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Medics and Repairs....


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Are there any plans to implement Medics? In combat, there should be Medics that can bandage up wounded solders, in some cases allowing them to pick up and fight again...

Also, what about repair vehicles? If a tank, bradley or hummer is disabled or immobilized, there is no reason by you should not be able to send a repair vehicle to work on repairs.... even under fire.


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Kind of hard to repair a broken vehicle in couple of hours under fire.

Lightly wounded (yellow base) men can continue fighting, although at reduced capacity. Badly wounded (red base) are right out and require extensive care and time to recover. They can and should be helped by 'buddy aid', which can ensure that the lad doesn't bleed to death and also the squad can recover his weapon.

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There is already buddy aid in the game, which allows soldiers to bandage up other wounded soldiers and in some cases allowing them to pick up the fight again.

Repairs are not modeled as they would take too long, also no one is going to do major repairs to a vehicle under fire. They would be done once the area is secure.

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Vehicles DO get repaired during campaigns. But it, just like resupply, depends on the values set in the campaign script by its creator. That value is also mission specific, so it could be 0% for one mission (suppose it is direct continuation from the previous, no time for repairs) and 100% for the next one (the unit has been given a full day stop for R&R).

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Kind of hard to repair a broken vehicle in couple of hours under fire.

While reading V.Mironov's memoirs "Assault on Grozny Downtown", i notice that he recaps a particular firefight, where BMP throws a track and crew repairs under heavy fire, while infantry cleared the surrounding buildings. Whole thing took 15 mins or so.


[Not a very good] partial translation: http://artofwar.ru/m/mironow_w_n/text_0180.shtml

Chapter 3 or 4 if i recall correctly.

Most of immobilization damage in CM is track related, so an option to bail out the crew and have them do some basic repairs would be interesting and not too far off from reality.

Now, if the process takes 15-20 mins/turns while your crew is completely exposed, I don't see any balance or gameplay wrecking issues. Quite the opposite - another real world tactical scenario to deal with plus a more possibilities for scenario makers (defend a stranded tank, while crew rushes to repair and etc.)

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Problem with repairing a thrown track is that there are so many different outcomes of "throwing a track".

Once, my QM platoon had to support a tank that thrown a track with CHAINSAWs... to saw down 2 trees to actually be able to tow the tank out of there and get the track free, because the track ended up far under the tank.

tooked whole 2 hours...

Then there is those 15mins repairs, we had a stone in our medic APC who throw the track of, no damage at all so it was just to release the tension, press the track on and up with the tension and go.

if the track is blown of by a mine we are talking loong repair times as you often have to replace a wheel as well, as removing the old trackparts and replacing with new trackparts. that I never have to do yet but I can imagen about 45-60 mins for that.

So I think its hard to do a generic correct timeframe for repair of tracks...


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Are there any plans to implement Medics? In combat, there should be Medics that can bandage up wounded solders, in some cases allowing them to pick up and fight again...

Unless this is Star Wars and Bacta is in the bandages, medics do not have the magic ability to turn someone back into fighting shape. They stabilize and evacuate.

Also, what about repair vehicles? If a tank, bradley or hummer is disabled or immobilized, there is no reason by you should not be able to send a repair vehicle to work on repairs.... even under fire.


In the vast majority of circumstances, this doesn't happen in the middle of a firefight. I've broken track before, and I'll bet anyone who has also done it is likely to agree with me. I'd fire the commander who dispatched rear-area maintenance engineers to repair a vehicle under direct enemy fire. That said, I could see a new level of Immobilized, similar to Bog but lasting 10-30 minutes. But then you would have to model the crew repairing the vehicle, with new commands and maybe animations, and AI... it just might not be worth it.

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I served in an Armored battalion back in the 90s (mortar man in a M1A1 equipped unit) and while I wasn't a tanker, I did work with a line company while helping to train national guardsman in the summer.

