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What prevents cheating in PBEM now

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It just dawned on me, since I just started my first two PBEM games

What prevents cheating, when the one player has files where he imputs his moves then watches the results, if he does not like the results, could he just not go back and replay the turn with new decisions.

If its the honor system, well that stinks, because there is very, very few people I truly trust.

The old system worked, the new speeds up the play, but.

Or am I missing something here.

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It just dawned on me, since I just started my first two PBEM games

What prevents cheating, when the one player has files where he imputs his moves then watches the results, if he does not like the results, could he just not go back and replay the turn with new decisions.

If its the honor system, well that stinks, because there is very, very few people I truly trust.

The old system worked, the new speeds up the play, but.

Or am I missing something here.

Erhm don't know what CMBN you are playing, but in mine you input the moves after watching the turns :P.

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Erhm don't know what CMBN you are playing, but in mine you input the moves after watching the turns :P.

That is only correct for one of the two players, the other player is doing just the opposite.

It depends on who starts the game as to which way your turn works

So you are the one that is not clear on how it presently works

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That is only correct for one of the two players, the other player is doing just the opposite.

It depends on who starts the game as to which way your turn works

So you are the one that is not clear on how it presently works

No it's not. You always see the turn first. Try starting a PBEM game against yourself if you don't believe me.

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isnt it true that P1 inputs his orders and sents to P2

P2 inputs his orders and then the turn calculates (but P2 doesnt see result yet)

P1 recieves file back. See's minute play out. Inputs his orders. Sends

P2 then sees the minute play out. Inputs orders. Game calculates.

So there is no opportunity for P1 to rerun the turn when he sees it as it already calculated on P2's computer. And P2 wont see the results until next time he recieves a file. Its pretty flawless in that respect really.

However work on your trust issues anyway... Try standing with you back to your PC, eyes closed, arms outstretched, and fall backwards. It will catch you. Sort of... unless its a laptop... 2nd thoughts, just trust the system as by my understanding it is fairly cheatproof ;)

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That is only correct for one of the two players, the other player is doing just the opposite.

It depends on who starts the game as to which way your turn works

So you are the one that is not clear on how it presently works

That is only in a "Hotseat" game, Slysniper. In a regular PBEM game, both players watch the replay first and then you input your moves.

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OK, So maybe I am getting confused with the fact that the only way I have done both sides is hot seat, which does it just as I discribe. So maybe PBEM is done in a way that somehow prevents cheating. hard to tell, since I do not have access to the game at the moment, plus I would never pbem both sides of a game, but I do hotseat both sides when I am learning the game and how it functions, or when I am running test.

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isnt it true that P1 inputs his orders and sents to P2

P2 inputs his orders and then the turn calculates (but P2 doesnt see result yet)

P1 recieves file back. See's minute play out. Inputs his orders. Sends

P2 then sees the minute play out. Inputs orders. Game calculates.

So there is no opportunity for P1 to rerun the turn when he sees it as it already calculated on P2's computer. And P2 wont see the results until next time he recieves a file. Its pretty flawless in that respect really.

However work on your trust issues anyway... Try standing with you back to your PC, eyes closed, arms outstretched, and fall backwards. It will catch you. Sort of... unless its a laptop... 2nd thoughts, just trust the system as by my understanding it is fairly cheatproof ;)

As for my trust issue

Just go and take the people you trust the most out and play some golf, watch their score and play closely. It is amazing how many people will cheat at a game which has no real value at all, then question what else would they do if it did have real benefits for them in their life. Actually it is a great way to find people who you can trust in life.

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As for my trust issue

Just go and take the people you trust the most out and play some golf, watch their score and play closely. It is amazing how many people will cheat at a game which has no real value at all, then question what else would they do if it did have real benefits for them in their life. Actually it is a great way to find people who you can trust in life.

What happens if you dont catch them cheating ?, it doesnt mean they are not, so your test is flawed, and what if your new friends dont want to play golf, how do you test them then ?

And why the hell would you want to test whether people are trustworthy or not unless you are a spy, paranoid or just really unlucky when it comes to making friends.

Out of all the home spun wisdom that gets propogated in forums this is definately high on the list of the stupid and wierd variety.

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What happens if you dont catch them cheating ?, it doesnt mean they are not, so your test is flawed, and what if your new friends dont want to play golf, how do you test them then ?

And why the hell would you want to test whether people are trustworthy or not unless you are paranoid or just unlucky when it comes to making friends.

Out of all the home spun wisdom that gets propogated in forums this is definately high on the list of the stupid and wierd variety.

Thanks for that great imput, sounds like the type of person that will cheat in a game and does not like the fact that if I was to catch you at it, that I would judge your charector by it.

But I have found in life, that how people play games, pretty much any game will normally bring out many of their traits. Many times, traits that they seldom are tested on in real life. So it is my way of judging people, I will continue to do it, and really dont care if you think I am a paranoid person for doing it.

Plus if you really want to get deep, How many of us really even can trust ourselves. Most of us will find that if oppotunities present themselves, we will do things that we do not justify in our own personal values

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Thanks for that great imput, sounds like the type of person that will cheat in a game and does not like the fact that if I was to catch you at it, that I would judge your charector by it.

Interesting logic, so you think that anybody that criticises your theory is really sending out a smokescreen to cover for their unethical behaviour, this implies that you think that because you could not possibly be wrong there must be something wrong with the critic.

