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Take the Quiz! Which Peng Challenge Thread Character Are You?

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What's the next thing beyond anal retentive.

Oh, right... you.

'Anal retentive' has such a negative ring to it. I prefer to think of Joe as our ever-vigilant Justicar for All Things Right in the Peng Challenge Thread. Why settle for less?

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'Anal retentive' has such a negative ring to it. I prefer to think of Joe as our ever-vigilant Justicar for All Things Right in the Peng Challenge Thread. Why settle for less?

That could be our new motto. "We Settle for Less!"*

*I modified it a wee bit, just to make it fit a bit better.

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'Anal retentive' has such a negative ring to it. I prefer to think of Joe as our ever-vigilant Justicar for All Things Right in the Peng Challenge Thread. Why settle for less?
Quite right Milady, pay no attention to the lesser lights amongst us ... they know not what they say.

Why I'll bet that Boo Radley would deny us thrice before the cock crows if he had the chance ... he's like that you know.


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You, Sirrah may sit in the corner with Boo....

Joe and I have ways of dealing with post mangling, anti-'da-rules' following, oafiah apes such as yourself.

and it ain't pretty*!!

* but then neither is Joe so what can you do?

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... at the cool people's table.
Being the curious sort I wondered what Boo Radley's "cool people" would look like ... so I did what any lad would do and went to Google.

6a00e55184fcf0883300e553016ba78833-pi ...

In fact the caption said they were SUPER Cool ... huh ... I can see that Boo Radley would fit right in.


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Couldn't find the Thread for a moment, and was all disoriented. Thought I might have died and no one had the heart to tell me...

I'm back, yada yada, I'm not dead yet, yada yada, I hope that the gods find all here well as I am well, I missed you all because Berli sent Three Ghosts to me on one night to remind me of how important and fulfilling quasi-human contact is with barely sentient simians, and it made me realize that I hadn't addressed any of you for ages, etc. etc.

There. We're all caught up. Know thou, you knuckle-walking brethren of Early Man, that when I am not here with you, you are forever in my thoughts. Like that bit of pork that's caught between the final and next to last molar on the left side upper that has always had a bit of a gap, and generally requires the application of a matchbook corner as soon as it's polite to do so. You're like that. Annoying, and reassuring at the same time. And always with me. You are never alone.

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The reason I like children is because children are far more amazing than adults. Most adults have spent years learning how to be dull, annoying and stupid. They've become professional at the things that children do randomly and inexpertly. Children will turn to you, after a whole morning of being patience-bending little demons, and say something so magical that it will almost stop your breath.

As most now know, I have two Small Friends. One is Small Emma, and the other is Smaller Nora. They are now a sisterhood at war with itself, and the fallout is shattering the peace of the household, trying the patience of saints, and even causing Grandma Steve to say 'Oh for the love of Christ, stop that you two!' But that is a story for another day. Or several stories. And several days.

But this morning I went over to Jen and Chris's to help out. After a bout of the flu, which involved Smaller Nora, who is only 3, holding the bathroom door shut on her parents while crying out in distress 'Don't come in here!', and a bathroom rug that desperately needed to be washed and that disintegrated in the washing machine and broke it, someone was needed to be available in case the Sears repairman came while Mom was running one child to Kindergarten, or after Mom had dropped the other child off at Daycare and gone to work.

I was happy to be that someone. And while Mom was dealing with the repairman in the basement, where the washer was (to be told that the 10 year old top-of-the-line washer that had just gone off warranty could be repaired for $900, or replaced for about $1,000), I was sitting on the front porch with Smaller Nora, who was pointing out things to me.

She showed me the odd, artificial daisies that her Mom had in a jar with artificial acrylic water pooled up around the artificial stems. She smelled them, and held them out to me to smell, and after I made a great pretense of doing so, she told me 'They're just pretend. They're not real, Grandma Steve'. She's three.

I am always one step behind the curve with children. It delights me. I am not yet so old that I can't be out-smarted by children. When we play, I drag one leg, and hunch my back, and shout out 'Sanctuary! Sanctuary!' I am the Quasimodo of adults. Kids love it.

So, as we're sitting there, in the lovely sunshine at the end of the front porch, after the artificial jar of artificial flowers has been returned to the wrought iron table, I notice that the next door neighbours have moved the plastic owl that they used to have on their upper loft stories to scare off the pigeons to the nearby roof of the lower story. They probably moved it because the pigeons actually used to perch on it, instead of being scared off.

And I pointed it out to her, and said 'Nora, do you know what that is?'

And she looked and said 'That is a owl, Grandma Steve'.

I told her 'Yes, a pretend owl, Nora.' (trying to get my own dig in for the 'pretend flowers' remark).

And she looked at it again and said 'Yes. They wake up the sky.'

And my thoughts... soared.

Owls wake up the sky. I could labor at this keyboard for a decade and never achieve so pure a thought. But it was given to me like one of the raisins she placed in my hand earlier that morning, saying 'This is for you, Grandma Steve'.

They wake up the sky. And children wake up the soul.

They also give you raisins, if they like you. And they come up behind you and grab the back-pockets of your jeans and take their feet off the floor until either your pockets rip free, or your pants are down around your knees while you're shouting and begging their parents for help, and both the kid and the parents laugh at you.

And with their laughter, the sky wakes up.

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I remember that movie!

I would very much appreciate it if you would some day come to visit us in Minnesota, so that we can kill you. In the old way. First, we would feast you, then we would ply you with mind-altering chemicals, then, after a long evening of song, story-telling and reminiscing, we would cut your heart out. And eat it.

All the fun runs right out if you don't eat the heart. It's a sign of respect, and the affirmation of life. Of life in general, of course, not yours. Because we'll be using napkins and sipping port in regards to your life.

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Well Eve told Adam,

"Snakes, I've had 'em"

Let's get out of here;

Go raise this family someplace out of town.

They left the Garden just in time

With the Landlord cussin' right behind

They headed East and they finally settled down.

One thing led to another

A bunch of sons, one killed his brother

And they kicked him out with nothing but his clothes

And the human race survived,

'Cause all those brothers, found wives

But where they came from, there ain't nobody knows

Then came the Flood go figure

Just like New Orleans only bigger

No one who couldn't swim would make it through

The lucky ones, were on a boat

Think 'Circus', and then make if float

And hope nobody pulls the plug on you

How they fed that crowd's a mystery

It ain't down in the history

But it's a cinch they didn't live on cakes and jam

Lions don't eat cabbage

And in spite of that old adage

I ain't never seen one lie down with a lamb

Well Charlie Darwin

Looked so far in

To the way things are,

He caught a glimpse of God's unfolding plan.

God said 'I'll make some DNA

They can use it anyway they want

From paramecium, right up to man'

They'll have sex, and mix up sections

Of their code, they'll have mutations

The whole thing works like clockwork over time

I'll just sit back in the shade,

While everyone gets laid

That's what I call 'Intelligent Design'

Yeah, you and your cat named felix

Both wrapped up in that double-helix

That's what we call intelligent design..

"Origin of Species"

-Chris Smither

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