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Wide World of Sport - The Peng Cricket Challenge Cup.


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He's a Marine, so that makes him the personification of Plato's warrior poet (if you don't think Marines can be poets, you ain't seen the first 15 minutes of Full Metal Jacket)... that's a point in his favor

He's an officer, so he had to go to college to become almost as smart as a Lance Corporal... that's a point against him

He's a pogue, so he'd sell his own grandmother for a candy bar (not unlike most of you lot)... kind of a wash

He was squired to Kitty after a vicious fight over him with Rune... 3 points for Kitty and another 2 'cus Rune is a... well, Rune

He might be in the Wing, which makes him the closest thing to a long haired, hippie, weirdo freak that My Beloved Corps can produce... point against him

Looks to me like he's a Knight

Semper Fi!

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I honestly can't remember, and I wasn't there very long, so I may have missed the tourist highlights

I went there on R&R in 1967. Bugis Street was an infamous area of transvestite clubs, where all of the shows were done by transsexual and transvestite performers, even the bar girls were not really girls at all. It was reknowned throughout Asia at the time and tourists flocked to the area at night for the shows. Unless you brought along a real female with you, you could never tell what the rest of the "girls" really were, and some of them were beautiful as I recall.

From what I have read, it is no longer like that anymore, but the street has been turned into an exclusive shopping area. Kill joys.

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He's a Marine, so that makes him the personification of Plato's warrior poet (if you don't think Marines can be poets, you ain't seen the first 15 minutes of Full Metal Jacket)... that's a point in his favor

He's an officer, so he had to go to college to become almost as smart as a Lance Corporal... that's a point against him

He's a pogue, so he'd sell his own grandmother for a candy bar (not unlike most of you lot)... kind of a wash

He was squired to Kitty after a vicious fight over him with Rune... 3 points for Kitty and another 2 'cus Rune is a... well, Rune

He might be in the Wing, which makes him the closest thing to a long haired, hippie, weirdo freak that My Beloved Corps can produce... point against him

Looks to me like he's a Knight

Semper Fi!

Is that Marine Corps math?

In any case I predicted this as well, it's a conspiracy I tell you.

I don't like the way this going, lads the purity of our precious bodily fluids is at stake here. Think of it ... another Marine ... surely we have SOME standards.


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And in late gaming news ...

  • I am playing CMAK with Stuka ... and I've just earned my Light Cavalry spurs ... Death Or Glory!

  • I'm playing CMSF with Berli and just realized that I owe HIM a turn instead of the other way around.

  • I'm playing CMSF with Leeo and have cursed the designer ... again ... for not putting in ANY freaking briefing in a PBEM game. So I'm wandering around this town without a clue of where I'm supposed to go or what I'm supposed to do. I certainly hope Leeo shows up so I can at least have some targets.

  • Finally I've committed to a game with Wolfp Mk II as soon as he finishes DLing it ... apparently he has connection that's actually WORSE than the tin cup and wet string ISP Boo Radley has.

  • And really finally I've been playing the hell of a stupid little Flash game called Dice Wars ... Gawd knows why but the damned thing is addictive and is suitable to play while on interminable conference calls.


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I'm in Singapore now and you know what? First thing off the plane and theres this tired old late-50's ex-girlyboy holding a placard which read "Berli, I still luv u long time G.I."

You made quite the impression on that R & R trip hey big guy?

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Unless of course the membership should disagree ... and I think we all know what Berli and Nidan1 will vote so their votes really shouldn't count at all. Unless some swine of a ... I don't know ... hypothetically speaking ... Major in the Marine Corps ... made them do any number of things that Majors in the Marine Corps tend to make enlisted Marines do.

So ... what say you lads?

I say we make that Major make them do those things first.

Should be worth a laugh.

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Lads I am furious.

Stuka, of all people Stuka has accused me, your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, of playing in a gamey fashion!

Stuka accused ME!

Pot ... meet Kettle!

Besides I merely exploited a well known weakness of his assault gun, i.e. that they have no turret. No doubt that stunning revelation led to his accusation.

Imagine it lads, Stuka ... calling someone else gamey!

It beggars the imagination.


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Right then, the time for decision has come lads.

Aces_and_8's was at least a Squire, but I can find no evidence that he was ever promoted to the rank of Knight of the CessPool.

Furtherless, he has refused, REFUSED to change his Username back to what it was originally when held the rank of Squire.

Therefore it behoofs us to decide the following questions regarding this Jarhead:

3.1415: Shall he be allowed to return to us AS A SQUIRE of the CessPool using his new and inadequate name?

12/4/50: Shall we take his word for it that he was a Knight of the CessPool and grant him the rights and privileges hereinto?

