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Steven Smith review of SC: WWII Global Conflict at Armchair General:

'In summary, this is the best grand strategy game I have ever played. The game’s engine could be used for other grand strategy games such as the Seven Years War or Napoleonic Wars.'

'Gamers who enjoy planning ahead but don’t want a lot of complicated steps for each turn will enjoy this game. This is the game for players who like grand strategy, even those who don’t normally play WWII games.'

Armchair General score: 95%

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with all respect but I don't think Steve Smith played any of the other games in the SC series. It's easy to be impressed with a game evolving for 6 years, but talk to him in 6 years of playing and see if he still would give it 95%, although I'm sure the game is good.

I continue to wait for sc3, which if still ww2 in europe, will be a classic

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I will never settle back for anything less with at least the size of Global Conquest.

SC3, well, yes, give it to me, my money sits loose for any new gem, but never ever take the world away from me again!

Hexes, yes, bigger map, yes, more options, yes, more more, yes.

But i won't go back to single theater campaigns.

You have to play Global Conquest to understand the meening, the need for the whole world.

And wait for the 1.01 patch, which will bring Global Conquest towards new, golden heights.

I've seen the light, Kuni.


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I continue to wait for sc3, which if still ww2 in europe, will be a classic

Thanks Kuni and if we go down that route I am hoping it will be a classic as well :)

Regarding the review, let's just say I am glad none of you old farts did the review ;), because if indeed Steve had not played any SC games in the past, then from my perspective at least, it was refreshing to get an untainted and unbiased opinion of the game simply within the context of other games he has played.

In that context then I think the score was fair enough :D

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Good approach to the Japanese play, xwormwood---sounds like an interesting strategy.

All waiting for the patch! ALL WAITING FOR THE PATCH!!!

Yes, it will be a classic. I think it will be a 'game changer' (pun intended) in the industry.

Fortunately, I don't pay too much attention Armchair General---despite their 95% rating, doesn't hold much water, considering the source.

Hubert: I think the best ratings come from tried and tested (and passionate!) players...in my opinion (as a fairly passionate and experienced player), SC series is third best WWII game I've played, behind PG II as #1 and SSI's Ardennes/Korsun series as #2. I'd say with the SC patch (possibly) or SC III (likely), the SC series has a good chance of moving up to #2, in my view, and according to my personal ranking. And, I've played most of them.

But, that's just the opinion of a Canadian :)

Keep up the excellent work.



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Thanks Kuni and if we go down that route I am hoping it will be a classic as well :)

Regarding the review, let's just say I am glad none of you old farts did the review ;), because if indeed Steve had not played any SC games in the past, then from my perspective at least, it was refreshing to get an untainted and unbiased opinion of the game simply within the context of other games he has played.

In that context then I think the score was fair enough :D

Hey mr H, as I said I'm not out do disrespect the global game. Im sure it's great but just not what Im looking for as I said many times in the past. SC1 is still in my book in many vital aspects superior to the sc2 games. Does'nt mean I'm not supporting Fury software, battlefront or the strategic command series, after all these years I'm still standing here right? :)

For me SC3 is the way forward. With the sc2 games we pretty much built up a lot of features that will come in handy with the evolvment of sc3. I'm not sure I agree with Xwormwood about a global scale, back to Europe would be logical for me, aiming for ultimate playability(sc1) with lots of depth(sc2) to it under the hood.

If you are planning this Hubert, as you perhaps hinted earlier, dont forget sea mines, perhaps even land mines for tactical scenarios. Hexes of course, and solve static front lines with retreat rules. A simple rule to remember; outside cities- units retreat, defending city - no chance of retreat.

More over:

- don't be sloppy with historical facts(remember debate over command ratings) to early on silence history buffs, good example was matrix games ww2 grand strategy game that left out Malta - not a good way to build confidence among the grognards.

- And avoid "short cuts" if possible as Xwormwood posted.

- Give Bill Runacre lots of freedom he is fantastic, but tell him to aim for historical accuary as much as possilbe, without risking playability. Sometimes I feel the abstractions could have been fewer if Bill had gone for it like Poland scenario(Im basically the guy that sit here wonders where are the missing carrier in SC Pacifics order of battle for the attack on Pearl Harbor?).

btw what happened to Blashy and Edwin?

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Thanks for the kind words Kuni! :)

Incidentally, I don't know if you're aware but one thing Hubert did do with the Global engine is to make it so that when someone declares war on a major, unit scripts will now fire straight away where applicable for that major, rather than at the end of the turn. This should resolve that issue you had with your Battle for Russia scenario, where you wanted to have the USSR starting with more tank units than it could rebuild. You would just need to have the USSR start the game at less than 100% mobilization, and then set the excess units to arrive by script on the USSR reaching 100% mobilization. They will then deploy in turn 1 when Germany declares war. Of course, the scripts would need to be set to deploy at towns and cities, so hopefully their deployment positions can be made to match.

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Kuni is just saving his dimes for GGs new WitE game:rolleyes:, and as far as us "old farts" are concerned??:P??(Hubert...what has happened to your humility?:eek:), doesn't matter about our perspective, you listened, you adapted and most of all you persevered through a storm of criticism and that gets you to the 80 percentile by itself.

You found good assistance, you managed resources and stayed flexible, and allowing for a 5 plus or minus error, how could SC be anything but an "A" wargame grade.:cool:

Ohhhhh...and how's the back?

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- And avoid "short cuts" if possible as Xwormwood posted.


No fear, Kuniworth, Hubert has done this with the 1.01 patch for Global Conquest. Among many other things the patch opened up the gameplay.

As i wrote on several other places before:

i had the privilege to get access to the 1.01 beta patch.

And as much as i was unlucky about the 1.00 version of the game, as much am i happy about the 1.01 version. And even more.

I stopped playing the game after i posted my last outburst here.

But after i had the 1.01 patch installed, i return every day :eek: back to my computer to play on. And on. And on.

I love the game in the 1.01 version!

It would be nice if everyone who quote me from my "one scrippted event too much for my taste" (that was the 1.00 version) post some weeks ago would be so kind to consider this before he quotes me from this post(s) again. :)

Or else i will have to quote myself in their posts as well.

Just the subtle way like i did right now some lines above, the one line in bold, arial black, size 5.


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Thanks for the kind words Kuni! :)

Incidentally, I don't know if you're aware but one thing Hubert did do with the Global engine is to make it so that when someone declares war on a major, unit scripts will now fire straight away where applicable for that major, rather than at the end of the turn. This should resolve that issue you had with your Battle for Russia scenario, where you wanted to have the USSR starting with more tank units than it could rebuild. You would just need to have the USSR start the game at less than 100% mobilization, and then set the excess units to arrive by script on the USSR reaching 100% mobilization. They will then deploy in turn 1 when Germany declares war. Of course, the scripts would need to be set to deploy at towns and cities, so hopefully their deployment positions can be made to match.

Hm good to know in case I decide to buy it after all :)

Btw, in the demo I see you have given Norway some mines, Kiruna N is the name of one of them. Kiruna is a swedish city built around mining, got nothing to do with Norway...

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Hm good to know in case I decide to buy it after all :)

Btw, in the demo I see you have given Norway some mines, Kiruna N is the name of one of them. Kiruna is a swedish city built around mining, got nothing to do with Norway...

I think that is actually my fault as during the development stages I was moving some of the mines around in that area and might have moved one that was originally at Kiruna up to Norway not realizing it was a 'named' mine. We did a lot of back and forth of positions and number of mines due to some of the scripts in the game.

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