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New to the game,Need some tips?

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My first game doesnt go very well..i play as Axis, on intermediate (no bonuses for me or AI).

Dont do any progress at all in China, bought alot of tactical bombers to try to dislodge the Chinese, if i attack from 5 directions, guess who´s army that takes a beating, mine, not the Chinese, they dont loose a point.

So im doing something wrong here because its futile and not fun.

As Germany it went ok even with the poor economy, took Poland, France and Denmark, but when Italy joined i sent two italian corps to Africa, by now they just had 1 or 2 armies on Italy, what do they do? they DOW Greece out of the blue ,but of course hasnt any units beside tha Albanian one in vicinity to Greece. Germany now has the burden to build units for all axis minors with a eceonomy that is poor to begin with.i research industrial techs but to no avail. I decide to help in Greece and dow Yugoslavia and go that route to Greece, what happens, immediatly Russia is DOWing me. I have to scramble all my units to Russia and not caring about Greece or Africa.

So as you see, i need pointers as how to play Axis both Japan and Germany?

Question: do a german DOW on Yugo always lead to a Russian DOW or should i have used diplopoints towards Russia? if i did how are you able to maintain Germany and Italy in terms of units? only buy corps for both?

China? should i give up sign a peace treaty? How do you play Japan? they got the eceonomy but cant do anything against the super troops of China.

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1) Japan: Try to get first Foochow, as Japanese need quite good supply in order to archieve "anything". Maybe also replace HQ: "rightclick on HQ with Sack/Replace", as a higher Rank HQ could help. Btw, china is not an "overrun" territory like France or Russia, every tile there is a hard nut, and this is intentional.

2) Germany: Yes, like historically Italian Partners are quite annoying, if one doesn't like the option in Advanced at the beginning of the Game is i.e. to turn off this effect, or to "deal" with selfwilled partners...

3) Politically it may be wise to be a little carefull and not pressing too much as Axis before late 41. Generally DoW's are something like "the last option". Maybe helpful to try to send German Units via Italian-Albanian-Seaport to Greece while leaving the Neutrals unharrassed, or land Amphiously...

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Hi thanks,

1.But Foochow is impossible even to injure?

2. i can see the intention behind annoying minors but it should be decisions that have atleast some foundation in reality. DOWing Greece while their units in Afrcia is not one of them.

3. Ok so no dows on Yugo before war with russia esseintially.

I think i start over at a lower difficulty, which one should i use for some small bonuses for me? i didnt understood the manual regarding this so i left it without bonuses

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Hi Eyeswitcher,

Just to add to what PowerGmbH has suggested, if you completely surround Foochow then their maximum reinforcement value will only be 5 and if you bring in a few Carriers to help and set them to Tactical mode this should help you eventually capture the city. Once Foochow is captured your supply situation in the south will be greatly improved and capturing locations like Nanning will help as well as that starts to cut off some of the aid China receives from its Allies.

For Italy, if you wish to disable this automatic DoW, when you start the campaign you need to go to the Options dialog, then Advanced->Scripts and select the War Entry scripts. From there proceed to the second page of scripts and deselect the ALLIED AI: Italy Invades Greece event.

Invading Yugoslavia prior to the USSR is definitely an option but it all depends on how you are doing at that point in the war. If the USSR is close to joining and you don't have very many units on the Soviet border then perhaps it is not such a good idea sort of thing.

Good luck!


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I have been playing SC games for years and I don't think I will ever be able to figure out the damn supply. I have been fighting the war in China for over a year and I have not advanced ONE tile. I bomb the cities with the aircraft carriers and after each round of attacks the carrier planes take big hits and that cost a fortune to keep replacing. And each attack with a ground unit I always lose one or two per unit that has to be replaced each time. and withthis version I can't even use artillery to wear them down the enemy a little.

I am playing the long campaign, no advantage to either AI or me. All this time I thought I was getting supply from the HQ's and the nearest cities. Now having read the last post you tell me that the only city that counts is Foochow. China has drained all of my MPP's and I never have any left over to play around with research or diplomacy. I can't buy new units to prepare for the big war that is coming with USA. This is why I would never play a human opponent because would always be at a big disavantage. I have read the manuals but I can't figure out how to hurt the opponents supply chain or even if one exists. Very frustrating.

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Hi Yolo,

Foochow is not necessarily the most important but it is one of the easier targets and in turn can help with your supply in the south as you advance towards Nanning and Changsha.

Interestingly enough the frustration with China is exactly one of the reasons that Japan historically expanded the war so in this case you are definitely not alone!

I'd suggest to keep at it, as China was never an "overrun" territory as PowerGmbH alluded to above and try the 'S' hotkey as this will show the map supply helper painting a better picture for you all around.

