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In Game Fog

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Hey fellas (Is everybody psyched or what?!)...I haven't had much time with the game yet...just tooling around in the editor for about a half hour (got slmammed with stuff to do like the minute the game came out LOL) and was wondering has anybody tried the fog settings on a map to see what they look like? I am using this ATI Radeon 4560 and was worried seeing they've had a known history with CMX1 fog tables...

I tried setting a map with fog in the editor but can't really tell if it's there...least not like in CMX1. Could someone with a non ATI card take some nice, hires screens for me so I can compare? Post them in this thread.



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You may be confusing ATI with nVidia. When AMD bought ATI years ago, they made ATI include support for fog tables, and about the same time nVidia dropped support for fog tables.

Since I use ATI cards, I do not know if nVidia ever picked up support for the fog tables again.

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The old ATI cards wouldn't show fog at all at least during CMBO and even CMBB, I think...I remember hearing they fixed them a while back...But the fog is so slight on the map I was looking at I couldn't tell if that's what I was supposed to be seeing. The in CMX1 you could tell very easy.

The only way I'll know is if someone can post a screenie or two for me to compare.


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LOL...guys I just need to see a picture.

LOL but here this might be better....ok, here's what mine looks like set to light fog.


Ok, when anybody else sets a map to light fog is it this thin looking? Is this how fog looks in the game? If it is different can someone show me what it is supposed to look like.

Thanks fellas!


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Mord, I don't see it very well either, but it might depend on time of day. When I tried it last night, it started out OK (time set at 6:30 am), but got progressively thinner as time passed. It might also be heavier with rain???

nvidia 8800gt

That gave me an idea so I set the temp to cool thinking that might help it...but nope...and no on the rain, I tried that last night.

I am thinking the light fog looks more like a mist...But that's cool, just wanted to make sure I was seeing the right effect.


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