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New file at the Repository: (SC2G) Brute Force 1939-1945 v1.0 (2010-03-14)

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Big Al, I like your APs for naval vessels(2 weeks is about right), just make sure the screen scrolls quickly cause it is a PitA to go back and forth since the end of the movement is off the initial screen location of the unit.

The only problem with loops is that they preclude your opponent from intercepting.

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Actually that makes alot of sense since you would travel more evasively(zig-zag) if you were aware that enemy vessels may be about. I would make the naval vessel's APs be the diagonal number of tiles that one screen encompasses, that way if they start at the extreme left of the screen you could view the end of their movement at the far right of the screen without scrolling.

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I think if you set up two loop events, for example, with the same start positions but with differing finish positions, and then set the top most loop event at 50% and the second one at 100% then it could vary the arrival positions from turn to turn and hopefully make it more random.

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I would make the naval vessel's APs be the diagonal number of tiles that one screen encompasses, that way if they start at the extreme left of the screen you could view the end of their movement at the far right of the screen without scrolling.

The problem here is that with different screen resolutions, and different sizes of monitors, what is the extreme left and extreme right on your screen may very well not even be on my screen -- or vice versa :-)

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That is true... I run double screen 1920x1200.

Ok I have fixed the problems and the game is currently being game tested for more bugs.

China hex control fixed

loops fixed (hope I got em all)

Denmark changed to surrender from conquest for AI (suggestion)

Japanese extra garrions for islands added (suggestion)

Operation Torch corrected

Changed DEI from Annex to Surrendered for AI

Updated scenario.txt

Right now Im thinking about how to do loops to reduce tedious naval movement and increase AI speed.

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More changes today and another day of testing. I dont want you all to keep retesting a mod until I feel its good to go for a serious round of testing.

Axis AI looking good now. Gotta fix some fleet move orders.

Stop reading the posts Big Al and concentrate on your mod in other words get crackin :D Question Big Al when you make these changes will they be in the form of patches or will we download your mod again from the repository?


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This week I will put out 2 mods. One for AI and one for Human vs Human. When ga new update comes up I upload the whole sha-bang to the server.

Human vs Human has some extra types of units the AI can't handle.

Im still considering loops for AI vs Human to lower the AI thinking time.

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Good news on this mod is that watching the first few turns I was able to identify some of the problematic algorithms that were slowing things down regarding naval unit movements by the AI. Without boring anyone with the technical details I was able to improve unit movement calculations for all units and overall things run about 25% faster.

For example, Al's campaign ran the first Axis turn at about 4 minutes and I've got this down to about 3 and the nice thing is that it no longer really matters how many APs you set your units to as the new algorithm works just as well with high APs as it does with lower APs.

Now I just have to see if I can speed up the scrolling on Nupremal's monster mod as the level of detail there just seems to warrant some extra effort on my part to see if something can be done.

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Update on the scenario.

Axis AI looks pretty good and I think is getting close to being optimal... for now until you all exploit a loop.

UK AI is quite good.

USSR AI is quite good.

USA AI needs a little work. I will retest and check tonight.

Notes: I added naval loops for the Human vs AI version to assist both humans and AI with naval moves in key locations. I lowered the speed of ships to increase game play.

Took about 16 hours to run till 7/1944 AI vs AI which before it took longer if I remember. This means 8 hours of AI movement to get to 1944 which is decent for a nice big strategic game.

BTW no one ever mentioned if they liked or disliked the new naval modifications for ships I put into place?

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Update on the scenario.

Axis AI looks pretty good and I think is getting close to being optimal... for now until you all exploit a loop.

UK AI is quite good.

USSR AI is quite good.

USA AI needs a little work. I will retest and check tonight.

Notes: I added naval loops for the Human vs AI version to assist both humans and AI with naval moves in key locations. I lowered the speed of ships to increase game play.

Took about 16 hours to run till 7/1944 AI vs AI which before it took longer if I remember. This means 8 hours of AI movement to get to 1944 which is decent for a nice big strategic game.

BTW no one ever mentioned if they liked or disliked the new naval modifications for ships I put into place?

Sorry I stand confused [as always] Big Al, what mod are we talking about in regard to the ships, your first one that I downloaded last week or a new one, I cant get into the repository as of today its still down. Help me with this please are you going to have a whole new global for everyone to download when you have finished the Ai? Do we erase the one we have and add the new one when you are done? Will you have patches as we go along or how will improvements be handled?

Thank you


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I made 2 versions and the one in this thread is Player vs AI.

PvP version I replaced some land units with Garrisons. Maps reflect accuracy on strategies players should employ for movement, offense, and defense. It is completed unless players start suggestiong other ideas.

the PvAI version (player vs AI) is reworked slightly to speed up AI decisions and map coordination. There are somethings the AI cant do that are in the PvP version.

In the PvAI version

#1 Gibraltar is closed off because the AI can't sufficiently garrison its location with ships as needed to prevent the axis from getting out. You need to control the port to get out.

#2 The Panama Canal is closed and there is a loop for the human player if they want to use it. The AI tends to use west coast units to invade France. Im hoping if there is no path it will not do that.

#3 There are "Quick Loops" to assist the AI and human players, more so the AI. This prevents the AI from being exploited by human players strategically intercepting naval units and destroying them piecemeal.

#4 Ship movement is ~10-11 squares to speed up AI processes.

#5 There are no Garrison units like in the PvP version because the AI does not use them properly.

In the PvP version

#1 Gibraltar is open and the player must place ships there to protect the port from the Axis getting out. It is an easy function to do for a human and reflects history.

#2 Panama Canal is a town and port that can be occupied by the axis.

#3 There are no "Quick Loops"

#4 Ship movement is ~20 squares.

#5 Some infantry is replaced by Garrison units (anti-tank) to reflect that not all troops were used in front line combat that were available.

So there you have it. Why I have 2 versions.

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Axis AI is working pretty well vs itself.

Allied AI for USA is improving. UK and USSR are good.

Added some roads to the scenarios to improve supply and guide strategic thinking

Upload should be tonight as long as I can.

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Yea sure gimme a couple hours and I will upload it to my site once my son is down. Ive been running more and more tests to make the AI more efficient. Please remember I am not a genius at this stuff. This is the 1st round of AI to make sure basic strategy works. After that there will be more strategies.

One point I want you all to consider is the quick loops I put in the game. I reduced the ship speed to 10-11 and installed quick loops. For example there is a chain of loops going from Australia - India - Middle East - South Africa. Also one for US - UK.

Let me know if you like them. If so I can do the same thing for the PvP version. No one likes moving 10 ships for 5 turns across a screen. In PvP version the ships have 18-20 movement.

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