Good luck,


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Hi Hubert,

I didn't intend for you to have to take time from your busy schedule to answer my lamentings. But I sure thank you. I just can't figure out the supply. I do use the "S key" but as soon as you click on a unit the supply value on the tile disappears so I haven't found it very helpful.

The supply kills me constantly. And in Russia is there a chart that tells the AXIS player when his units will become totally useless? My armored divisions are suddenly made of glass and an enemy HQ unit is something to run away from. I know you are up against General Winter, as they called it back then, but what are the dates?

Any way to shut supply off so I can have some fun?

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In China you have to concentrate on one "hex", Foochow is a good one to start with. Use BB's to lower the city's supply and move in as many units as you can to start hammer on it. Use the carriers only when the chinamen starts taking a beating. Operate the HQ in Manchuria closer to Foochow to give better supply. It may take some time but it will fall. Don't do any other attacks unless you see that you have good odds. Take good defensive positions elsewhere and let the chinese do the stupid attacks. In the long run bombers are important to be able to take China out of the war. Things will move faster later in the game. It is hardest in 39-41. I usually have them out of the war by early 44 and this is at intermediate level and +1 in experience to the AI. It does take some time before you master it and you have to build some carriers in good time before the war against the US. But if you start a world war it's not gonna be easy. Germany is a bit low on MPP at start but later on they have more cash then the Japan. It's a lot more difficult to play Japan "right".

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China has drained all of my MPP's and I never have any left over to play around with research or diplomacy. I can't buy new units to prepare for the big war that is coming with USA. This is why I would never play a human opponent because would always be at a big disavantage.

Hi Yolo

I would actually strongly recommend playing a human opponent just for this very reason, but playing as Allied. Diving straight in at the deep end will reap dividends later - just bribe your opponent to keep the results quiet! ;)

I still remember my first ever SC1 multiplayer game where I had my backside very promptly handed to me on a plate, embarrassingly so, but I learned so much from that first game that it never happened quite like it again.

In some early playtests I shared your frustration with China, until I saw in some of my other games where I was Allied how my Axis opponents were smashing up my Chinese defences and advancing on Chungking. Partly my bad Chinese strategy was to blame, but they also showed the way that Japan can make the most effective advances in China, using strategic bombers and upgraded tactical bombers to bomb defending units, which are then in their weakened state attacked by ground units.

One piece of advice I will willingly share is that it would be a big mistake to focus too much on China early in the war. Even if you find it hard to advance in China, the Chinese won't find it any easier to do so themselves, so as long as you maintain your position you can prepare for the bigger war that is to come with the UK and USA.

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Thank you Bill101 and Rannug.

Good, informative posts. I am trying the tactical tips now. I guess I just am worried about not moving fast enough. Because I know from playing the WAW and PT how overwhelming the allied airpower will become. So I think I have to move FAST and take territory because the air units are,IMO, WAY too powerfull. They can decimate armies and armor groups in just one turn. So I spend all of my mPP's on air units , anyway, nevermind that has been hashed over a million times.

ANother thing I have trouble with is what am I suppose to be doing from 1939 to end of 1941? Do I occupy the islands? But if I do that I have nothing to attack the Philippines with when the time comes.

Or am I suppose to go for Burma or Thailand while waiting for Pearl harbor?

Any suggestions would be helpful.

And one more thing. I would like to try a PBEM but I just know that I'll tangle with a professional game player who has a boilerplate game-plan that works every time and it would be very frustraiting to go up against that.

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Before Pearl harbor, you do not very much...you don't want to make the UK/US upset before you are ready for them. Hammer on China in a cost efficiant way and make the investments in 1. Carriers 2. Tech 3. Bombers and/or tactical bombers. When you are ready to take on the US you have to hit at many places at the same time and having a full bank account to pay for aphibious transports the next turns. Nerver have any rush in China unless a oporutiny show up. You don't need a lot of fighters early on as Japan but in mid/end game they are impotant too,

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1)Or am I suppose to go for Burma or Thailand while waiting for Pearl harbor?

Any suggestions would be helpful.

2)I would like to try a PBEM but I just know that I'll tangle with a professional game player who has a boilerplate game-plan that works every time and it would be very frustraiting to go up against that.

1) General advise: Countries with parentesis i.e. "Burma (Br.)" mean they "belong" to british influence sphere, in other words an attack on them is like offending Britain. Similar with "Phillipines (US.)". Like the inicial advise there are to be kept hands away until "ready". There are really little Coutnries that Japan can DoW on without getting the whool commonwealth upset. Normally the Player is informed down the road about options, but generally Japan can go slowly upbuilding without the haste that Germany has to get MPP.

