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Being sexually attractive


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At this time of year the New Scientist is normally good for a few articles on attraction.

Perhaps the most interesting and amusing one was the finding that women were asked to dress oin their scruffy clothes, everyday clothes, and their most attractive dress. The pictures were then shown to a panel and invariably the women who was dressed in her nicest clothes was selected as the most attractive.

The fun part was that all the photos were taken showing the face alone. So it would seem the inner confidence a women feels dressed for best is actually discernible in a picture.

The second fun one is that wearing red, for both male and female, is a good move.

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Great story! I know a gal who loves to dress up for work, and she was practically apoplectic over being there one day (late start?) in a beautiful tight white astrological top and fancy jeans and heels. To her that was being woefully underdressed, and she said she'd never be seen that way again.

Are you aware that research has found that women presented with heavily sweated in T-shirts can actually tell by smell alone which shirts came from men with symmetrical builds and which did not? Researchers believe this ability was developed because body symmetry tends to correlate with good health, thus mating suitability.


John Kettler

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I am pretty slick with the ladies. Ever since dropping some *cid last autumn I found near-infinite confidence and insight into the female mindset. You know what it's like to read Cosmopolitan and articles on psychology while *ripping? It took that to fully understand the fundamental differences in how the two sexes perceive this world and act accordingly. It's not really about what you say to a girl (she won't remember specifics, that is how males think, that is why males are perceivedly the romantic-sender gender and females the recipient. She will remember how you made her feel.), but how, why and at what point during the encounter you say it. The trick is to be utmostly relaxed so you can think on your feet, good breathing technique is essential to maintain your cool. Learn the basics of body language and it becomes, by time easy to tell if you should proceed or not. Just remember the first 3 second reaction will almost always be positive unless she finds you blatantly disgusting, after that you can start to tell apart true sexual interest. Speak softly. Remember when you walk and posture that the shoulders and hips define your stance, focus on those. Smile naturally so it tenses the muscles around your cheek bones. This highlights them and tightens the jawline, creating a very attractive facial feature. Women love men who use their face. It radiates confidence. Use that smile, think of yourself as an actor, make faces. Listen intently to her story. This cannot be highlighted enough! And always remember to be hard to get. The more ladies around you, the more will come. :D

100% rate of pick-up success in roughly 5 months, then I stopped because I found a really nice girl.

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Looks like we got a more sexually liberal crowd than one would expect from a bunch of wargamers. But it does seem like we have a few panties grogs in the house, nice! I'm warning you guys that there are pictures of me french kissing 2 dudes. You guys have any idea how many birds a stunt like that pulls? I can say lots. The end result was a cousin catfight followed by ladies slapping me and calling me an *******, yet at the end of the night one of them ran in high heels 2km in freezing weather to catch the bus I was going home on. Excavated both of them. Nothing pushes a girl over the ledge than a guy who at first is interested in her, but then starts becoming interested in another guy! That is beautiful wingman work in action right there. I won't even mention the fact that this occurred on my birthday party and there were a few people present that I hadn't seen in 5-10 years looking on and wondering wtf is going on. My ego is growing into a monster that I am desperately trying to reign. :D

Emrys, your link does nothing but mock my geographical location and say "You can't watch this, na na na!" :(

Pešadija, I only eat what she tells me to. I came looking for honey, but I got caught in the web. Now I am naught but a mindless drone. The Queen must be obeyed...


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February 20, 2011 by Kerry Sheridan US scientists said Sunday there is strong evidence linking oral sex to cancer, and urged more study of how human papillomaviruses may be to blame for a rise in oral cancer among white men.

In the United States, oral cancer due to HPV infection is now more common than oral cancer from tobacco use, which remains the leading cause of such cancers in the rest of the world.

Researchers have found a 225-percent increase in oral cancer cases in the United States from 1974 to 2007, mainly among white men, said Maura Gillison of Ohio State University.

"When you compare people who have an oral infection or not... the single greatest factor is the number of partners on whom the person has performed oral sex," said Gillison, who has been researching HPV and cancer for 15 years.

"When the number of partners increases, the risk increases," she told reporters at the American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in Washington.

Previous studies have suggested that people who have performed oral sex on six or more partners over a lifetime face an eight-fold higher risk of acquiring HPV-related head or neck cancer than those with fewer than six partners, she said.

But even though the link between HPV and cervical cancer has been well known for many years, and vaccines now exist to provide some protection, much study remains to be done to confirm observational links and establish causes, Gillison said.

"The cervical cancer field is 20 years ahead," she said.

