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Make a hotfix panzerfaust patch.

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Just to clarify, I copy the entire CMSF 1.31 folder to another folder I can call (say) CMSF130. (Does it matter where this new folder is located?) Then I apply the 1.30 patch, or reinstall NATO.

Is that correct?

Not quite.

The easiest way is to leave what you have alone (that gives you 1.31).

Then install a fresh copy of CM:SF NATO somewhere else (no it doesn’t matter where as long as you remember where you put it). Then that gives you 1.30.

You can have “shortcuts” for both on your desktop too, just ensure that the name reflects which is which and the properties for each reflect where you have installed them.

So the NATO 1.30 shortcut should probably have “1.30” in the name somewhere and its properties “point” to the 1.30 executable wherever you installed it.

So the NATO 1.31 shortcut should probably have “1.31” in the name somewhere and its properties “point” to the 1.31 executable wherever you installed it.

DON’T have one CMSF folder with both the 1.30 and 1.31 executables in it. Each one needs its own, complete independent installation.

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Erik Springelkamp

About( the programmers, having done some programs in the past, I am fully aware of the difficulty of switching from one to another one. It is a pain in the ….

Thankfully guys like you, are around to resolve and or help in the resolution of the Panzerfaust issue among others.

Erik Springelkamp


Thanks for the advices. I shall revert to 1.30.

Unfortunately, I was doing a scenario, begun under 1.30 and now done under 1.31. It won’t work, if I am right with 1.30.Stroke of bad luck, I think, that I don’t have any save under 1.30.

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I guess I don't understand how CMSF works/installs...

So now what I am hearing is that one does NOT have to copy or reinstall the entire CMSF folder.

All one needs to do is create a 1.30 folder elsewhere from the current 1.31 CMSF, and ONLY install NATO to that folder. And when I use the executable in that 1.30 folder everything works ok.

Am I getting this correct?

(This is so like hard work, I think I'll go play CM1 for some relaxation now.)

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I guess I don't understand how CMSF works/installs...

So now what I am hearing is that one does NOT have to copy or reinstall the entire CMSF folder.

All one needs to do is create a 1.30 folder elsewhere from the current 1.31 CMSF, and ONLY install NATO to that folder. And when I use the executable in that 1.30 folder everything works ok.

Am I getting this correct?

(This is so like hard work, I think I'll go play CM1 for some relaxation now.)

No, you are not yet getting it correct.

The alternative to copying is to start installing the whole shebang again (without uninstalling your old installation) but at a new location - you must tell the installer to install at that different location. You don't have to bother licensing the new installation.

Then you don't apply the 1.31 patch to the new installation and you have a new 1.30 installation.

By copying your old installation and reinstalling only the NATO module, you downgrade the copied installation to 1.30.

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Thanks to you guys it works fine.

1/ Copy your CMSF folder having the 1.31 patch and put the copy in another folder than the initial one.

2/ Rename the folder, let's say CMSF NATO 1.30

3/ Install the NATO program into that CMSF NATO 1.30 folder. NATO contains the 1.30 patch

4/ Do a short cut of the install EXE found in it (call it CMSF NATO 1.30) and put it on your desk

5/ Click the desk CMSF NATO 1.30 icon

6/ CMSF starts. Check that the 1.30 mark appears in the main window.

That's all.

BTW my scenario which was a 1.31 is now a 1.30, Great ! Going back to test it and finalize it.

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CAUTION about reverting to 1.30

I just played my scenario for testing, it works fine, but read here after, what goes wrong.

I thought, I had done it right to revert to 1.30. I did indeed, but the names of the units of the scenario made previously are a mix of German and UK and who knows what !

In the Editor the name of the country units are Stummel, TRP, Tribial Militia.........

everything seems to be mixed up.

Following what I have written and applied, what went wrong ? Any idea.

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No idea.

As I say I have some 40 copies of this installed (100 copies in total of CM:SF, CM:A and CM:BN) and they all work fine.

Oh yes I think I can from reading what you wrote.

I believe you have copied 1.31 and then applied the 1.30 patch to it to try and bring it “down” to 1.30.


As I said in my notes, rename your current install and label it 1.31 then do a CLEAN INSTALL of 1.30 and use that for your copy of 1.30.

Not quite.

The easiest way is to leave what you have alone (that gives you 1.31).

Then install a fresh copy of CM:SF NATO somewhere else (no it doesn’t matter where as long as you remember where you put it). Then that gives you 1.30.

You can have “shortcuts” for both on your desktop too, just ensure that the name reflects which is which and the properties for each reflect where you have installed them.

So the NATO 1.30 shortcut should probably have “1.30” in the name somewhere and its properties “point” to the 1.30 executable wherever you installed it.

So the NATO 1.31 shortcut should probably have “1.31” in the name somewhere and its properties “point” to the 1.31 executable wherever you installed it.

