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Gaudete! It's A New Peng Challenge Thread!

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OGSF! You kilt-wearin', blackpipe blowin', English wreckn' poxy faced git! I would love to say its great to know you are still alive and kicking. but me mum taught me to always be truthful!

It's nice to have you back....or not.

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Aaarrrrrrrggggggghhhh, I'm stuck at home, with nothing to do than reading your drivel. Some drunk bastiches broke my bicycle, now I have to walk everywhere.

Well, I just wanted to say... to say... OHHH HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!



It's been the best day evah!!!111!1111ONE!!1

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Well, I just wanted to say... to say... OHHH HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!



It's been the best day evah!!!111!1111ONE!!1

My only comfort is that your pasta loving Italians are going to be mercilessly strafed by my attack planes.

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...I have won a TOTAL FARCE over Wolfp Mk II...{chops provided to reflect the real deal man!}


For shame Justicar, for SHAME!!! That you would take credit for a victory in such a lopsided scenario bespeaks volumes. A modern pak front with wire and radio guided missiles against trucks does not an even match make. Gamey...GAMEY!!! The amount of rocket fuel expended alone was on the order of that used for a moon shot during an Apollo Mission. OH THE HUMANITY!!! You are supposed to be the best of us; you are supposed to be a shining example; you are supposed to be an ideal for which to strive. I suppose not; I suppose you are...after all...just common. The world seems a little sadder, a little...darker...this day.

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You are supposed to be the best of us; you are supposed to be a shining example; you are supposed to be an ideal for which to strive. I suppose not; I suppose you are...after all...just common. The world seems a little sadder, a little...darker...this day.

Are we talking about the same person here? The only thing old foul joe here ever barely managed is mediocrity, and he was very good at it either.

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For shame Justicar, for SHAME!!! That you would take credit for a victory in such a lopsided scenario bespeaks volumes. A modern pak front with wire and radio guided missiles against trucks does not an even match make. Gamey...GAMEY!!! The amount of rocket fuel expended alone was on the order of that used for a moon shot during an Apollo Mission. OH THE HUMANITY!!! You are supposed to be the best of us; you are supposed to be a shining example; you are supposed to be an ideal for which to strive. I suppose not; I suppose you are...after all...just common. The world seems a little sadder, a little...darker...this day.
Second, let me just say that if I've made your world a little sadder and darker ... well, Mission Accomplished so say I.

But fifteenth the majority of damage was done using UNGUIDED, obsolecent, practically primative RPGs ... and you know it.

It's not my fault that you stumbled into the fray, infantry mounted and THEN STOPPED so my grenadiers had an absurdly simple shot ... and not just once but MULTIPLE times.

I know your lads were Marines but were they by chance singing the "Garryowen" as they rode into that valley?

And I've given you ample opportunity to redeem the honor of the United States Marine Corps, so sadly diminished by you, with the simple expedient of just telling me WHAT FREAKING VERSION OF CMSF YOU'RE PLAYING!

One line worth of email would have done it, not even a full line but just three numbers and a freaking DOT!

But I imagine you're still grumpy over my TOTAL VICTORY.


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I just avoid contact with him as much as possible, although somehow his foul smell always permeates through.

Oi nidan1 where's my turn?!

YOU'VE avoided contact with me? YOU avoiding ME? As if I'd ever have anything to do with such a blatant Goobernational. The only thing going for you is that you're not Australian ... granted I'm playing Stuka now (if playing CMAK with someone who uses coin flips to make his tactical decisions can be called playing CMAK), but that's only because he insulted me and I was honor bound to defend myself by thrashing him within an inch of his life.

But YOU ... you are a Goobernational and yet seem oblivious to the disgrace that brings with it.

Actually you're a good case in point for something I've been meaning to bring up here.

Lads, we toss out the word "hate" far too loosely around here. Can we really compare the disgust we feel when we see posts from, for example, Noba to the disdain we feel when confronted by a post from Nidan1? On the one hand we have an idiot Noo Yawker but on the other we have an idiot AUSTRALIAN! The two just don't compare. To be sure Nidan1 regularly posts drivel as inane and inspid as that of Noba, but at least he's NOT a Goobernational. Certainly the two of them combined couldn't muster the brainpower exhibited by a retarded mat of blue green algae, but OF the two Nidan1 comes out slightly ahead.

So I propose that we introduce gradients of hatred. I've not fully worked it out yet but I'm thinking of using Disgust, Disdain, Antipathy and Detestation ... of course within each there would be three sub-grades so that, for example, if Boo Radley fell into the Disgust Grade One category (as he surely merits, I mean the lad's worked hard to be that disgusting) that would make him MORE hated than, for example, Wolfp Mk II who, by virtue of his lack of time here, wouldn't qualify as little more than a Disgust Grade Three ... mind you he's working his way up the ladder.


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I've not fully worked it out yet but I'm thinking of using Disgust, Disdain, Antipathy and Detestation ...


Shouldn't it be Antipathy, Disdain, Disgust and Detestation in rising order?

And you left out Loathing. How can you have a gradient of hatred without loathing?

Is this going to be another one of your slap-dash policies? Something you promote with great fanfair and then sort of let slide when the pudding cart trundles by your room?

Or you get distracted by the shiny buckles on your strait jacket?

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Shouldn't it be Antipathy, Disdain, Disgust and Detestation in rising order?