From what I can recall, repairing a vehicle while under fire was simply not part of the sop. If a vehicle took simulated damage, or actually suffered some sort of mechanical failure our support train didn't even deal with it until the area around it was fairly secure. Getting stuck might have been a slightly different story, but our company and battalion commanders where very careful to preserve our support elements.

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I think Yellow damage on a dude implies that he has light injuries that are taken care of on the spot, allowing him to continue fighting. One thing absolutely left out is the fact that Marines have Navy Corpsmen. I'd like to see Corpsmen incorporated into the game. Seabees too ;).

With vehicle immobilization, ofcourse there may be instances where a vehicle could be up and running in a few minutes, but do we really want BFC to spend all that programming time for the sake of a rare vehicle recovery? I'd rather they spend the time giving us things like stats that let us know who killed what. There are so many other things I would like to see before we get into vehicle repairs.

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A squad following up can render buddy aid, it isn't necessary to take the rest of the depleted squad out of the battle. Leaders or MG groups with no current assignment can take up the slack. I guess if you had a "Medic" skill level you might gain on casualty survivability and time spent rendering aid...

Hard Learned Hint: don't park supporting Strykers on top of the casualty - the other team can't get to him.

Vehicle repair would be a great little scenario script - having to cover it until evacuated.

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Yikes! Another mortar maggot! :D


*Sips coffee waiting for the fire mission.*

*Drops rounds till they're gone.*

"See you back at the PX!"

On topic: I tend to think of yellow wounded as "walking wounded"; essentially soldiers who can still move under their own power and who's wounds still allow them to contribute to the fight. I think CM2 does a good job of simulating system damage to vehicles and while I would like more details regarding hits and who killed what - CM1 style - I'm not sure the ability to repair vehicles during a battle would be very realistic.

I haven't given much thought to the idea of medics. What could they do that buddy aid already doesn't? If we bring in medics shouldn't other support elements be modeled as well? My dream game would be something with the fidelity of CM2 and the scope of Tacops... but could you imagine the micro-management nightmare that would be!

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I haven't given much thought to the idea of medics. What could they do that buddy aid already doesn't? If we bring in medics shouldn't other support elements be modeled as well? My dream game would be something with the fidelity of CM2 and the scope of Tacops... but could you imagine the micro-management nightmare that would be!

Still, having say one dude in the HQ unit wearing a medic pack, even if just for looks, would be neat. That, along with an RTO ruck and... ops, getting carried away...

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I haven't given much thought to the idea of medics. What could they do that buddy aid already doesn't?

Not much, to be honest. All of my medic training in the Army (91W originally before changing over to 68W) focused on (1) returning fire against the enemy and (2) getting to the casualty and moving them out of harm's way. Once that's done, then the task of stabilizing the casualty in preparation for transport to the rear begins. We weren't trained to stick IVs or render CPR under fire! :D

Not to mention in all of this, that the "buddy aid" action currently in CMSF pretty well simulates the role of the Combat Lifesaver present within Army line formations. It's a great idea by the Army and frees up the medic to tend to the most serious casualties.

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Problem with repairing a thrown track is that there are so many different outcomes of "throwing a track".

Once, my QM platoon had to support a tank that thrown a track with CHAINSAWs... to saw down 2 trees to actually be able to tow the tank out of there and get the track free, because the track ended up far under the tank.

tooked whole 2 hours...

Then there is those 15mins repairs, we had a stone in our medic APC who throw the track of, no damage at all so it was just to release the tension, press the track on and up with the tension and go.

if the track is blown of by a mine we are talking loong repair times as you often have to replace a wheel as well, as removing the old trackparts and replacing with new trackparts. that I never have to do yet but I can imagen about 45-60 mins for that.

So I think its hard to do a generic correct timeframe for repair of tracks...


But for game play purposes it should be a simply matter to give different 'levels' of damage in these cases... If a humvee or stryker blows a tire, it can be fixed, same with tracked.. lighter damage can be worked on, heavy damage must wait. If the axle is damaged or the damage is more severe, then it cannot be fixed during the battle..

It is just not realistic for a unit to sit out an entire battle for a simple immobilization repair that the crew can handle in real life.

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