But I have found in life, that how people play games, pretty much any game will normally bring out many of their traits. Many times, traits that they seldom are tested on in real life. So it is my way of judging people, I will continue to do it, and really dont care if you think I am a aparanoid person for doing it.

If you are saying a persons personality comes out in the way they play a game then that could be said about anything a person does, so you might as well be saying the grass is green, hardly a profound insight.

Also i would say that real life is a far greater test of character than any game because its real life that builds our characters, or at least thats what i think, i could be wrong.

Plus if you really want to get deep, How many of us really even can trust ourselves.

So now you are saying that everyone including ourselves arent trustworthy, which makes your golf test pointless if everyone is potentially corruptable.

Most of us will find that if oppotunities present themselves, we will do things that we do not justify in our own personal values

Usually when people say things like "most of us" they are usually talking about themselves only.

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Interesting logic, so you think that anybody that criticises your theory is really sending out a smokescreen to cover for their unethical behaviour, this implies that you think that because you could not possibly be wrong there must be something wrong with the critic.


Sure, I figured you would like that

If you are saying a persons personality comes out in the way they play a game then that could be said about anything a person does, so you might as well be saying the grass is green, hardly a profound insight..

Never said it was profound, just said I found it to be true

Also i would say that real life is a far greater test of character than any game because its real life that builds our characters, or at least thats what i think, i could be wrong..

I agree, I just cannot help the fact that I think I can see what a person will do in real life by what they do in the realm of a game or a sport or anything like that.

So now you are saying that everyone including ourselves arent trustworthy, which makes your golf test pointless if everyone is potentially corruptable..

Everyone is potentially corruptable, thus back to my test, when you are playing a game, like golf, which is really a test against oneselve. it really comes down to self integraty. Those that play fair are showing that trait, does it mean that is the type of person they are, no. But I think it is a good sign that they are and that trait will hold up in much more important matters.

Usually when people say things like "most of us" they are usually talking about themselves only.

Very correct, so if I was you. I would not not trust me.

I on the other hand do not trust you, so that should keep things clear.

See, the world is just a perfect place, where trust and peace abound.

Provin right here in these comments.

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Sure, I figured you would like that

Whether i like it or not is irrelevant, whats relevant is do you actually believe what you said about me being untrustworthy because i criticised your comment ? or did you just say it for effect and you dont really believe it ?

Never said it was profound, just said I found it to be true

But all you are saying is that someone who cheats at a game is a cheat in life which might sound good but how would you prove it, if for example you played golf with someone and they cheated, how would you prove they cheated in other aspects of their lives without spying on them ?

So whatever conclusions you come to about a persons behaviour in a game, to extend it to the rest of their lives is pure speculation.

I agree, I just cannot help the fact that I think I can see what a person will do in real life by what they do in the realm of a game or a sport or anything like that.

Whether you can help it or not is not the point, how seriously you take the conclusions of the speculations that you cannot help is, and it seems you take them seriously enough to espouse them on the forums as though they were objective truths, by all means say what you will but dont say them as though they were objective facts unless you have some scientific data or studies you can point to.

Everyone is potentially corruptable, thus back to my test, when you are playing a game, like golf, which is really a test against oneselve. it really comes down to self integraty. Those that play fair are showing that trait, does it mean that is the type of person they are, no. But I think it is a good sign that they are and that trait will hold up in much more important matters.

Your system collapses as soon as you find a murderer that plays golf by the rules, if you played golf with a murderer that didnt cheat and you didnt know they were a murderer you would have to think they had a good character according to your logic.

Those that play fair are showing that trait, does it mean that is the type of person they are, no. But I think it is a good sign that they are and that trait will hold up in much more important matters.

You have just contradicted yourself in this statement

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Whether i like it or not is irrelevant, whats relevant is do you actually believe what you said about me being untrustworthy because i criticised your comment ? or did you just say it for effect and you dont really believe it ?

At this point why should you care what I think about you.

Yes, my conclusions are speculations, never stated they were fact. It has been you that thinks I need to do that or I cannot live by what I conclude as I watch a person play a game.

But I have already lived a majority of my life, used these methods as to judging people and have been very successful with selecting people in life that have supported me, my bussiness and my family. Thus bringing me much success.

I really do not care if the concept holds up to some scientific test.

I never said a person could not be different than how they act within a game.

I just beleive I find it to generally be true and since you do not like that concept, you have let it known here, but I will continue to view people as I will and risk the fact I might misjudge at times.

As to a comment from another forum member.

I never have won a mannors competition, so not suprised you think I do not have any.

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It’s extraordinary how many leaders in history have been cheaters. Bill Clinton is said to have surreptitiously improved his lie in golf and 'enhanced' his score card. The twisted Roman emperor Caligula cheated at Tabula, the Roman pre-cursor to Backgammon. Henry VIII cheated at bowls and tennis. Napoleon cheated merrily at Whist. And Lenin reportedly cheated in chess- which isn't easy to do.

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I agree, I just cannot help the fact that I think I can see what a person will do in real life by what they do in the realm of a game or a sport or anything like that.

Careful you don't bump into any English cricketers who would ruin your day...


Last night Zaheer claimed close fielders had deliberately strewn jelly beans around the crease. Even after he had started batting, he explained, they had continued to harass him by throwing more sweets towards the stumps.

"When I got out to the crease there were some jelly beans there," Zaheer said. "I just swept one off the wicket, and when I played the next ball there were some more, so obviously someone was chucking them from behind. I was upset about it. I went to speak to them and asked what was going on.

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