2) Human players are quite helpful even if one looses, really. observing the moves ( maybe playing without Fog of War ) can greatly help "learning by doing".

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Thanks to both for the tips. I did not know that Burma(Br) meant it belonged to the British. And I thought I was twiddling my thumbs while I was suppose to be pilaging and plundering. So I will invest my MPP's as as Rannug suggested and think about a PBEM game. By the way I just concentrated on Foochow and took it. Now I will just hold the line in China and wait for the balloon to go up with the USA.

I also like the way the naval war in the Atlantic has been redesigned. It use to be I was affraid to take my ships and subs out of port because they would be used as target practice by the British. I have had several encounters and survived all of them. Even besting the enemy most of the time. Now if I can just survive urber-planes I will start having fun.

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If Vishy France is created by Germany 1940, you can take out Fr. Indochina with ease and get only a very small US/Ussr reaction. One unit attacking Hanoi will do the trick.

You are not to be totally passive in China but taking one hex at a time.

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This may not be the best strategy, but so far mine has worked well early on.

I'm just holding the line in China while I pour money in techs as well as beefing up my existing units, and go island hopping into the UK's Pacific Islands. This has gained me enemies with other islands and Australia/New Zealand, but they don't seem to have much to work with, and taking many islands is easy so far.

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Hi all;

New to the forum. Great game, as are the the earlier 'versions'. I find them enjoyable, and the occasional frustration means the game is as tough as it should be.

I've only just started playing this game, so I do not have too many observations, yet :).

In regard to China, Foochow is takeable very early in the game (perhaps after Turn 1?)...line up tyour battleships/cruisers and pound away, bring in your carriers and pound away, do the land attack plus the amphib...but you'll need to wait till the following turn after you defeat the Chinese unit in Foochow to actually occupy the city.

Super game---:)



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re: Foochow. I left it alone early on thinking I could mop it up later. Not so, the garrison must be made out of steel. The next time I play I will concentrate on this first which takes all 3 square sides plus CV air.

When I did take it I left it vacant and they put a partisan there along with another unit adjacent. Again I had to shift more resources over to take it AGAIN!!!! grrr.

I notice in this version CV air doesn't do as much damage but sure takes losses. Fine, I like the challenge:) I do play at intermediate +50%.

As others said you have to treat each square in China separate. There is a place in the north where I leave open and the AI loves to send a unit in where I promptly have 3 units to counterattack and destroy it. I always try to destroy a unit first so it can't reinf. However there are times you just have to start hammering to wear it down.

By Oct of 41 I have all the major cities in China I expected to take (basically up to but not including Chunking). Thats where I usually stop and defend so I can concentrae on the 2nd stage...Thailand Burma etc.....

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Hi thanks,

1.But Foochow is impossible even to injure?

2. i can see the intention behind annoying minors but it should be decisions that have atleast some foundation in reality. DOWing Greece while their units in Afrcia is not one of them.

3. Ok so no dows on Yugo before war with russia esseintially.

I think i start over at a lower difficulty, which one should i use for some small bonuses for me? i didnt understood the manual regarding this so i left it without bonuses

Foochow is kinda of easy to destroy IMHO, as stated above BB's to reduce the fortification numbers, and most important 2 or 3 tacticle bombers that can be brought to bear quite easily in the first few months, and make sure you have strong HQ's even if you have to replace a HQ 6 with an 8, this should destroy Foochow quite easily, if that does not work you need a new CIC:D



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re: Foochow. I left it alone early on thinking I could mop it up later. Not so, the garrison must be made out of steel. The next time I play I will concentrate on this first which takes all 3 square sides plus CV air.

When I did take it I left it vacant and they put a partisan there along with another unit adjacent. Again I had to shift more resources over to take it AGAIN!!!! grrr.

I notice in this version CV air doesn't do as much damage but sure takes losses. Fine, I like the challenge:) I do play at intermediate +50%.

As others said you have to treat each square in China separate. There is a place in the north where I leave open and the AI loves to send a unit in where I promptly have 3 units to counterattack and destroy it. I always try to destroy a unit first so it can't reinf. However there are times you just have to start hammering to wear it down.

By Oct of 41 I have all the major cities in China I expected to take (basically up to but not including Chunking). Thats where I usually stop and defend so I can concentrae on the 2nd stage...Thailand Burma etc.....

Right on Hard rock totally agree with what your saying, you must put some kind of unit in Foochow when you capture it and leave it there or all kind of bad things are going to happen at Foochow, carriers IMHO are waste until they get experience, it is too expensive to replace all the planes lost from carrier strikes when tacticle bombers will do a much better job.


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