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Bringing the Outer Islands into Play

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Guys this is getting out of hand. Unless you know each other, and are just joking around that’s one thing, but if that’s not the case this would be an utter waste of your time.

There is some worth to those islands, but they shouldn't be included as any major operation in your campaigns in the Pacific.

JJR are you trying to make friends or enemies here. Because it seems to me with your ignorant joke on my topic, and your rudeness to someone who just lost their father about a month ago, that you are looking for enimes online. I don’t know maybe your one of those types of people that feel like they have to make up for something that’s a little small (if you know what I mean).

I think at this time though you should just apologize to each other, and move on. This is just pathetic.

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scotts....simmer...JJR and I are longtime forum members. We sometimes get a little pompous with each other, but when the chips are down, the fun aside, ....Well we're both Americans and human beings and I know JJR has a good heart.:)

I would be honored for him to be by my side, even at the Alamo!:P

Besides, he's always good for a laugh and a challenging SC game, this forum would be less without him.

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There is some worth to those islands, but they shouldn't be included as any major operation in your campaigns in the Pacific.

JJR are you trying to make friends or enemies here. Because it seems to me with your ignorant joke on my topic, and your rudeness to someone who just lost their father about a month ago, that you are looking for enimes online. I don’t know maybe your one of those types of people that feel like they have to make up for something that’s a little small (if you know what I mean).

Hey weenie man

JJR and Seamonkey are veterans since the start of sc1. They are part of the Old Guard like me.

The SC forums are known to be about smack talk, can't stand the heat get the hell out of the kitchen.

So stop whining and either smack back or go play out in the yard. But in any case visit the link to SC Buntaland(link in my sig) and read more about this community.

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Scottsmm must be 14 or something

"mommy the big boys are fighting and Im not a stud and think its so terrible buhuuu"

Get a grip on reality. I know you think it's cool talking to some legendary members like SeaMonkey and Rambo,. but go get their autograph then and stop this peace-diplomacy.

Also accusing Rambo of a small weenie is something of a cheap shot, below the belt.

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Scotty --- Glad you could join the party. A little sparring on a wargame Forum is necessary & healthy like a little wine for your stomach's sake. If there's anything offensive in that last post of mine, well, you're a little on the sensitive side, maybe wargames are something that are not suppressing your feminine side. If you can't take a little poke online, how do you handle real life? You could buy a PG-13 filter, might help. You could also buy an RV, so when trouble comes, you can drive away. Why am I smacking you? Because you tried to pull a political stunt making me into something I'm not.

Now, would you like play a game of SC-3? We can handle this on the battlefield. I will give you my "Gran Torino" strategy. Also could provide some quotes from that movie too.


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All I'm going to say is take a look at my first line. It specifically stated "unless you know each other or are just joking around". With that said if that's the case then it negates everything I said after it.

Last time I tried to do any smack talk, I received a message from someone on the team with its title of "forum outburst". Needless to say I didn't even say anything anywhere near as bad as what either JJR or SeaMonkey said.

As for playing me in a game I would be more than happy to play you. Hopefully with your experience it should be interesting (I'm not brand new here either). I asked you to send me a turn a month or two ago, and you never did.


You need to get a grip on reality. I'm pretty sure that you have to be at least 18 to be a member here. Other then that I hope you enjoyed wasting your time with your pointless comments, because all they did was make me laugh :).

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I don't suppose there's any possibility of us getting back to the subject at hand which is how to make the islands more a part of the game without devolving into a flame war?

Back to my original points:

1) While its true that the islands weren't used for supply in real life, they also weren't used for upgrades or repairs either. Since we allow tiny islands like Iwo and Tarawa to be used for repairs and upgrades which normally require major naval ports, is it really that much of a stretch to have them affect supply for purposes of making the islands more valuable?

2) If the islands really were just for political purposes, is it possible that they could affect the game in that way like some sort of national moral modifier?

3) Since it is impossible to teleport an entire airbase from San Francisco to Rangoon, would it be possible to limit the range of air operational movement to something a bit more realistic and thereby make the worthless little islands of some value as they would aid the player in transferring his air units around the map?

Any or all 3 of these changes would make the islands have strategic value without negatively affecting realism. Would someone like to debate these points without devolving into an "I know more about WWII than you do" pissing contest or is that simply asking too from this forum?

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Well I'm to blame for that LampCord. All I can say is sorry I shouldn't have said what I said above, but obviously Kuniworth feels that, because he has been around for a few years he should be a god, and treated as such. That's the problem with SOME people on this site. They feel like the world revolves around them. When in truth 99.99% of people out there could careless for that person (KuniWorth). Oh well what can you do people like to feel entitled to certain things.

