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What type of CM player are you ?

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I say that there are four types of CM player.

1/ The type that don't care if they win and don't care how they do it.

2/ The type that do care if they win and don't care how they do it.

3/ The type that don't care if they win and do care how they do it.

4/ The type that do care if they win and do care how they do it.

So you can either be a don't don't, a do don't, a don't do or a do do ?...........i'm a do do, what are you ? :)

I'd be a "Do-Do", although my play sometimes resembles doodoo...

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I’m a four, but I’m certainly not a gestalt entity of Rommel/Patton/Montgomery/Zhukov so I spend a lot of time in deep anguish as my platoon’s path often occupies the impact area for those damn mortars or walks into a killing zone..

With reference to the dastardly AI and those bloody guns – can anybody remember Steel Panthers? They had a good system whereby if your off map artillery was not involved in a shoot and in range, they would automatically counterbattery the other sides off map artillery if it was firing.

It used to be a really good feeling when you were told that you had 6 hits on such and such counterbattery. A battle within a battle and the little SP pixel dots didn’t know it was happening – apart from a lessening of the incoming nastiness.

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#3 is don't care if they win but yet they care on what they did to win or not?

That's like not caring about success, but caring about the measurements towards that success. It's like an incorporeal entity caring about its high blood pressure and diet. It's like a kid's sport where everyone is given a trophy at the end. It's like mastering another language, yet never visiting the country that utilizes it.

I think I'm a #3.

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#3 is don't care if they win but yet they care on what they did to win or not?

That's like not caring about success, but caring about the measurements towards that success. It's like an incorporeal entity caring about its high blood pressure and diet. It's like a kid's sport where everyone is given a trophy at the end. It's like mastering another language, yet never visiting the country that utilizes it.

I think I'm a #3.

It's like being too proud to fight as Woodrow always used to say.

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It's like mastering another language, yet never visiting the country that utilizes it.

Rotflmao. I took Japanese in preparation for a project that was going to end up with me relocating there. Half the class was made up of anime fans. I think I am still emotionally scarred.

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I'm not sure I understand what a #1 would be. Playing the game just to watch the graphics and mechanics? Beta tester maybe?

#1 was shortened for the sake of uniformity. It used to say

1/ The type that don't care if they win and don't care how they do it. Don't care about the weather, don't care if their steak is medium rare or well done, don't care about taxes, don't care what's on TV, don't care if they actually have the game. They are so apathetic they don't generally ever rise from their bed.

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#3 is don't care if they win but yet they care on what they did to win or not?

That's like not caring about success, but caring about the measurements towards that success. It's like an incorporeal entity caring about its high blood pressure and diet. It's like a kid's sport where everyone is given a trophy at the end. It's like mastering another language, yet never visiting the country that utilizes it.

I think I'm a #3.

Given that all one can know about whether a player cares or not about winning a game is discerned by the dialogue between the opponents during and after a battle all i can say is that when i play guys in this category we make gentlemens agreements about what is and isn't allowable, thus the caring about how the games are won or lost, but then if i am kcicking their arses they laugh about it in their email responses where as i maintain a stony silence if im the one being having my arse kicked, and then in their AAR discussions they just seem to brush off what has happened to them whereas i, being a do do, have to openly analyse every mistake i made in the battle as a form of catharsis, so unless the dont do opponents i play are lying i have to assume they dont care as long as the battle was played according to the previously agreed methods.

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5 - the type that only cares if the game was interesting win, lose, draw or an afternoon doing crown moulding.

Yep +1 for me.

To keep the sanctity of your poll I am a do do. The things is if you cannot have fun getting your a** handed to you some times then you are not going to have the maximum amount of fun from this game:) I appreciate it when my opponent makes a good play and I still enjoy the game.

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I like to think I don't really care but in a meeting engagement I'm playing with a friend he bought two sets of those goddamned nebelwerfers (a grand total of 360 159 mm rockets) and proceeded to put massive area fire missions on maximum length all over my half of the map with them, using adjust fire to move the barrages about. He also lied at one point to try and trick me, saying he was nearly out of ammo when he actually had 200 left.

Ok, they are expensive but I can't help but feel that it's cheesy as hell and got a bit annoyed. Its the kind of thing I'd expect from some ladder tard, not a friend who I'm meant to be playing for fun. What do you guys think about this? Am I wrong for getting irritated?

Yeah I see your point but... sometimes it will not work out for him. I am playing a game right now where my friend tried to do the same thing to me. Except I pulled one of my super aggressive moves that I sometimes do just to make sure he has no idea what I am going to do one game to the next and one of my tanks caught this Kubelwagen driving around between some buildings and all of a sudden he cannot call in anything. And since his plan rested on those rockets he is in a bit of a tight spot:)

Getting irritated sure - unavoidable sometimes. But in the end solid use of tactics and mixed forces that work well together will win the day more often than not. In the end you will come out on top more than average.

PS. Never believe anything your opponent tells you:)

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I enjoy playing CM in WEGO the most although my war gaming roots are primary as an RTS player. It is funny that I have gone so 180, but I think it is because CM has no team multiplayer aspect to it.

I like savoring the thoughts of tactics and strategy, so in this sence I consider myself more of planner like a general would be for CM play vs a field grade officer which is more RTS (the thinking on the fly). Being a creative person has its advantages I think when it comes to wargaming too. The ability to think outside the box to outhink opponents is how i sum up the type of player. also patient, and AGRESSIVE intutivly. So far it seems to work with more victories than loses in any wargaming I have been involved with, but I always learn new things all the time about the game and its subtlties.

I do care about taking casualties, but sometimes one must sacrifice a pawn to kill a knight. It is after all a game.

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