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Has anyone actually managed to play the Marines campaign in RT?


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I tried... but it's too difficult, I'm switching back to the We-go.

The first mission is easy enough, when you're controlling all of about 14 men, but the second is WAY too overwhelming.

Played original TF Thunder cam and now most of the way through the Semper Fi cam in RT mode. It's my preferred way of playing. It's a trade off really, you lose the ability to replay the turns from all angles, thus not missing anything. Compared to RT where you can pause the game at any second. Vastly increasing reaction time to god-like speed when things go bad. You can literally react to something the very second it happens, but sometimes even then it's still too late.

Take some getting use to though, gotta keep a sharp ear for incoming fire. Constantly mistake rounds cooking off in AFVs for incoming arty, AT guns, or RPGs. Then somewhat frantically zoom all around my units looking for impacts/dust/smoke.

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Yes. I've done all campaigns in RT as it is my preferred method of playing. I do 'pause' frequently to maintain situational awareness or if I am fussing over some micromanagement issues in regards to unit positions on the map.

'Pausing' in RT is not a crime nor is it cheating the purpose of RT. This is not RTS game where the one who twitches the most with the mouse or has the highest caffeinated levels in their blood wins. No 'RT' gestapo are going to come to your house and bust you for not doing 'RT' right.

So, pause the game, take your time to study the map and ponder your options, unpause and enjoy the game. If you are feeling overwhelmed, issue your orders to the pixeltruppen while paused and then unpause to watch and monitor their progress.

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Yes. I've done all campaigns in RT as it is my preferred method of playing. I do 'pause' frequently to maintain situational awareness or if I am fussing over some micromanagement issues in regards to unit positions on the map.

'Pausing' in RT is not a crime nor is it cheating the purpose of RT. This is not RTS game where the one who twitches the most with the mouse or has the highest caffeinated levels in their blood wins. No 'RT' gestapo are going to come to your house and bust you for not doing 'RT' right.

So, pause the game, take your time to study the map and ponder your options, unpause and enjoy the game. If you are feeling overwhelmed, issue your orders to the pixeltruppen while paused and then unpause to watch and monitor their progress.

I play the same way. I don't consider frequent pausing "cheating" because in real life, many of the decisions that you would pause the game for, such as determining how to send troops down an alley, positioning on a ridge, moving vehicles in and out of firing positions, etc. would be determined by platoon and vehicle commanders. In the game, however, you as the player are the only one who can do these things and with a company-sized force on map there is just no way to do it accurately unless you pause frequently.

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Yes. I've done all campaigns in RT as it is my preferred method of playing. I do 'pause' frequently to maintain situational awareness or if I am fussing over some micromanagement issues in regards to unit positions on the map.

'Pausing' in RT is not a crime nor is it cheating the purpose of RT. This is not RTS game where the one who twitches the most with the mouse or has the highest caffeinated levels in their blood wins. No 'RT' gestapo are going to come to your house and bust you for not doing 'RT' right.

So, pause the game, take your time to study the map and ponder your options, unpause and enjoy the game. If you are feeling overwhelmed, issue your orders to the pixeltruppen while paused and then unpause to watch and monitor their progress.

I am the same way.

I started playing on WEGO for a long time. RT took a while to get used to, but once I am used to it now I never look back. For example, on Mission 2 of TF Thunder (The Airport mission) I think I suffered around 10 KIA 20 WIA on WEGO. Last time I did it on RT 0 KIA and 4 WIA.

I tend to run out of time MORE often in RT though, because I tend to focus on one company at a time rather than simultaneous action from multiple units.

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I started with WEGO too, mainly because I was terrified of the RT. After buying the Marines pack, I started playing exclusively with RT. I tried WEGO again, but just couldn't handle not being able to control my guys when I wanted to.

Yeah, especially with the Marines and more so with the Brits, where you need to bound from cover to cover more and co-ordinate movement with smoke, WEGO just doesn't cut it for me anymore.

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I play RT exclusively now - like others I started CMSF in WEGO due to being comfortable with it as an ex-CM1 player. It took me one game in RT to being hooked on it for ever.

I tend to make sure I acquire stuff in the setup phase as having to do that later on I find to be a real faff and I plot as many moves as I can before starting and then just kick off. The number of times I pause in a game varies with the scenario/map size and complexity but the bigger ones I suppose I average half a dozen pauses.

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Wow, this looks more unbalanced towards the RT side than I thought.

To balance it out some: I play WeGo mostly. I compensate for the slower reaction time by, well, taking things slower. Combat isn't a race. It is perfectly ok to let units sit in place for some time before moving them. This happens in real life all the time.

Playing in WeGo feels more realistic in the way that time passes, actually. It takes longer to achieve the same objectives as in RT mode but the time it takes seem more realistic to me. RT is way too fast, and if there was a full-game replay feature in CMSF it would really highlight how unrealistic it is I suspect.

I like WeGo also because I do not like to micromanage at all. The TacAI is making all the little decisions it needs to do usually pretty well. Including the stupid mistakes it makes from time to time, it does feel realistic, too.


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