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So I'll be very interested in seeing if the AI not only does repairs but sends units to the proper building to have them done when needed like when hitpoints reach half of max.


Hi Brit, just wondering if you ever figured this out?

Thanks for reminding me. I meant to make sure this was working before the last update, but then I got sidetracked.

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Thanks for reminding me. I meant to make sure this was working before the last update, but then I got sidetracked.

Can i add this side note, the above is a very bad habit when developing any product, don't get sidetracked you need to be disciplined with your focus have a goal work towards then move to something else or you end up with loads of broken promises or ideas, or a half working game.

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Can i add this side note, the above is a very bad habit when developing any product, don't get sidetracked you need to be disciplined with your focus have a goal work towards then move to something else or you end up with loads of broken promises or ideas, or a half working game.

To be fair, I generally get sidetracked when something more important comes up -- like if the application crashes, I'd rather track down that problem than fixing or adding minor things.

So I'll be very interested in seeing if the AI not only does repairs but sends units to the proper building to have them done when needed like when hitpoints reach half of max.

Okay. I thought that the AI's repair functionality was working. I just tested it now using two damaged battleships. Yes, the AI does send units to the correct location to get repaired, and keeps them there until they're repaired. Now, I need to make sure the AI is using the repair system often enough, and in the correct situations. It's possible that the AI isn't using this functionality as often as it should.

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LOL regarding that previous post. I have been in the "industry" 20+ years and have not seen a dev more committed, disciplined and focused than Mr. Brit.

He also takes unwarranted criticism very well.

It's all good. FWIW, Brit was also highly praised by a dev on the Paradox forums. Way to go, sir.

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Well you can count on the fact me and my friends will be buying 4 copies of the game as soon as it is released in Holland (which stands at the 20th of August atm).

Just to show support for your efforts. We think it rocks, playing the demo and all.

Keep it up.

Kind regards,


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Well you can count on the fact me and my friends will be buying 4 copies of the game as soon as it is released in Holland (which stands at the 20th of August atm).

Just to show support for your efforts. We think it rocks, playing the demo and all.

Keep it up.

Kind regards,




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Okay. I thought that the AI's repair functionality was working. I just tested it now using two damaged battleships. Yes, the AI does send units to the correct location to get repaired, and keeps them there until they're repaired. Now, I need to make sure the AI is using the repair system often enough, and in the correct situations. It's possible that the AI isn't using this functionality as often as it should.

Hi Brit. Just wondering if you figured this out. Is the AI using repairs as often as it should?

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Actually I'm just a (non-active) BF customer lurking around the forum and stumbled upon this thread. Not a buyer of EoS myself as I couldn't be bothered to try the demo when the game came out, since it is not really my genre and have too many games on my hand already. Besides that I don't really have time to play any game dedicated, and have SC2 on the hd barely played.

But, regarding your website, I think you can easily make a better looking one without having to pay for a webdesigner. But you need to sit yourself down and put the same kind of attention into your website as you do into your game. I'm in the webhosting branche so perhaps I can give you some advice how to add value to your website:

1. Expand & restructure content

All information about your game is presented in only 3 pages:

- Main

- Faq

- Screenshots

Then there is an external link to the BF forum.

You could expand your content by adding an information/features page about the game. Have a seperate page for 'updates' (instead of bugfixes), a seperate page for video's and a seperate page for screenshots. Might even ad a 'strategies' page and finally ofcourse you need a 'news' page.

You should have a lot more text about features of the game then those 5 lines.

On the main page you can keep the video and a news section, but don't expand full release notes on the main page. Post articles about strategies, updates, events, reviews, development progress, etc in the news section on your main page. Then make sure those news bits are all teasers with a 'read more' link to their proper webpage.

Use screenshots here and there across your website to fill up pages a little bit and make it all look better. I could go on and on about this, but there are lots of examples of good website you can look for inspiration. On that I like is skype.com.

Google likes content, more content gets you higher up in google.

2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

You want to be found in google, it is actually not that hard. if you expand your content it will help a lot already. Look at Google like it is a human that is constantly looking for information. Like a encyclopedia. Google like's a lot of pages with balanced content. It is better to have 5 pages of A4 size then 1 page which is 5 times one A4 in length. Make sure the title of your page and the description match then contents. Think of one or two words that really are the most important for that page and focus on that word(s) in the title, description, links, bold, italic, headings, you name it.

I see you use statcounter.com; haven't used it myself but I can surely advice 'Google Analytics'. It is free, easy to install and gives a lot of information.

http://ranks.nl/ is a nice website for checking your websites optimization, for example the keyword density analyzer.

Make sure you create a lot of links to your website. Don't do this in a dodgy way, but many blogs have the possibility to register with a website name. Do this and post meaningfull posts on those blogs. If they are about wargaming it is even better. All those links count towards your google Page rank

3. How?

There are many easy to use templates and blog systems for making websites in the kitchen for a $20,- orso. Then there is also 'Wordpress', to name a free blog software program that can be used as a 'normal' website. Play around with it a little bit and you can create a nice looking website which already has news functionality built in and a lot of extensions available. Make sure to link your news to your facebook and twitter accounts so all share the same info.

4. Conversion

The 'Buy now' button is not really visible on your website and could be better looking. Invest a small amount in an icon set and you got some proper looking buttons for different usage.

Running out of time here so have to conclude (sorry if it is a bit of a chaotic post):

By developing a game you have proven to have quite some 'common sense' ;)

Use google as your best friend and find out how to optimise your website and look for open source programs like wordpress to help you with it. Invest around ~25-50 hours into it (first research, then doing) and I think you can have quite some website!

Making a better website can boost exposure from new potential customers and as long that website can keep their attention long enough they will try your demo. I think that is your best bet for getting more sales.

Good luck!

EDIT: LOL, I see you are already using WP :D

Seen a lot of customers producing much more with WP, so didn't even recognize it untill I looked at the menu some more times hehe

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