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World War 1 Mod

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At first i must say that im really happy that Global Conflict is finally released:D

Like it very much and at the moment i am encircling India With a Sovjet-German Offensive.

Now where we finally can build much greater Maps. I was starting to create a WW1 Mod. At the moment i just finished some pop-ups, pictures and interfacethinks.

It all startet as i bought the Emhar Mk. IV tank kit. After that I and a Friend talked about a possibility to create a WW1 SC-Mod.

Now I try to build a European-Middle East Map three times bigger than the standart SC-Europe Scenario with extensions like Africa and South America.

Here some first pics, hope you like what you see :D

French Armour WWI


British Armour WWI (Some Unit Sprites are taken from a Russ-Civil-War Mod)


German Armour WWI (Mostly Prototypes)


Sry for bad writing. Have to get along with it to write english.



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Looks great. I’ve done some work with WWI bitmaps; tanks, aircraft, Cossacks, Doughboys & Tommies! Later in the day I’ll share.

I was thinking of a WWI game starting in 1917, just Europe and the Middle East. The big events are many: the Bolshevik revolution, America’s entry and the height of the Battle for the Atlantic to name a few.

Another thought was to use the global map, start the war in 1914 and include all the colonial wars in Africa and Asia.


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My suggestion would be to increase the number of hexes - at least for the countries where most of the action took place - i.e. central europe. it looks pretty cramped in France.

Either way though - glad to hear the mod is being developed.

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First thanks for the nice comments.

I try to increase the hexes. Especially in Europe and Middle East. Africa and America are slimed down but are going to be used ;)

Colonial Wars will be representet just in Africa notably Tanzania. America to represent the American-occupation of Veracruz (Tampico Affair) and Pancho Villa and the battle of the Falkland islands

The Map I used to present the new skins is just a first prototype (Modification of an old Map)

I try to use the full map size but when i try to import the map indexes the editor crashes and just show one hex. Another one 346x120 works fine but its to small for my Project. Just ~20% more size and it won´t work. Someone got an idea why? Thats why i didn´t startet with the new Map at all.


Of course there will be subs and Zeppelins (Early Bombers), i am even thinking how to implent Attack Planes Like the Junkers CL. I (Not that Powerfull like in WW2) :D


Let me show your Units.... Hehehe :cool:



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Great looking mod, and the tanks are really impressive. :D :cool:

Don't really want to throw any cold water on it, but I hope you don't plan to make tanks a significant unit in this mod. After all, tanks were very late in coming for WWI, and were not a major factor in it, at any rate.

Doesn't mean they can't be in it though. ;)

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But was WWI really global? Its true Germany had more colonies (Far East, Africa) and the Allies grabbed these, plus there were surface raiders. But, unlike WWII there was no Far Eastern power to complement Germany and allies in Europe. I can see Japan being interesting in its relationship with Russia and the Middle East being fascinating.

If you are going to have a global game you need to use most of the map.

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Good evening all!


At the moment i am still thinking how to introduce tanks in WW1.

I think that the building limit will be held quite small attack strikes reduced to 1 and more important; Mobility really expensive. Maybe After Tech 3 they start to become really usefull (like they really had become). I think they are going to be support units like AA and Artillery are in SC. Just more effective for breakthrougts. Lets see what first test games will say :D


It won´t be a World Map. "Just" a really enlarged America, Europe and Africa Map. I Was thinking about a World Map but imo the few colony-wars in Asia and Oceania are not worth enough to build 1/2 Map for ~4 Months of War there.


Thanks for the pics! The units are looking really good. May you send me them in .bmp or .PNG format? (sharp Pictures)

Mod Status:

Finished German Recon/Fighter-Planes. I try to adjust the shadows and then i am going to show them to you. Am i a sadist?:rolleyes::D

Still fighting with the Map-Generator but i start to go along with it.



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Sounds good (about the tanks), but I think it would be wise to limit the tank tech to just tech 2 at most, at least until the historical end of WWI. Of course, if you intend to have the campaign continue long past that time, that changes everything.

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If you want to use the Global map include the colonial wars, why not - should be interesting. For Asia you could even have a go at the Warlord period in China; also include a DE simulating the Japanese aggression (“12 Points” I think was the demand sent to China by Japan in 1916) and the actual or modified US reaction.

