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New Zealand earthquake

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Wonder why JK didn't get a headache??

Anyway - at about 1.28 in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SifN3RP8PMMis my parents' house - towards the bottom left corner for 5 or 6 seconds - the streets around it are awash & not far from there a new-ish (15-20 yrs old?) subdivision has been wrecked by liquefaction. The Avon river is in the bottom left corner of the shot.

We're all relieved no-one was injured - there used to be a couple of BFC-ers who live in Chch but I'm not aware of any now (but then I don't frequent the boards as much as I used to).

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He did. Check the WW2 tech thread.


I still win. I've had a long standing wager with him in that I predict there'll be a Mag 5+ earthquake within the next period of 36 hours (rolling, continuous). The wager has been running for ... 5(?) years now. I have yet to be proved wrong.

My mad predictive skillz r teh leet. JK has, of course, yet to be gallant enough to recognise my uberness.

BTW, there were a couple of folks injured, but no fatalities, which given the magn of the quake is quite extraordinary.


I trust your folks and their property are mostly ok?



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He did. Check the WW2 tech thread.

Because 12 hours after the event he said he had one at the time?

Sorry...post-hoc evidence doesn't rate in my book - as JonS says - let's hear him tell us it _before_ it happens!

Yep none of mine injured & relatively minor property damage in the scheme of things - my parent's house will lose a loo apparently - but they have 3.....:D

The flooding is from broken water mains, so is expected to clear up once they isolate those sections. We used to get that much water occasionally when I was a kid - JonS may be old enough to remember he wreck of the Wahine in about 1968 - there was a hell of a storm across the country & the street was similarly flooded then.

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As I said - post hoc blaming the EQ hours afterwards doesn't count. Before hand you blamed everythign else in the world except earthquakes.

And of course they are still going here (aftershocks up to 5.1) without any further word of complaint from you.....nor have you apaprently had any problems with any of the other quakes around the world of over 5 magnitude in the last few hours.

So, to recap....my Bravo-Sierra detector is registering full max now, in anticipation of your next post. Your earthquake detector only becomes apparent after the event, and only for famous ones.

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...there used to be a couple of BFC-ers who live in Chch but I'm not aware of any now (but then I don't frequent the boards as much as I used to).

There still is.

Aftershocks are still going on. One has arrived while I am typing this.

No damage to my property/possessions or myself other than psychological.

Sorry to hijack the thread.

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Taken from the WW2 Technology thread, wher it doesn't really belong! :)

I haven't heard of any power outages since the original one - if there were any this morning it must have been fairly minor.

all I know about the cathedral is that it has some cracks. The Catholic Cathedral is a much nicer building anyway! ;)

the epicentre of the latest major aftershock was only a few km from the city - in Lyttleton Harbour and only 6 or 7 km down, so very, very close to the city.

there' a great "dynamic" map here that gives a great view!

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Stalin's Organist,

I provided a link which quite clearly shows I was reporting strong symptoms BEFORE the quake, NOT post hoc. Therefore, your charge against me is both groundless and insulting.

I am sensitive to a great many things, and the level of trauma in the world presently is simply enormous, especially for an empath: Christchurch got hit, several towns in Australia's Victoria are flooded, 4 million Pakistanis are in dire straits, we had major flooding in the Dallas-Ft. worth area plus seven tornadoes here yesterday and could easily have lost the house, since we were in the path of two: Guatemala had floods and fatal mudslides, and much of the planet is burning. http://rapidfire.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/firemaps/ . Seldom can I directly correlate my symptoms with a specific event because of what in electronic circles is called channel saturation (for me, overwhelm), but the run up to the Christchurch quake is clearly on record in my posts in the link I gave. So, if there's any Bravo-Sierra about, may I suggest first checking your own underpants?


John Kettler

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John the first post where you blamed earthquakes for your pain was in a post at 7.41pm on Friday the 3rd - as far as I can see, you being in Texas, that was Sat 4 September, 12.41pm New Zealand time, or approximately 8 hours after the quake which occured at 4.35am local time.

Before then you were blaming all sorts of things for pain....but not earthquakes.....as I said.

You should really try to understand what was posted before chosing to be insulted.

My "charge" against you is that you did not post anything about earthquakes causing your reported symptoms until after the event. And that "charge" is completely correct and accurate.

you may suggest what you like, however I am perfectly happy with my take on where teh bravo sierra is.

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Stalin's Organist,

I was awakened BEFORE the quake hit, as I clearly reported here. The awakening preceded the Christchurch quake by many hours here. What may be confusing you is that the board clock isn't right, which is why I try to post my time, too.

Forced awake ~8:15 a.m. CDT; planet really rocked Friday

Post John Kettler on Sat Sep 04, 2010 3:41 am

Battled back to sleep repeatedly, but I think the disruptions, despite my meds, had an awful lot to do with Friday's quake fest, including a 7.0 ~11:36 a.m. my time. http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/Quakes/quakes_all.html Was more dead than alive much of the day, clobbered and really hurting, but did manage a substantial walk and got some writing done in the late afternoon and after dinner. Loads of "fun" on the East coast, but it's down to a Category 1.

