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A Bridge Too Far? -- 3d Editor

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I tried looking at bridges in the map editor, so I put one undamaged one over a river, then added a damaged one about 100 yards away...only one would show. I tried several times, and no joy. Is it by chance a limit on the editor for the Dermo, or a glitch?

Thanks. Absolutely joyous over the Demo!!:D

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Not sure without seeing the design that you created. The both ends of the bridge must be on solid ground, otherwise the bridge might sink below water level. But I don't know if there are possibly some graphics reduced from the demo version to make it smaller...

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So the bridge simply disappears when you SHIFT+ALT click on it to destroy it in 3D preview? Which bridge is it? How many tiles of water is it crossing? Does it still happen if you don't force the water tiles to a lower elevation?

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1) It's not disappearing...it never shows when I go to the 3d screen. It's AWOL.

2) I'm at work now, so don't recall exactly, but 3 different stone bridges.

3) 2 tiles wide. All the bridges were long enough, because I would set 2 of the same kind down, about 100 or so meters apart. Only one shows up. Oh, and I tried it with only 1 water tile wide. Still one one bridge shows.

4) yes, doesn't matter.

I figure it's no reall big deal if it's only a demo thing. If it happens in the Game, then there's a problem.

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Oh oh oh! I may have an answer. Bridge placement is disallowed if you're too close to the map edge. I just now did a test. 3 tiles from map edge and the bridge won't show up, 4 tiles from the edge and it will.

Is that by design? Is there some kind of feedback - other than disappearing bridges :confused:

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I actually experienced the same problem, but I wasn't near the map edge.

It suddenly occurred to me (after about four tries) that maybe I needed to tweak the terrain height on either end. The heights were matched in the "squares" that the ends of the bridge sat on (at "16"), but one square out on one end was one higher elevation ("17"). Set it to "16" and viola.


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A bit tasteless. Sorry to be sensitive, but I liked Dorosh in his good times.

Heh, no worries, and not a shot at him whatsoever. I too liked him....most of the time.

I actually cleared it with him via PM and he thought it was funny :)

It sprang up from a comment he made long ago about his mom being a big Burger Time fanatic.

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