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Joe Shaw will so be upset when he sees I started a new Peng Challenge thread

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Wankers .

You just couldn't wait, could you? Could you?!!! Like a little girl in church who has to pee and can't sit still until the service is over, you've been squirming for days in front of your monitor, checking the MBT every half hour to see if it was time yet, if you could squeeze in the last post and give birth to yet another of your abortions. Okay, that last part didn't make any sense, but then nothing else around here does, so why should I care?


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It could have been worse, Michael could have attempted to start a thread and we just can't have a mere Other Recognized thinking that they have the same rights as a full fledged (if language challenged) Seniour Knight of the CessPool.

Granted there are no rules posted and I think we all know what will happen now ... some simpleton will wander in, pee on the carpet and complain that no one said he couldn't ... wait and see.

But we're dealing with Elvis ... what can you do.


p.s. I bought a Saitek X52 Pro ... I knew you'd want to know.

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Could you narrow it down a bit there, Sparky? You've just described the great unwashed majority who hang out here dog-earing the paperbacks.

Certainly, and you're correct for the most part ...

... some simpleton will wander in, pee on the carpet and complain that no one said he couldn't ...

A True Knight of the CessPool wouldn't complain, well not that anyone didn't tell them that is ... the would likely complain that Elvis had peed in their spot more likely.


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D'ya know, tumpty tumpty fecking years ago when I began the Peng Challenge Thread, there were only two putative humans I wanted to acknowledge my presence on this forum. One was Peng, who I figured was an easy sell. After all, I'd specifically addressed him, and he was the kind of bugger that would talk to anyone.

And the other was Berli, who I figured was a harder sell, because he was a vicious bastard. He didn't like anyone except Peng, and he didn't like Peng all that much.

But I can candidly state today, that for the last...what the hell is it, now? Six years? More? I have spoken with Berli nearly every goddamn day of my life. I've had him at my house, and I've been to his place. The bugger has called me, when the mood struck him, at almost every goddamn hour of the day.

He still does.

The phone rings. I discover it, and say 'Hello'. And I hear 'Eh.'

And then the basso voice on the other end of the line says 'There's a book, a movie, a program I think you should read/see'.

It is oddly comforting, to be stalked by Satan. It tells me that I am still alive. It tells me that there are Powers that think I should be introduced to things. It tells me that, I am never alone.

And I am never alone. Berli calls me almost every goddamn day.

It is an Ancient Truth that everyone dies alone. Not me. When I die, it will be on the phone with Berli, telling me about the latest movie/book/music that he's heard about/seen.

And when I arrive in the Afterlife, I will kick the fecking snot out of Berli. Because someone should.

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And when you do cross the river Styx into Hades, I suspect you will be standing near the boatman, boring the bejeezus out of him with tales of your earthly daring-doo.

I on the other hand will be wakeboarding behind the boatman, trying to get your attention to get him to go faster. But you will pretend to ignore me, you bastage....

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And when you do cross the river Styx into Hades, I suspect you will be standing near the boatman, boring the bejeezus out of him with tales of your earthly daring-doo.

I on the other hand will be wakeboarding behind the boatman, trying to get your attention to get him to go faster. But you will pretend to ignore me, you bastage....

Actually, Stuka, you silly sod, I will be cheering you on. I can't imagine a better way to enter the afterlife.

Of course, when you get there, I will kick you soundly in the fork, as Berli would say.

Why? Because, Stuka, if I have learned nothing else from life, it's that when goofy Aussie bastards show up in the next world, you kick them in the fork.

And that will make me happy, and serve you right.

Afterwards, you will have to pay for the beer, and cigars. Or I'll kick you in the fork again, you daft Aussie swine.

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grumble grumble...this bugger 'cotard'. What is the general impression? I rather liked his response to me. Wordy, long-winded, and not without some merit. But I don't know. Hardly been here, lately. Anyone have a reason why we shouldn't simply put him to death? Anyone danced the Justicar dance and taken him to squire, or whatever the hell we're doing here nowadays? I hate to even ask.

Boo? Is he an arsehole, or one of us? Grumble. You go away, you come back. I don't know. Has he shown the proper sense of... well, has he... I mean...

Feck. Here, 'cotard'. Dance for me, a bit. Make me understand why I shouldn't just assume you're a fecking idjit.

I'm getting too old to even wonder about these people. I should be after having grapes fed to me by busty, red-haired maidens with self esteem issues and a fear of priests.

That's where I could do some good. Because I like fruit, and I haven't any use for priests...

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In order to maintain full disclosure on the forum, and to call for a vote in the Mutha Beautiful Thread, I present the following information. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32088458/ns/technology_and_science-science/

It seems the recent earthquake down under has cause New Zealand to pull closer to Australia. Hence, I call for a vote. Is Stuka an Aussie, or a Kiwi? Even more, are all resident of the abouve SUPPOSED countries Aussies or Kiwis? Does anyone but the Koalas really care?

What say you, members of the cesspool? Vote on Stuka now.


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In order to maintain full disclosure on the forum, and to call for a vote in the Mutha Beautiful Thread, I present the following information. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32088458/ns/technology_and_science-science/

It seems the recent earthquake down under has cause New Zealand to pull closer to Australia. Hence, I call for a vote. Is Stuka an Aussie, or a Kiwi? Even more, are all resident of the abouve SUPPOSED countries Aussies or Kiwis? Does anyone but the Koalas really care?

What say you, members of the cesspool? Vote on Stuka now.

I vote that we throw him in the ocean and let the sharks sort him out.

BTW, you are a disgusting excuse for a human being.


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grumble grumble...this bugger 'cotard'. What is the general impression?

I almost like him. That is, within the limits of actually "liking" people that I permit myself. In other words, I place him a little bit below athlete's foot but above bill paying time. And compared to Stuka, he is like a breath of fresh air. Stuka is like a week-long bout of diarrhea.


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