Anyway I don't think these islands in question should all the sudden just be given some outrageous military value. Therefore I think they should remain as is, answers to 1, 2, and 3 are no. They should only give a slight boast of morale, and a place to put LR Bombers for Reconnaissance.

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Oh man. You act like a chicken and then try to blame it on me? As Rambo said, a bit of argument is healthy, not the mcdonalds.

Truth is Seamonkey and JJR had a funny conversation and you could not stand it, got nervous, cried for mommy and then wanted peace on earth. Why? Because you only watch tellitubies and want things to be boring and happy like barbie-land. Then you throw an alibi-line stating that if you are friends thats ok.

Now you gotta chose. Either you continue to act like a 5-year old or you behave like an adult.

And I think you should send Rambo and SM a present each and apologize for saying to them "they have been around for a few years and think they should be gods, and treated as such"

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Scotty Moore, I have alot of respect for guitar work with the king, Elvis back in '56. The reason you got dumped when the Col. Parker went to RCA, was you're just too uptight. Quit wearing your feelings on your sleeve.

Scotty, I got your request to play a some SC-3. I will play you a mirrored game. Win both games, you're champ. Lose both games, you're a chump.

Pictured below is Scotty Moore providing the rockabilly sounds for Elvis Presley. I was hoping the king would have shown up on stage for the Super Bowl half time show & jam with the Boss.


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That message was only intended for you. Not once did they (SM, and JJR) ever give the impression that they should be treated like gods. I'm also beginning to get sick of listening to all your repeated comments from other users. It seems to me not only can you have no balls, but you must repeat everything other people say. It's rather pathetic to think a grown adult such as you would ever go down to that level. Plan and simple you’re a DISGRACE to every member on this forum. Your behavior takes the worst of all of us, and puts it together into one person (Kuniworth). You can continue on with your stupid comments referring to my age, but I see you as a TOTAL waste of my time. Therefore I'm not going to reply back to anything you say. You disgust me in a way I've never encountered before!

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You actually think that this is the most disgusting thing you ever encountered in your whole life???? Are you kidding me? You certainly live life on the sensitive side that's for sure.

Maybe it's like Rambo said:

"If you are on some kind of medication maybe you should quit. If not maybe you should start."

Seriously though, stop complaining and lets discuss this topic instead. No one likes a whiner.

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As much as I am enjoying watching the children having fun flaming each other, could we get back on topic?

A few people raised some rather serious and interesting points here, in particular about supply of fleets at sea not dwindling. While some abstractions are necessary in a game, this is, perhaps, one that could be revisited.

Someone else raised a point about being able to upgrade ships at minor ports like Ulithi or Makin. Is there any way in the game editor to create a port, but "cripple" it for ugrades? Realistically, ships for all sides should have to go back home for this kind of work.

OK, one more comment about the flaming going on here: Perhaps the moderator (is there one? :) ) could set up a thread called "sandbox" and everyone who has something they need to work out could go there and indulge themselves. Then the rest of us would not have to wade through all of this nonsense, looking for the few kernels of wisdom that are hiding within.

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As much as I am enjoying watching the children having fun flaming each other, could we get back on topic?

A few people raised some rather serious and interesting points here, in particular about supply of fleets at sea not dwindling. While some abstractions are necessary in a game, this is, perhaps, one that could be revisited.

Someone else raised a point about being able to upgrade ships at minor ports like Ulithi or Makin. Is there any way in the game editor to create a port, but "cripple" it for ugrades? Realistically, ships for all sides should have to go back home for this kind of work.

OK, one more comment about the flaming going on here: Perhaps the moderator (is there one? :) ) could set up a thread called "sandbox" and everyone who has something they need to work out could go there and indulge themselves. Then the rest of us would not have to wade through all of this nonsense, looking for the few kernels of wisdom that are hiding within.

What are you talking about? "Serious" issues? "Serious" like we can all find a cure for cancer? Dude, you've got an editor, do whatsoever you like. Use your head, does it really matter if you can/cannot upgrade in single port? Are you going to rotate a new ship in every other turn? That's one turn to upgrade, another turn to move out. I figure each side has a minimum of 25 ships, so it would take you 50 turns to do that!!! Each side only gets like 60 turns per game!!!

So we're on subject, your idea is dumb. 50 turns to upgrade your navy thru your favorite outer island port.

The point of the whole thread was that the outer islands are worthless. Now you want this half-in-half solution like you're the voice of the people. Dude, the islands are worthless. Being on an island sux. No food, no fresh water, no supplies, no movement, no Burger King, no spare parts, no nothing. Therefore, if make a "cool port island" it takes tons of efforts. Everything comes by ship anyhow. More equipment is needed to move the supplies, support the ports, etc.

