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Regarding the interface,

to simulate pre-planned airstrikes or roaming fighter patrols, perhaps we could get the ability to designate frontlines, or target zones which are assigned to a scenario before the battle starts (perhaps as part of scenario design in the editor?).

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No :) Not worth the time and effort because it's generally not relevant. Free flying aircraft shouldn't be around a CM tactical battlefield at all, in theory, because there's no good way to designate a meaningful frontline to a pilot who is flying from hundreds of miles away with, if he's lucky, a basic map. Conditions on the ground were generally too fluid to keep track of in a meaningful way.


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Don't know but in real life there is gun cam footage of P-47s (probably) setting a tiger's engine on fire by bouncing the shots off the ground and into the underside of the engine (I'm skeptical of this claim though, it's probably just hitting the fuel tanks).

Given the high detail of the damage and armor system in the CMx2 engine (individual parts have their own armor instead of just armor "areas") and detailed ballistics it could be possible to do that or atleast have various weak points where bullets can get in. For instance the engine of the tiger is in a bullet proof casing too thick for .5 bullets to go through but there are fuel tanks next to it that have less protection, this should be able to be modeled in the engine if I understand what BFC has said about it right.

I'm more than a bit dubious that any .50cal bullet that bounces off a ROAD is then going to penetrate 20mm of STEEL PLATE...misshapen, tumbling, at an extremely shallow angle. It doesn't make any logical sense. I reckon any claims of bouncing rounds off roads and knocking out tanks are fantasy. Trucks and halftracks maybe.

Rounds through an engine grille on top maybe. Setting fire to additional fuel being carried on the back of the tank sure. Setting fire to equipment/tents/baggage/camouflage netting on the back of the tank, sure. Knocking out the tank, extremely doubtful.

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If a P-47 strafed a Tiger and the pilot (or maybe another pilot in the same flight) saw flames coming from the rear of the Tiger, perhaps it was that the P-47's eight .50-cal MGs shredded the radiators and/or punctured the grille on top, either of which could (in my understanding) cause the engine to catch fire.

In any case, fighter pilots -- whether they're dogfighting with 109s or strafing Tigers -- are apt to exaggerate things when it comes to kills scored and such.

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Its hard to tell from the air, even looking at guncam footage, what damage was inflicted on ground vehicles.

Here is some footage of Rudel in action on the OstFront against Soviet Armour.


You will also notice that most kills occur in wide open terrain where it is easier to spot enemy vehicles which was not the case in most of normandy.

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I believe this is the footage Flanker 15 is referring to.


it is hard to tell what causes the fire or even what type of tank it is (is it a Tiger?). It also looks like the pilot had to make multiple passes to cause the fire.

One point I would like to make again is that the tank is caught in the open on a road in daylight, ideal conditions for the P-47, but not typical of what you would encounter on a battlefield.

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But... will 0.50 cals take out Tigers?

lengthy analyses

pic of Riker facepalm


shutting up now

Lemme guess... ".50-cal versus Tiger" is one of the myriad ad nauseam debate topics which have each gone through the ringer multiple times in the course of the BFC forum's history?
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Lemme guess... ".50-cal versus Tiger" is one of the myriad ad nauseam debate topics which have each gone through the ringer multiple times in the course of the BFC forum's history?

Hell, forget the BFC forum's history, many good men were lost debating this on the IL2 forums years ago. I think there's even a commemorative plaque somewhere.

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I'm more than a bit dubious that any .50cal bullet that bounces off a ROAD is then going to penetrate 20mm of STEEL PLATE...misshapen, tumbling, at an extremely shallow angle. It doesn't make any logical sense.

Quite right. The actual mechanism by which P-47s, etc, destroyed tanks is that the 50 cal rounds pass through the open commanders hatch, then rattle around inside causing all sorts of carnage and destruction.

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Quite right. The actual mechanism by which P-47s, etc, destroyed tanks is that the 50 cal rounds pass through the open commanders hatch, then rattle around inside causing all sorts of carnage and destruction.

The actual mechanism of destruction has nothing directly to do with the bullets, which are a mere distraction. What actually happens is that the high octane gremlins that were previously attached to the airplane and causing all sorts of problems there have patriotically transferred themselves to the tank with the resulting mayhem. This was all covered thoroughly by Masters & Johnson in their landmark work "High Octane Gremlins Carry the War to the Enemy" published in the journal Fairies, Banshees and Stuff. Unfortunately, this masterpiece of research has been overshadowed by the controversy surrounding their later flawed work on the female orgasm.


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Whilst making the Tiger for CM Normandy I was interested to note that if you stand on the deck of a tiger you can actually see the fuel tanks (and radiatiors) through the rear deck engine covers. As such I personally dont find it hard to believe some sort of shrapnel from a burst of 8 .50 cal MGs has a chance to find its way in there and puncture either. Most WW2 tanks seem to be quite vulnerable in this respect.


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