DON’T have one CMSF folder with both the 1.30 and 1.31 executables in it. Each one needs its own, complete independent installation.

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CAUTION about reverting to 1.30

I just played my scenario for testing, it works fine, but read here after, what goes wrong.

I thought, I had done it right to revert to 1.30. I did indeed, but the names of the units of the scenario made previously are a mix of German and UK and who knows what !

In the Editor the name of the country units are Stummel, TRP, Tribial Militia.........

everything seems to be mixed up.

Following what I have written and applied, what went wrong ? Any idea.

Yes. I had the same thing with Quick Battle. I've since done a complete re-install to a separate folder. The "lazy" way didn't work out.

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NEW CAUTION for reverting to 1.30

When you are uninstalling the 1.30 installation having being copied in another folder and in another HDD, you will see the following information "Do you want to uninstall 1.31" !

Yet it is the folder with 1.30 in it and the uninstall icon.

Do so and the original folder as well as that one are uninstalled. They demand if you want to desinstall the licence and so on.

To prevent that, COPY your entire Battlefront folder somewhere else and reactivate it after the complete erasing of the former ones. If you have desinstalled the licence, just reinstall it.

The reverting is full of surprise with Windows VISTA. It should be the same with XP and or Win 7.

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I’m sorry perhaps I wasn’t clear (although I doubt it) and perhaps there is a reason for what you did, but ....

Who said anything about uninstalling anything??????

Its simple:

Scenario 1: You have one copy of 1.30 and you want to end up with a copy of 1.30 and a copy of 1.31.

Do this (and only this).

1. Duplicate (yes “copy”) the entire CM:SF folder.

2. Rename one the one you copied CM:SF 1.30 (or something else that you understand).

3. Apply the 1.31 patch to the other folder.

4. Rename one the one you have upgraded CM:SF 1.31 (or something else that you understand).

Scenario 2: You have one copy of 1.31 and you want to end up with a copy of 1.30 and a copy of 1.31.

Do this (and only this).

1. Do nothing to the existing 1.31 folder except rename it to 1.31.

2. Install a fresh copy of 1.30 and call it 1.30.

DON‘T uninstall anything.

DON’T unlicense anything.

I’m sorry but its very simple and if you can’t get it to work after this then good luck. :)

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Hi Erik Springelkamp

Don’t worry, we are not at war and the inconvenience is slight, if care is taken.

Thanks again

Hi Gibsonm,

Make you do extra work ! very sorry for the inconvenience and thanks very much for your detailed answers. The reason I uninstalled, what I had done is the following :

I uninstalled the folder, I had created with a copy of the original BF folder patched 1.31 (it has on it,CMSF, Marines, UK & NATO) and was brought back to 1.30 by installing NATO on it. You told me since, that it should not be done.

Since, all the unit names for the scenarios I had copied became German names more or less.

Seeing that, I decided to uninstall it in order to try something else. This is what I have related in my preceding post.

After the uninstall and the caution, I wrote about, the original being removed and the unlicense question being asked, everything works as before with the patch 1.31, since I had taken thoughtfully a copy of that original folder.

Now, if I do understand correctly what you wrote, since I have the originals patched 1.31 and I want to revert a copy to 1.30, I should follow your Scenario 2.

But I don’t understand clearly when you write at :

2. Install a fresh copy of 1.30 and call it 1.30.

Since I don’t have, anymore a copy of 1.30, being now 1.31, does that mean, that I should reinstall CMSF, Marines, UK & NATO ? that seems the only option to get 1.30

If that is the option, are my scenarios, being in the scenarios folders of the original with the patch 1.31, going to revert to 1.30 when paste in the scenarios folder of the new install ?

Could you clarify that for me and presumably to others.

Thanks again for the time taken

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Hehe... you guys... I think this is all a conspiracy just to confuse me...

So, now I read you can NOT simply COPY the entire CMSF folder to a new 1.30 folder and reinstall (only) NATO?

One actually has to do a complete new installation of CMSF plus NATO?? (No point in installing the Brits or Marines, since one can go back to the 1.31 version for those.)

Is this correct?

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Hehe... you guys... I think this is all a conspiracy just to confuse me...

So, now I read you can NOT simply COPY the entire CMSF folder to a new 1.30 folder and reinstall (only) NATO?

One actually has to do a complete new installation of CMSF plus NATO?? (No point in installing the Brits or Marines, since one can go back to the 1.31 version for those.)

Is this correct?

Last time.

It depends which version you have and what you want to achieve.

Read my last post and do whatever the hell is relevant to your situation.

I’m not going to come to your house and do it for you.

Sorry if English isn’t your native tongue or something but I’m not writing 20 pages of notes as to what to do if you have XP or what to do if you have Vista or what to do if you have Windows 7.

YOU need to work some of it out for yourself.

Goodbye one and all.

