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Guess it's time to start a new Peng Challenge thread

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Asshats with chinstraps!!
You see Elvis, you see what happens when you DON'T POST RULES!

All sorts of neer-do-wells think that it's just fine to drop in and drop what passes for thoughts willy nilly.

Take the example of young BoogerBitz above ... not only does he claim the second post but he doesn't follow the prescribed process of an SSN ... but he didn't know that did he ... BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T POST THE RULES!

And in addition he's a GooberNational, granted he's a Canahookian which I personally grant some leeway since it was the birthplace of my lovely and talented Lady Justicar, but a GooberNational nonetheless. Mind you he does have one thing right ...


Self-loathing Company Man

In this at least we can agree ... we loath him too.


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Sorry....my bad. Here ya go.....

Or, if you are a member of a society who calls a flashlight a flashlight and not a torch, then it's a walker race. But not a walking race.

But if you're Dutch, you may skip if you like.

Here are the RULES.

We are always right and you aren't.

Get used to it and get over it.

Be nice to the Ladies of the Pool or incur their wrath for they can be quite wroth.

Even Lillian Wroth, but that's a reference only the Justicar and Emrys will understand. Maybe.

If you are new here, then you are an SSN (Scum Sucking Newby) and have no rights.

If you wish to elevate yourself in our eyes then challenge a person to a game of CM by using wit, venom, bile and chutzpah.

Do not talk about the manliness of your joy department, for if you do you will be mocked then ignored. Or ignored and mocked at the same time, which is always fun too.

Remember the RULES and keep them wholly!

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Way to scold him Emrys...after all its 2010 and the rules should be reit, reterat, retratetd, dammit.........gone over again......so things like this don't continue to happen in the new year.
I've never been so insulted in my life ... this is your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread you idiot, not some ... some ... some mere Other Recognized!

For your penance you are required to write on the blackboard 100 times the following:

"The Justicar is the Justicar and nothing less."

Well, the sooner started the sooner finished ... get to it.


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I've never been so insulted in my life ... this is your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread you idiot, not some ... some ... some mere Other Recognized!

For your penance you are required to write on the blackboard 100 times the following:

"The Justicar is the Justicar and nothing less."

Well, the sooner started the sooner finished ... get to it.


I wish you all 2010, especially you Emrys.

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I've never been so insulted in my life ... this is your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread you idiot, not some ... some ... some mere Other Recognized!

For your penance you are required to write on the blackboard 100 times the following:

"The Justicar is the Justicar and nothing less."

Well, the sooner started the sooner finished ... get to it.


You tell them, Michael!

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Sorry....my bad. Here ya go.....

Or, if you are a member of a society who calls a flashlight a flashlight and not a torch, then it's a walker race. But not a walking race.

But if you're Dutch, you may skip if you like.

Here are the RULES.

We are always right and you aren't.

Get used to it and get over it.

Be nice to the Ladies of the Pool or incur their wrath for they can be quite wroth.

Even Lillian Wroth, but that's a reference only the Justicar and Emrys will understand. Maybe.

If you are new here, then you are an SSN (Scum Sucking Newby) and have no rights.

If you wish to elevate yourself in our eyes then challenge a person to a game of CM by using wit, venom, bile and chutzpah.

Do not talk about the manliness of your joy department, for if you do you will be mocked then ignored. Or ignored and mocked at the same time, which is always fun too.

Remember the RULES and keep them wholly!

Damn fine rules, even if I do say so myself.

So concise. So poignant. So right on the money.

Just.... just beautiful.

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... this is your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread...

A mere functionary who has never had the wit to learn to keep his place with due humility. Ah, back in medieval China we knew how to deal with petty bureaucrats who had gotten too big for their britches. We had some very innovative ways of punishing insubordination. Boy, back then you would have been glad to kowtow and knock your forehead on the floor six times for every step you took approaching me or taking your leave.


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A mere functionary who has never had the wit to learn to keep his place with due humility. Ah, back in medieval China we knew how to deal with petty bureaucrats who had gotten too big for their britches. We had some very innovative ways of punishing insubordination. Boy, back then you would have been glad to kowtow and knock your forehead on the floor six times for every step you took approaching me or taking your leave.


Now, Joe. No need to bring ancient history into the discussion, even though you lived through most of it.

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A mere functionary who has never had the wit to learn to keep his place with due humility. Ah, back in medieval China we knew how to deal with petty bureaucrats who had gotten too big for their britches. We had some very innovative ways of punishing insubordination. Boy, back then you would have been glad to kowtow and knock your forehead on the floor six times for every step you took approaching me or taking your leave.


I would have pegged you for one of the Emperor's Royal Poo Sniffers Shaw.

Gives the term brown noser a whole new meaning.

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Death to those who would confuse me with the Pshaw!


For once, and probably the only time, I'm in full agreement with Michael.

I can understand Nidan1 getting confused, he never was too bright but to have Boo Radley get ... hmmm ... actually he's never been that bright either.

It's actually rather remarkable that the two of them don't get confused about who THEY are.


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Yes, you are most amazingly forgettable. But fear not. I have granted you an unearned immortality in my collection of sig lines.


Joe, you are a tart. Your sig lines are just stolen words. You have nothing original. Nothing.


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Joe, you are a tart. Your sig lines are just stolen words. You have nothing original. Nothing.


As if YOU have any room to talk Boo Radley ... the last original thing to come out of your mouth was a howl of pain as you slammed the car door on your hand ... again.


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Joe, you are a tart. Your sig lines are just stolen words. You have nothing original. Nothing.

Says the man whose entire sig line is a quote from Stuka. You are not only unoriginal, you are impoverished. You need a sign that says something like "Will work for sig lines". On second thought, that probably wouldn't fly in your case. Best to just get a tin cup and hang out on the corner.


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So Michael is Boo and Joe is a bath mat? Brain transplants not being an option (for lack of the indicated organ as opposed to there being a limit on surgical skill), I'd say that Boo should have gone for the poke in the eye with a sharp stick rather than have his reputation slandered in such a fashion. And Emrys, what were you trying to think with?

Congratulations all, you may yet make it to a higher place on the wheel (except for the mighty Pshaw - he's already achieved the status of a god according to the multiple fungi and biting critters living in his fur). Best if we get the next phase of the journey under way soon though - Michael, would you like to go first? Please?

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