It's the opinion of your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread that the answer to both questions should be a resounding NO!

We can't just have members changing their names willy nilly ... or Aces_and_8's Wofp MkII if you prefer.

Nor should we just take his word for it! He is, I'd remind you, a Marine and, while he claims to be an Officer and a Gentleman, would any such creature be seen HERE?

I think not ... no, your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread stands ever vigilant in the cause of the Traditions of the Peng Challenge Thread and in this I'll not be swayed ...

Unless of course the membership should disagree ... and I think we all know what Berli and Nidan1 will vote so their votes really shouldn't count at all. Unless some swine of a ... I don't know ... hypothetically speaking ... Major in the Marine Corps ... made them do any number of things that Majors in the Marine Corps tend to make enlisted Marines do.

So ... what say you lads?


Justicar, I truly am speechless. Here, I have teased forth the subliminal text for the remainder of this august...or is it December?..body to digest. I believe your words are spot on...Well said, well said.

I'm in Singapore now and you know what? First thing off the plane and theres this tired old late-50's ex-girlyboy holding a placard which read "Berli, I still luv u long time G.I."

You made quite the impression on that R & R trip hey big guy?

Big whoop, so you have a date now. You know, identify theft is a no, no.

...a squire maybe if some idiot will take him...

No need to volunteer...See above.

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Justicar, I truly am speechless. Here, I have teased forth the subliminal text for the remainder of this august...or is it December?..body to digest. I believe your words are spot on...Well said, well said.

Big whoop, so you have a date now. You know, identify theft is a no, no.

No need to volunteer...See above.

Geeze ... I ... never realized ... but apparently it must be so. I mean, hey, it's right there in black and tan, with some funny red squiggles mixed in.

And frankly lads he's been given a more thorough vetting than we gave AhButt and has already shown more promise than the aforementioned.

Very well then, let it be known that from this time forwith and henceunto that Wolfp MkII is now and shall be considered a Knight of the CessPool with all of the privileges and rights thereupon and in a timely manner too.

By order of the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread acting on behalf of and by the order of the Olde Ones of the Peng Challenge Thread ... or as many as (f) decided to show up (q) were sober enough to turn on their computer (a temporary state to be sure) and (w) ... well just f and q for right now.

Joe Shaw, JFLPCT

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Very well then, let it be known that from this time forwith and henceunto that Wolfp MkII is now and shall be considered a Knight of the CessPool with all of the privileges and rights thereupon and in a timely manner too.

Gosh, Joe, even granting that you are a weak-sister pantywaist, that was an awfully sudden cave in. How big was the bribe? Did he promise to allow you to perform obscene acts with his camel?


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Gentlemen ... and Michael ... I had no choice. An Olde One of the Peng Challenge Thread made his decision and, absent other Olde Ones weighing in, I had to take that opinion into account. The opinions of those who bothered to respond were ambivilant and there were two votes for Knighthood ... granted they were from former Marines who were clearly bought off but still ...

Furthermore an absence of proof is not proof of absence ... of course it's not proof of non-absence just as non-proof is is ... uh ... where was I ...

Anyway these things can't drag on forever, we need to come to a decision and let's be honest here ... he was indubid ... indweubat ... without a doubt a Squire and his Liege has pretty much departed from us and is unable to speak on this matter.

Therefore it seems only reasonable that, given his service to the country (even if only as a Marine) and his expressed desire to return to the fold as it were that we should promote him ipso facto and de jure.

You know Michael, it's not too late for you to join the CessPool in a righteous manner and not be just another mere hanger oner. I'd be willing to propose you as Serf to the CessPool myself, thereby setting you on the road to eventually Knighthood.

{organ music swells into "Just As I Am"}

Will you come forth Michael, will you stand on your own feet and admit that you are less than you can be and that you want to be one with the CessPool? Doesn't your heart know the truth that only by accepting the M.B.T. as your personal CessPool can you ever be truly at peace.

Won't you walk (okay wade) down the aisle Michael, won't you walk proudly as the congregation stands with you and the tears stream down your cheeks as your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread places his hand on your shoulder and whispers that you've done the right thing?

Michael ... won't you take up the pissbucket and become what you were always meant to be?

It's not too late Michael ...


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Just say "No," to woolfpoop.
Now look you here Peng, we can't wait around twiddling our thumbs, bating our breath, in eager anticipation of the possibility that you MIGHT deign to show up and grace us with your presence.

I gave it a full day and NO Peng ... NO Seanachai ... the only Olde One who made his presence known was Berli and he voted Aye!

And just how, Lars old chum, would you suggest we deal with a quest and no Liege?

There's far too much criticism of an OFFICIAL Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread decision done for the good of the CessPool by far too many Monday Morning Quarterbacks.


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