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Didn't you hear the Justicar? Wind chill numbers don't count.

You know, no one has more respect for the Justicar than I do...

And I have none, so what does that tell you?.

But he lives in Salt Lake City. Can his judgement really be relied upon when it comes to really huge, farking below zero numbers?

I think in northern matters such as these, you need a more nothernly perspective and so, as the Auxilliary Backup Deputy Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread, I say that wind chill numbers do indeed count.

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Cool, then it's -42F.

Heh, cool, get it?

Sorry, my sense of humor gelled up along with the oil in my transmission. On a brighter note, they were pounding in nails with a banana on the news again last night, which is always worth a laugh.

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Sounds like you chaps are discussing Global Climate Change, or whatever it is that Al Gore and his army of idiots are calling it now. May I join in?

Can any one tell me what their Carbon Footprint is. Mine is 12 and a half,. but that is only because I have three cars. One of them is a hybrid so I am entitled to 6 Carbon Credits, which means I can buy extra oil to heat my home without paying the extra tax for being a hated user of petro fuel.

Of course I could switch to LPG or natural gas, but that would mean having unsightly tanks in my yard, which would cost me extra Carbon penalties because a truck burning hated petro fuel would need to come to my house to deliver the LPG. I cannot get natural gas because the utility company refuses to pay the necessary costs to extend the pipline to my block, and who could calculate the amount of Carbon penalties they would have to pay because all of the machinery necessary to dig and place the pipes burn hated petro fuel.

So you can see that Global Climate Change is not a simple matter of some poor Polar Bear not having a hunk of ice to float on. These people will enter every facet of american life, from the food you eat to the size of your plasma TV. Welcome to Al Gore World.

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If we took all of our waste and shipped it to Iraq we could use the burn pits to dispose of it all without increasing the Carbon Footprint of any Americans.

Plus Iraq is loaded with hated petro, the Goreites would love to see the Iraqis pay.

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If we took all of our waste and shipped it to Iraq we could use the burn pits to dispose of it all without increasing the Carbon Footprint of any Americans.

Plus Iraq is loaded with hated petro, the Goreites would love to see the Iraqis pay.

Nidan1 you freaking idiot, what part of "we don't do politics" here in the CessPool do you NOT get ... along with not getting virtually everything else that is?

Don't make me send you a turn to bring you crashing down to reality again ... I'll do it you know, try me at your peril.


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Nidan1 you freaking idiot, what part of "we don't do politics" here in the CessPool do you NOT get ... along with not getting virtually everything else that is?

Don't make me send you a turn to bring you crashing down to reality again ... I'll do it you know, try me at your peril.


Joe, my fine feathered friend....are you that obtuse that you cannot discriminate between politics and the tongue being placed firmly in cheek?

Thought you were better than that....you're right I am a freaking idiot.

Please, pleeeeeze, send me a turn, I want to see more of your petro fuel burning, expensive high tech weapon carrying, high Carbon Footprint producing armored vehicles blow up.

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Joe, my fine feathered friend....are you that obtuse that you cannot discriminate between politics and the tongue being placed firmly in cheek?

Thought you were better than that....you're right I am a freaking idiot.

Please, pleeeeeze, send me a turn, I want to see more of your petro fuel burning, expensive high tech weapon carrying, high Carbon Footprint producing armored vehicles blow up.

You can't talk yourself out of this one now. The justicar is cross with you now. And even though it pains me I agree with him, you do need to work on your carbon-turn sending.

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Joe, my fine feathered friend....are you that obtuse that you cannot discriminate between politics and the tongue being placed firmly in cheek?

Thought you were better than that....you're right I am a freaking idiot.

Please, pleeeeeze, send me a turn, I want to see more of your petro fuel burning, expensive high tech weapon carrying, high Carbon Footprint producing armored vehicles blow up.

Oh come now ... we don't even expect it to make SENSE when you post ... irony is completely beyond you.


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It's the weirdest thing, but if I'm wearing boots, it's 11.5, but if I'm wearing sneakers, it's 13.

What is up with THAT???

Size 11.5 mens = size 13 womens. You're buying women's sneakers. The lilac coloured stripes down the sides should have been the first clue.

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I am on the verge of throwing dictionaries and thesauruseseses at the lot of you.


Throw your wit at us, instead, because we need a good tickle.

Several years ago, on a trip to the East Coast (where they apparently have weather, but they don't respect it, nor it them), I remember talking with this bloke who told me "You know, the thing I notice most when I deal with you Midwesterners, and especially you Minnesotans (he was in a line of work that put him regularly in touch with God's Country), is that you all spend a great deal of time talking about the weather. But not like people making forced small talk, 'do you think it will rain?' sort of thing. You talk about the weather the way other people talk about current events, or politics. Why is that?"

I thought about it, and told him "Well, you know, if you live in some place where people are insane, you talk about what they're going to do next, and how it will affect you. In Sarajevo, for example, during that period, you'd say 'do you think they'll mortar downtown today?'. Or, if you lived in Southern Lebanon, you might remark 'What a lovely day! I don't think anyone's going to do a rocket attack this afternoon, do you?' And you'd base your day on what what seemed likely to be the case.

In Minnesota, we live with extremely rational people, many of them Lutherans, with a strong work ethic and a pronounced tendency not to ethnically cleanse their neighbourhoods, or, at least, only to do so with Pine-sol and a scrub brush. But our weather does try and kill us. Quite often. So, it's important to know what to expect. Because a mortar, rocket or artillery round only affects the people in the immediate vicinity, but weather is Climate's way of saying 'up yours' to everyone."

I got the usual vaguely confused look that you expect from someone on the East Coast, where they don't seem to understand anything at all.

I think it's because there's so many of them, living in overly close proximity to each other. When you've got lots and lots of people living in each other's pockets, the IQ of the individual is the total of the whole divided by the number of people. Drop Einstein into New York City, and there might be a slight fall in the overall intelligence simply for having added another body.

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Oh, it's colder than the nipple on a witch's tit

Colder than a bucket of penguin sh*t

Colder than the hairs on a polar bear's ass

Colder than the frost on a champagne glass!

It's colder than 'go back to start'

Colder than a lawyer's heart

Colder than a death row walk

Colder than a banker's talk

It's colder than some levels of hell

Cold as a frozen wishing well

Cold as the calculus of Communism

Cold as 'Compassionate Conservatism'

It's colder than anywhere but here

Colder, maybe, than this time last year

Cold as Minnesota, that's what we're about

Sing you bastards, let me hear you shout!

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Weather this morning....temp -30 F, Wind Chill -56. That's as cold as a witch's... attitude. Trains are derailing, cars are spinning out, dogs and cats are living together...it is a typical winter in Chicago.

In other news...it was nice to fly once more as the Cess Patrol shooting down madmatt while flying a P-63.


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