If you go back up a bit, you'll see that I clearly noted a 6.3 didn't square with the intense symptoms I was reporting, and that the longer it took for something larger to come in, the worse it would be.

Just shoot me---please!

Post John Kettler on Thu Aug 19, 2010 10:07 pm

Judging from the extreme symptoms, not to mention a big chunk of the planet ablaze, there ought to be stupendous energy releases, but a 6.3 doesn't cut it in that department. The longer these hyper symptoms continue, the worse the eventual event when it does hit. Have been too busy enduring the unendurable to track the moon lately, but I trust your take on it.

So, I DID warn something bigger was coming in the quake department and it would be bad, based on my extreme symptoms and long experience. This was, I note, WELL before the Christchurch 7.0 hit. So, again, NOT post hoc.

Should also note that this post, to my fellow sensitives, is full of quake indicators: Spiking, inability to walk, poor balance, slow computer are all well established pre large quake indicators for me.

More like raging everything!

Post John Kettler on Thu Sep 02, 2010 7:27 pm


Sorry you're having such a rough time of it, and I'm sure the solar/geomag disturbances, hurricanes, tropical depressions, plane crashes, floods and this http://rapidfire.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/firemaps/ aren't helping. Suspect the only reason I sleep is because of the meds, but I was fairly functional yesterday, was able to go get the groceries and later speed walk/cum road race the mall with my brother at his wife's insistence. Can barely move today--after a hot shower! Sky's leaden here, everything feels pent up, and I feel sad, not to mention brains beaten in, lots of spiking, pressure in the skull from the storm front, poor balance, etc. Computer's very slow, too. Hang in!

Am sorry Christchurch and people got bashed around, just like I'm sorry any number of other disasters occurred, but I did report something in the pipe before the Christchurch quake hit.


John Kettler

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So, I DID warn something bigger was coming in the quake department and it would be bad, based on my extreme symptoms and long experience. This was, I note, WELL before the Christchurch 7.0 hit. So, again, NOT post hoc.

*pfft* Amateur. You have yet to bow before my uber-sensitivity.

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Post John Kettler on Thu Aug 19, 2010 10:07 pm

Judging from the extreme symptoms, not to mention a big chunk of the planet ablaze, there ought to be stupendous energy releases, but a 6.3 doesn't cut it in that department. The longer these hyper symptoms continue, the worse the eventual event when it does hit. Have been too busy enduring the unendurable to track the moon lately, but I trust your take on it.

So, I DID warn something bigger was coming in the quake department and it would be bad, based on my extreme symptoms and long experience. This was, I note, WELL before the Christchurch 7.0 hit. So, again, NOT post hoc.

This posted so called "warning" or "prediction" is 15+ days before the recent NZ earthquake 7.0. An earthquake size 7.0 or larger happens on average every 20 days (there are about 18 per year). Thus the warning is completely useless as it is worse than chance.

In case you're thinking John lives in NZ, no he lives in Plano, Texas.

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Welcome aboard! The issue of my Earth sensitivity is a vexed one here, but if you do some digging, you'll find I'm by no means unique in this regard. See, for example, the sad story of the price Charlotte King has paid for her own, carefully scientifically tested, abilities. http://www.viser.net/~charking/ Here's what a computer engineer discovered about the underlying causes. http://www.terraresearch.net/articles/Aches_to_Quakes.html He is the same person who came to my former abode in Carson, California and told me I was nuts when I described an Earth emission which began mid-late afternoon and peaked in the wee hours before tailing off and allowing me to go to sleep finally. Neither he nor his physicist buddy was laughing 48 hours later when exactly what I'd said a priori would occur was on his strip chart recordings continuously taken that weekend. Earth sensitives can and do feel things clear on the other side of the planet. I distinguish that from geopathic stress, which is a recognized medical condition that occurs over an active fault system and in certain other conditions. http://dragonlines.net/geopathicstress.htm


John Kettler

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I am sensitive to a great many things, and the level of trauma in the world presently is simply enormous, especially for an empath: Christchurch got hit, several towns in Australia's Victoria are flooded, 4 million Pakistanis are in dire straits, we had major flooding in the Dallas-Ft. worth area plus seven tornadoes here yesterday and could easily have lost the house, since we were in the path of two: Guatemala had floods and fatal mudslides, and much of the planet is burning. Seldom can I directly correlate my symptoms with a specific event because of what in electronic circles is called channel saturation (for me, overwhelm), but the run up to the Christchurch quake is clearly on record in my posts in the link I gave. So, if there's any Bravo-Sierra about, may I suggest first checking your own underpants?

So its kind of like what Obi-Wan feels when Alderaan is destroyed?

Should also note that this post, to my fellow sensitives, is full of quake indicators: Spiking, inability to walk, poor balance, slow computer are all well established pre large quake indicators for me.

?! Your computer is sensitive to people feeling sad too?

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