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Low walls, Deployed MGs and the Peng Challenge Thread

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You mean you actually have some? Well...let's not get into that. Don't want to get Joe all excited and sweaty. The pong is bad enough around him as it is.


Michael you are a pimple on the butt of humanity.

Your baseless insults will be tolerated no longer.

I hereby challenge you to a game of CMSF: Marines ... you pick the side, I'll pick the scenario ... or the other way around. It doesn't matter as you'll lose as surely as the sun rises in the east.


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Michael you are a pimple on the butt of humanity.

Your baseless insults will be tolerated no longer.

I hereby challenge you to a game of CMSF: Marines ... you pick the side, I'll pick the scenario ... or the other way around. It doesn't matter as you'll lose as surely as the sun rises in the east.


That's real funny, Joe, knowing as you do that Michael doesn't play well with others!

Or play at all with others, actually.

Look! There's a plastic clematis sitting in a styrofoam filled pot! Why don't you challenge it as well?

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That's real funny, Joe, knowing as you do that Michael doesn't play well with others!

Or play at all with others, actually.

Look! There's a plastic clematis sitting in a styrofoam filled pot! Why don't you challenge it as well?

Oh that's right ... he DOESN'T PLAY THE GAME does he. My error.

At that I suspect the plastic plant would give me a better fight.


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I would give a devastating reply to you two, but I can't because it's all too true. Too true, too true, too true. And it all makes me quite blue. I think I'll go sniff glue.


As is often been said around the campfire; you have the soul of a poet and the emotional maturity of a soccer hooligan.

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As is often been said around the campfire; you have the soul of a poet and the emotional maturity of a soccer hooligan.

I'd remind you Boo Radley that a true CessPudlian does not alter the words used by the original poster. A TRUE CessPudlian takes the words AS WRITTEN ... and then makes sport of the poster with his or her very own words.

Yes, even in the case of Michael ... mostly.

Of course you could argue that taking anything he writes and making something of it is akin to the old silk purse/sow's ear argument. By that I mean covering his head with a silk purse to hide the sow's ear that somehow grew on his head.


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Hey, Mace, did you get flooded out? I thought about you when I heard about the storms.

Hoping I was washed away eh?

Didn't get flooded out but we did find out our roof leaks, and now we have soggy carpet to content with!

Ever stood on wet carpet with socks on? EWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! **shudders**

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No, but then again, I have pretty good bladder control.
Waiting until you're outside does not equate to "pretty good bladder control." While I'm confident that the Good Lady Rose has made innumerable attempts to teach you the usage of a "toilet" ... I'm equally confident that you don't understand any better than the dog does and so, like the dog, she just lets you outside when necessary.


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Hoping I was washed away eh?

I had my fingers crossed.

Didn't get flooded out but we did find out our roof leaks, and now we have soggy carpet to content with!

You should have moved your bed under it. Must we keep pointing out these obvious solutions for you?

Ever stood on wet carpet with socks on? EWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! **shudders**

And I don't suppose it would ever occur to you to change your sox. No, of course not.


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Ah'm feckin' brilliant, Ah am. Ah hae jus' finished emptyin' a rusty can' whoop ass all o'er Noba tae tha tune o' 92 tae 8. Hae spaint far too much time furtin', an' noo enuff time fightin'.

Gaze ye upon mah mighty works, an' traimble!!

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