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Video AAR Peng Challenge Thread VS. Outreboard

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That's because you're too pompous. My download is about halfway through.

I think there's a more obvious reason. I'll give you a hint... it has something to do with the fact that Emrys is old enough to remember the Gettysburg Address being panned by the Right as "a piece of Liberal, bleeding heart trash".


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I think there's a more obvious reason. I'll give you a hint... it has something to do with the fact that Emrys is old enough to remember the Gettysburg Address being panned by the Right as "a piece of Liberal, bleeding heart trash".

The link was quite large enough that even without his +30 reading glasses he should have been able to see it. I can't imagine the lenses he'll need to play the game. He's going to be stuck playing in iron view #1 mode with max mag...

And if he's just gone mushy in the head, then it will just make him that much easier to pummel into submission.

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The link was quite large enough that even without his +30 reading glasses he should have been able to see it. I can't imagine the lenses he'll need to play the game.

Oh, that's easy. Here's a pic of his "computer" reading glasses (standard reading glasses are in the background):


It's old school, but then again...


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The macs I have at home are all nearly as old as Emrys and CMBN checks to see if it will set them on fire... the fastest one is a mere 0.04 GHz too slow (and probably incapable in some other way as well). I'll have to bring home a faster one tomorrow to be able to play....

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Hint: on the first mission don't choose the [CENSORED] route, because there's a [CENSORED] waiting for you and it'll [CENSORED] your [CENSORED] with a [CENSORED]. On the other hand, ooooh pretty [CENSORED].

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I was looking at the impressions thread, and I wondered how would you do an impression of Joebob Shaw? Then I got it, it is either pulling a cat's tail to make it scream [remember, i heard Joebob sing], or find a nice mud puddle and place a stick in it.

For Emrys, just take the mud puddle let it dry and turn into dust. Almost as old as Emrys that way.

Now that you lot have the demo, remember I do have a couple scenarios for release, and am currently working on a third. these will not be released to the general public.

Pondscum, play the demo with someone... I am waiting young serf.


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these will not be released to the general public.


A. Because that would be in direct conflict with the Geneva Convention.

2. And the general public rejoices.

III. Instead, they were boxed up and dumped in a landfill (Causing the general public to rejoice again).

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Started the download last night and installed this morning. I was just able to fire it up and run through a couple of turns and now work beckons ... well, it doesn't so much beckon as it looks up from it's position in the bocage, flips me the bird and screams "GetyourassuphereNOW!"

That's just the way work is sometimes. Conference calls for the next three hours straight ...

HEY WORK ... I'VE GOT THE NEW CMBN DEMO LOADED ... Have you no sense of decency, sir?


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Ehh, what's the big deal about the demo? I got it days ago. The full version is MUCH better, with more toys, more maps, aircraft . . . you know, the good stuff.

Not that you swine would ever be able to truly appreciate good stuff.



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Ehh, what's the big deal about the demo? I got it days ago. The full version is MUCH better, with more toys, more maps, aircraft . . . you know, the good stuff.

Not that you swine would ever be able to truly appreciate good stuff.



We appreciate it whenever you go away. That counts.

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We appreciate it whenever you go away. That counts.
Boo Radley you've been huffing the copier toner again haven't you. Remember, the first step is to admit that you have a problem. Now granted with all the problems you have it may be tough to keep them straight.


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Started the download last night and installed this morning. I was just able to fire it up and run through a couple of turns and now work beckons ... well, it doesn't so much beckon as it looks up from it's position in the bocage, flips me the bird and screams "GetyourassuphereNOW!"

That's just the way work is sometimes. Conference calls for the next three hours straight ...

HEY WORK ... I'VE GOT THE NEW CMBN DEMO LOADED ... Have you no sense of decency, sir?

It's just conference calls. If it's not videocons you should have no trouble multi-tasking and playing CMBN with one earphone in and one on the phone. So what if you keep shouting "die die die" during the call-- you probably do that anyway.

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Joe's coworkers won't video conference with him anymore after the unfortunate and mentally scarring "Bathroom" incident.
Video conferencing ... hell I just upgraded to MS Office 2007 ... most of my coworkers are still on MS Office 2003 ... we're lucky we've got email.


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Video conferencing ... hell I just upgraded to MS Office 2007 ... most of my coworkers are still on MS Office 2003 ... we're lucky we've got email.


Having received emails from you, I'm not sure that you have the same understanding of the word "lucky" as the rest of us do.


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