"We can't demonstrate definitively that certain behaviors are associated with risk of acquiring an infection," she said.

"The rise in oral cancer in the US is predominantly among young white males and we do not know the answer as to why."

They don't know why! Hmmmm


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I am pretty slick with the ladies. Ever since dropping some *cid last autumn I found near-infinite confidence and insight into the female mindset. You know what it's like to read Cosmopolitan and articles on psychology while *ripping? It took that to fully understand the fundamental differences in how the two sexes perceive this world and act accordingly. It's not really about what you say to a girl (she won't remember specifics, that is how males think, that is why males are perceivedly the romantic-sender gender and females the recipient. She will remember how you made her feel.), but how, why and at what point during the encounter you say it. The trick is to be utmostly relaxed so you can think on your feet, good breathing technique is essential to maintain your cool. Learn the basics of body language and it becomes, by time easy to tell if you should proceed or not. Just remember the first 3 second reaction will almost always be positive unless she finds you blatantly disgusting, after that you can start to tell apart true sexual interest. Speak softly. Remember when you walk and posture that the shoulders and hips define your stance, focus on those. Smile naturally so it tenses the muscles around your cheek bones. This highlights them and tightens the jawline, creating a very attractive facial feature. Women love men who use their face. It radiates confidence. Use that smile, think of yourself as an actor, make faces. Listen intently to her story. This cannot be highlighted enough! And always remember to be hard to get. The more ladies around you, the more will come. :D

100% rate of pick-up success in roughly 5 months, then I stopped because I found a really nice girl.

Can't tell if you're joking or not but I have heard of people getting out of depression and/or having their personality completely flipped in a good way from an acid or shroom trip.

But really, all it comes down to with chicks is a dude's confidence. If he has balls she can tell. If he's insecure, she can tell, usually within seconds. Once in a club in San Francisco I was feeling really "in the zone" and just walked up to a genuine 9 and without a word just kissed her. She slapped me hard across the face but I could tell it was game over cause she was kinda laughing when she did it so I just kissed her again, this time she followed suit and we went upstairs and madeout for about 2 hours on the couch, before going back to her place ;). I didn't "close the deal" cause I'm an evangelical christian but the girl was basically throwing herself at me when we got back to her house. She literally said "can't you just touch my tits at least?" :rolleyes: I kid you not. This girl was no slut either.

Also, some dudes one of my friends with insane game rolled with a lot would regularly walk up to girls and say "I want to be part of your next abortion" with a completely straight face. Half the girls would freak out. The other half would be all over them in seconds. And these aren't ugly chicks they were going for either. This was in LA which is absolutely LOADED with incredibly beautiful women.

It really doesn't matter what you say. Next time I see a girl I like I'm gonna just start talking about my experiences in IL-2: Sturmovik and why I prefer the 190 to the 109, except for the K4-C3 which I find a lot of fun to fly.

All chicks pay attention to is your eyes really. You give her the "laser eyes" and you can talk about global warming and she'll be digging you. Thing is you can't "fake" your body language.

Of course, if you have any insecurity or are intimidated at all by her you'll instantly be creepy if you're staring her down. If you're NOT you're an instant stud in her eyes. This has all been thoroughly tested while I was going out with a friend and probably hit on 3000+ girls in the course of 10 months in California. (no exaggeration... what can I say, I came from SC I kinda went crazy when I saw the talent over on the west coast :P)

So confidence + not giving a crap = win. If you start "thinking" you're toast hahaha.

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I agree with you nox... confidence is really the key..pretty much the only way I met my wife, she is definitely out of my league, but I didn't care...and you always hear these models, etc, say that they have such a difficult time finding a good guy, because most guys are intimidated by them...it really , how I see it, is like the lotto :) you might(read, probably will) lose on any given one...but you sure won't win without stepping up and buying the damned ticket, either.

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Well she's not out of your league since you clearly had balls and she fell for you ;).

Girls don't care about looks. The only thing looks give you is a 10 second advantage or so over an ugly guy if you're both hitting on a girl at the same time. But if the ugly guy proves to have balls and the good looking guy doesn't... ugly guy will win every time. I've seen this countless times in the hundreds of nights I've gone clubbing.

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I had no idea there were so many blind chicks in california! : ) ***

Confidence definitely has a large role in initial meetings. So has her menstrual cycle : )

Not to mention alcohol level and venue. And how symmetrical your features are. And whether there is competition for you.


In 2000, 1.7 million of 10.5 million California residents age 45 or older, and 755,000 of 3.5 million who are 65 or older, had a self-reported vision problem.

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