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Since I don’t have, anymore a copy of 1.30, being now 1.31, does that mean, that I should reinstall CMSF, Marines, UK & NATO ? that seems the only option to get 1.30

If that is the option, are my scenarios, being in the scenarios folders of the original with the patch 1.31, going to revert to 1.30 when paste in the scenarios folder of the new install ?

Could you clarify that for me and presumably to others.

OK so you only have 1.31?

Then read this “ Scenario 2: You have one copy of 1.31 and you want to end up with a copy of 1.30 and a copy of 1.31.“ :(

The scenarios wont “revert”.

DON”T COPY THEM. The new installation will give you fresh copies of the scenarios. (did I say anything about copying scenarios????? sheesh).

If you are talking about your own, personally built scenarios, then sure copy them but they don’t revert.

Is not that hard for @$%$%^@$&@ sake, why are you trying to make it so?

I’m sorry I even suggested this as it assumes a baseline set of computer skills that at least some of you don’t have a clue about.

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Hi Gibsonm,

As Blakmoria rightfully pointed out English might be a second language for some. I will just add that the Informatics’ language is also a specific one, like acronyms are specific to the Military language.

From the posts already written, I have been able to have a clear picture of the proposed alternative to the bug of the panzerfausts. That is to revert to 1.30, for the time being.

I just felt obliged to write these following indications deriving from the difficulties, I myself had in reading the different posts, due to the terms used and sometimes of the slightly different ways, all of these leading to

One confusion came from the terms, Revert (To go back to a preceding state) copy and or duplicate (make a copy of an existing folder for exemple), Install and or reinstall (the original program is being loaded and started to install a fresh and or clean copy of the game).

To add more confusion some of us wanted to have their scenarios (the one downloaded and or made) being brought back to 1.30 or if you prefer reverting from 1.31 to 1.30

But, you CANNOT revert from 1.31 to 1.30 from an existing folder. You can only have again, a 1.30 folder with a new install and or by using a copy you have made of it (possibly including your own scenarios) previously before applying the 1.31 patch

Be also, advice that if you have previously saved some scenarios patched 1.31, you have made and or downloaded, they will work only with CMSF 1.31 and not CMSF 1.30. There is no possible reverting for the scenarios.

So, there is no need to copy them in your NATO 1.30

So to resume clearly to have NATO again 1.30 patched

A/ You must copy (you use that term in informatics’ environment, when actually your program and its content has been already saved and that they can be installed from that copy). In that case it should be a 1.30 save, of the complete CMSF folder that you might have done previously.

B/ If, you don’t have that save, you must install or reinstall the original program in a different folder.

In order to do it rightly.

For A

1/ Just rename, your actual CMSF folder having NATO (It can have also Marines and UK on it) being patched 1.31, let's say CMSF NATO 1.31. Do a short cut of the install EXE found in the folder (call it CMSF NATO 1.31) and put it on your desk

Make a copy of the folder, put it in another folder containing your different save game version, just in case you need it.

2/ Take your NATO 1.30 copy and copy it in a new folder and at a different location from the 1.31. Rename it, let’s say CMSF NATO 1.30. Do a short cut of the install EXE found in the folder (call it CMSF NATO 1.30) and put it on your desk.

For B

1/ Just rename, your actual CMSF folder having NATO (It can have also Marines and UK on it) being patched 1.31, let's say CMSF NATO 1.31. Do a short cut of the install EXE found in the folder (call it CMSF NATO 1.31) and put it on your desk

Make a copy of the folder, put it in another folder containing your different save game version, just in case you need it.

2/ Then, make a new installation (in a new folder and at a different location from the 1.31) of CMSF and Then NATO (you don’t need to install Marines and or UK, since you might have them in your CMSF NATO 1.31 folder). That new installation is patched 1.30. Rename the folder, let’ say CMSF NATO 1.30

Do a short cut of the install EXE found in the folder (call it CMSF NATO 1.30) and put it on your desk


1/ Click either the desk CMSF NATO 1.30 and or 1.31 icon to start either one as needed.

2/ CMSF starts. Check that the 1.30 mark and or 1.31 mark appears in the main window.

That in order, to be sure you did not start the wrong folder program. That’s all.

Again thanks to all and particularly to Gibsonm for its constant rectifications and clarifications leading to a complete understanding of what can and or can’t be done, to revert to 1.30, without loosing his calm, even when under the fire of many interrogations not always clearly define by some of us.

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Slight change of pace here...

Here's one that would be a good graphics fix for v1.32 - the T-72M1V TC model needs a nudge forward in the hatch to avoid clipping...


Interestingly, Syrian AFV crew's have never had their own unique Unit Portrait in the user interface assigned to them. Unlike the western forces, which each posess a separate portrait for AFV crews, Syrian AFV crews use the same graphic assigned to unfantry units. Not a huge deal, but it always struck me as odd.

Here's some other stuff I just can't seem to shut up about...

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