And you left out Loathing. How can you have a gradient of hatred without loathing?

Is this going to be another one of your slap-dash policies? Something you promote with great fanfair and then sort of let slide when the pudding cart trundles by your room?

Or you get distracted by the shiny buckles on your strait jacket?

I say you must add Indifference as well. The other categories intimate some level of emotional investment, whereas indifference requires a minimal amount.

Sort of how a Vulcan would react to a human in distress.

Live long and prosper.

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I say you must add Indifference as well. The other categories intimate some level of emotional investment, whereas indifference requires a minimal amount.

Sort of how a Vulcan would react to a human in distress.

Live long and prosper.

You would fall right into geeky disdain...

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You would fall right into geeky disdain...


Second, let me just say that if I've made your world a little sadder and darker ... well, Mission Accomplished so say I.

But fifteenth the majority of damage was done using UNGUIDED, obsolecent, practically primative RPGs ... and you know it.

It's not my fault that you stumbled into the fray, infantry mounted and THEN STOPPED so my grenadiers had an absurdly simple shot ... and not just once but MULTIPLE times.

I know your lads were Marines but were they by chance singing the "Garryowen" as they rode into that valley?

And I've given you ample opportunity to redeem the honor of the United States Marine Corps, so sadly diminished by you, with the simple expedient of just telling me WHAT FREAKING VERSION OF CMSF YOU'RE PLAYING!

One line worth of email would have done it, not even a full line but just three numbers and a freaking DOT!

But I imagine you're still grumpy over my TOTAL VICTORY.


God almighty, Lord of Heaven and Earth, Father of Abraham, Isaac, and Ted, we beseech thee to strike him down with a bolt from above; and if you can't spare that, a simple beating with a rubber chicken will suffice...Amen

Two...TWO!..I have sent since completion of that asymetrical sham you called a scenario. One even included the response...(v1.11)...to your query...(which version do you have?)...The Black Hole of Calcutta isnt in India...It has moved to Salt Lake! Need to alert the tourist boards of both India and Utah to update their guides respectively.

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Had a good weekend, caught my first shoplifter.

Your typical baggy pant big jacket wearing wigger. Came in, went to the back, then walked right out 30 seconds later without buying anything. I mean, come on, who leaves a liquor store without buying anything?

A quick review of the security camera showed it clear as day, even Boo would have been able to see him slip the bottle into his sleeve. Even the cop was amazed at how clear a picture we got. But here's the best part.

Kamchatka Vodka – $6.99 a liter.

Dear Lord, Jesus wept. All that lovely booze on the shelves and the lad steals from the bottom one….

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Shouldn't it be Antipathy, Disdain, Disgust and Detestation in rising order?

And you left out Loathing. How can you have a gradient of hatred without loathing?

Is this going to be another one of your slap-dash policies? Something you promote with great fanfair and then sort of let slide when the pudding cart trundles by your room?

Or you get distracted by the shiny buckles on your strait jacket?

Boo Radley you are pustule on the buttocks of humanity or, as the Great Oddball once said:
Why don't you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don't you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?
It was a PROPOSAL you idiot ...

So I propose that we introduce gradients of hatred. I've not fully worked it out yet but I'm thinking of using Disgust, Disdain, Antipathy and Detestation ...
It was never intended to be a fully fleshed out policy. Did you see any PowerPoints from the Justicariate? Were there any Environmental Impact Statements filed? Did you even see any requests from me to you asking that you sort and categorize the responses alphabetically by height? YOU DID NOT!

IT WAS A PROPOSAL! I was asking for input, NOT another of your constant, harping complaints about this or that. I remind you that I prize LOYALTY above all else here. If you show me some loyalty that would go a long way toward mitigating my natural and entirely justified response of tearing your freaking head off and replacing you with Wolfp Mk II.

Your suggestions have been noted along with those of that OTHER idiot Nidan1. Now if you would be so kind as to DO YOUR JOB ... please create an Excel spreadsheet in pivot table format that categorizes the suggestions that are sure to flood in with votes for, against and ambivilant toward by name, Goobernational status, date and member number. As always you may delete the death threats and anatomically impossible suggestions.


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B. That was no FORMAL proposal and YOU know it!

At the best it was a rough draft which never should have been made public and at worst, it was mere mental meanderings which should have been rendered in code via your Super Secret Space Ghost Decoder Ring (With High Frequency Dog Whistle and Fish Scaler) for peer review.

4). I don't do Excel. I'm in Creative, and Excel's general office dweebiness.

Give it to Stikkypixie. I imagine he's great at Excel and maybe it will distract him from turning all my high quality Italian armor into jaggedy paperweights.

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B. That was no FORMAL proposal and YOU know it!

At the best it was a rough draft which never should have been made public and at worst, it was mere mental meanderings which should have been rendered in code via your Super Secret Space Ghost Decoder Ring (With High Frequency Dog Whistle and Fish Scaler) for peer review.

4). I don't do Excel. I'm in Creative, and Excel's general office dweebiness.

Give it to Stikkypixie. I imagine he's great at Excel and maybe it will distract him from turning all my high quality Italian armor into jaggedy paperweights.

I only use open office. As for the peer review, I shudder to think there are people who call old foul joe their peer.

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My home computer has decided to be obstinate (I blame ... oh ... any number of you lot) and I can't send emails or even get the silly thing to work at all ... more to come but in the meantime those of you playing me will just have to wait won't you.


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