Son, have you every been on a US Naval ship? Go visit the Saratoga. Everything they need is on the ship. Have you ever been on any ship? Have you ever been to Hawaii? The cost of a gallon of milk is $8. A chunk of nasty cheese is $20. Everything must be delivered. Beef, potatoes, cheese, milk, ammo, everything. Islands do not move, ships can. That's why islands have no value. In Pacific War, being stationary sux. Fixed positions get blasted by Air Power. Wake Up! Ships are floating Walmarts. Islands are dependent, isolated. Mr. Christian had his mutiny on the bounty, go do the same, that's the only value of an island in the Pacific.

The United States blasted the Japs straight to Hell. The stupid little islands like Tarawa are worthless. A few scout planes & a radio is the only value. While you sit on an island at the mercy of the weather & dependent on supply ships, my armada is heading for Japan. Food, ammo, & nukes will do the job. My strategy saves American lives. You go land on the beach.

That's why the Japs got their ass kicked. They were farting around with Midway Island. Meanwhile, we Americans went for the cheese. We loaded up the carriers and trashed their flattops.


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What are you talking about? "Serious" issues? "Serious" like we can all find a cure for cancer? Dude, you've got an editor, do whatsoever you like. Use your head, does it really matter if you can/cannot upgrade in single port? Are you going to rotate a new ship in every other turn? That's one turn to upgrade, another turn to move out. I figure each side has a minimum of 25 ships, so it would take you 50 turns to do that!!! Each side only gets like 60 turns per game!!!

So we're on subject, your idea is dumb. 50 turns to upgrade your navy thru your favorite outer island port.

The point of the whole thread was that the outer islands are worthless. Now you want this half-in-half solution like you're the voice of the people. Dude, the islands are worthless. Being on an island sux. No food, no fresh water, no supplies, no movement, no Burger King, no spare parts, no nothing. Therefore, if make a "cool port island" it takes tons of efforts. Everything comes by ship anyhow. More equipment is needed to move the supplies, support the ports, etc.

Son, have you every been on a US Naval ship? Go visit the Saratoga. Everything they need is on the ship. Have you ever been on any ship? Have you ever been to Hawaii? The cost of a gallon of milk is $8. A chunk of nasty cheese is $20. Everything must be delivered. Beef, potatoes, cheese, milk, ammo, everything. Islands do not move, ships can. That's why islands have no value. In Pacific War, being stationary sux. Fixed positions get blasted by Air Power. Wake Up! Ships are floating Walmarts. Islands are dependent, isolated. Mr. Christian had his mutiny on the bounty, go do the same, that's the only value of an island in the Pacific.

The United States blasted the Japs straight to Hell. The stupid little islands like Tarawa are worthless. A few scout planes & a radio is the only value. While you sit on an island at the mercy of the weather & dependent on supply ships, my armada is heading for Japan. Food, ammo, & nukes will do the job. My strategy saves American lives. You go land on the beach.

That's why the Japs got their ass kicked. They were farting around with Midway Island. Meanwhile, we Americans went for the cheese. We loaded up the carriers and trashed their flattops.


ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz smiley-sleep001.gif

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Guys I know this is getting old, but there is a thorn in my side right now, and I want to take care of it.


In the past couple of days it has become apparent to me that you might have a disease called Dyslexia. I would like to apologize to you at this time for expecting you to be able to read my post/messages correctly. I'm sure you get quite annoyed from having such a thing in your life.

The reason for why I think this is because I say one thing, and then you either leave out important info like me referring to someone specific (Kuniworth), or you chose to totally change what I said in such a way that it makes no sense. If you feel this is incorrect maybe you should try to read what one says before you go posting nonsense on forums. Tell me where in my last post I said you disgust me more than anything else in my life before. With that said I would like to reword what I said so that from here on out there will be no more questioning of this. You disgust me in a way that I never encountered before. That's it. It's not the most disgusting thing I've ever encountered before in my life before. Enough said hopefully you will better understand the words that I would like to get back to this topic. Although I doubt you will. Knowing your interpretation skills it will probably come out being the exact opposite.

In terms of this topic though I think it's turned into being a dead topic. I mean by this time everybody has voiced their own opinion, and all that's come out of it is arguments between the extremists of one side (no value for the islands) and the extremists on another (one's that see’s unreasonable value of these small pieces of rock).


I wish I responded the way you did to JJR. It wouldn't have allowed his apprentice to go crazy like he has.


How much longer will I have to wait for this first turn? It better be good for this wait :).

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