If you don’t want to use the Global map, import the European map, and have fun. In the pics I see that is what Dominik has done.

I'd keep the tanks at level 0, but that's because I like to simulate the historical.

I thought about tank entry. One option is to set force levels at 0 for tanks, create DE’s that cause you to spend MPP’s at a given date for a given tank linked to a unit script. Should work ok because the DE sets the entry time, and it still costs MPPs.

The real fun will be how to integrate the Russian Revolution!


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Other parts of the world in WWI Germany had three major colonial areas in Africa. Lettvow Von Vorbeck , a reserve Colonel tied down over 250,000 troops in his first true guerilla warfare. He was never defeated all the way to 1918.

Germany had several Pacific colonies and an Pacifics fleet consisting of 2 battle crusiers, and three light crusiers. Under the command of Admiral Schnee. He smashed the British in the Naval battle of Coronel. Handing the English their worst Naval defeat scince Napolionic times.

The Japanes Siege of the German for of Tsing Tao on mainland China was a classic siege. The famous beer Tsing Tao is actully a German brew.

The Japanese scarfed up ALL the German Pacific colonies , the Marshalls, ect ect.

The Japanese actually sent a Naval squadron to the Med to guard against german and Austrin Uboats.

The war was truly Global, if not as expasivly Global as the Second World War.

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Very, very nice! I dream of a SC WW1 for years!

But tanks in 1914 - that really makes no sense!

What about gas warfare, when the wind is right?!

In 1916 the Germans introduced the new "Sturmbataillione" - Special Forces, would be nice to have them too!

Very large artillery would be nice, like the german railway guns!

@ CSS: As far as I know Germany just built 20 A7V tanks! - That's nearly nothing, but they fought well against the British Mk-tanks.

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Agreed, no tanks in 1914; make the entry historical.

Another unit I was thinking of adding were reconnaissance aircraft. I don’t see the WW1 biplane has having any effect on ground or naval combat in a WW1 game. But, reconnaissance is a tactical advantage any SC player would want: to see over the enemy lines 2 or 3 tiles. So, you’d have an air war with reconnaissance planes uncovering major enemy units and fighters trying to shoot them down.

"Sturmbataillione,” are of course very doable; and don’t forget the Devil Dogs (Teufel Hunden) of the 4th & 5th Marine Regiments.

I was thinking about chemical weapons also, but how to simulate that is as difficult as simulating atomic bombs in 1945. I guess you could use strength scripts, but that reduces flexibility. Another though was to create a second artillery unit bitmap dedicated to gas attacks. But, the scale would have to be smaller than the global, and maybe smaller than the current PDE European map… It is still not clear to me as how the idea would be implemented.


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Got some News for you guys!

Denmark & Colonies, Benelux and Mainland of France are finished.

Techunits of German, French and British Planes are completed too ;-)

Here you see how the actual size of the Map will become, its just the western Front but i start to work from the Western Europe to the East.

(Already did some skirmishes with the Belgians ^^)


The German Colonies in Africa (down to Namibia) will be included later!

Tank tech starts in 1914 at 0 Allies already got one chit in research. Development of them later on depends on the Player.

Chemical Weapons and Gas most propably is going to mentioned just in Pop-ups. That were brutal weapons but didn´t changed the tide of the war neither they were "trend-setting". Research into Artillery tech and imagine they use gas :-P

Hope you like it that far :)



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How can you post such detailed pictures? I downloaded it, it's 154kb! When I use "attachments" it's limited to 19.5kB and a max pixel resolution of 620x280 ---> that's nearly nothing! (Admin, could you please help lowering this hard restrictions? 200kB @ 1280x1024 would be nice!)

kowalewski - I need to say chemical weapons were "trend-setting", unfortunately. To the end of WW1 every third artillery grenade shot off was a gas or combined gas-explosive grenade! Of course they are brutal, think of flamethrower, bombing civilians, raping women, the new psycho-weapons the US just introduced... :mad: War was, is and always will be brutal! That's why we play it on computers and will not do it in reality, right?! I will never join an army, and that's why I made civilian (alternative) service when I was a young guy. I watched many many war-documentions... we all should learn about that, but many will not, and that's why war continues on and on :mad:

Another idea is to use new army- and corps-graphic-sprites, I think of the german spiked helmet (Pickelhaube) they used to wear at that time. The steel helmet was introduced in 1916.

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