Korps is still based on the Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord game engine which was in development over two years prior to the announcement of this decision by Apple and was written for RAVE 3D.

This means that you will NOT be able to play Combat Mission: Afrika Korps in a native MacOS X environment or in Classic Mode.

The preferred solution is to make a separate bootable partition on your hard drive and install either 9.1 or the latest 9.2.2 MacOS there. This will allow you to boot into a *pure* MacOS and the game will function correctly.

Originally posted by Chipmunk Hunter:

Okay, I'll try to track down a copy of OS9.

Thanks for the help, guys.


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Thanks for asking.

I have concluded there is no way I can run CMBO and CMBB on my machine unless I get a copy of OS8 or OS9. I have been reading about installing these in OSX.3, but it sounds like a risky proposition at best. If anybody has accomplished this successfully, I would appreciate hearing how it's done.


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Have you examined Wicky's advice above about selecting the OS from 'Startup Disk' ? I believe that Classic/OS 9.2.x can be started from even if it is on the same partition as OS X.

However a newer iMac may not allow Classic to be the boot OS with the current ROM code. I was under the impression that Apple was thinking about reversing this engineering decision, but I don't know if that has happened or if it is limited to certain Macs.

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After a certain date, cannot remember when, the ROM's on the Macs prevented OS9 booting. If you can run classic you should already have an install of OS9, although maybe not a full one. If you still cannot get OS9 to come up after a full install you'll be out of luck sadly. You should be able to get OS9 very cheap.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chipmunk Hunter,

I have no idea how much a new copy of OS 9 runs (can't believe someone doesn't have used ones for sale), but if that's all that's keeping you from the CM multifray, it may still be well worth it, considering that the CM series has been all I needed to fill my computer gaming needs. Good luck!


John Kettler

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I'm pretty sure that the 20" iMacs will NOT boot into OS 9, so tracking that down would be a waste of effort and money. There really isn't anything to do besides either wait for CM II to come out or find an older Mac somewhere.

CM actually runs reasonably well on anything from a Blue & White G3 on up. They do seem to run around $300-$400 dollars, though:


The memory would also need to be bumped up a bit, but that would only run about 50 bucks.

One can also run CM on the older beige G3s, but they really need a video card upgrade to be viable, so the prices pretty much even out. It is a bit much to spend for a $40 game, although all the new games require much larger investments of cash....

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