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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Strike Three

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I am an old time gamer. I am an old time supporter of this company. I dearly loved every one of the CM games and I like modern wargames and I have really tried to like CM:SF.

But I just don't have much time to play games any more. So I tried it when it first came out… I was pretty disappointed in the game's performance, and even more disappointed in the game's AI (I don't think we need to beat that dead horse again however).

I am really not 'that' stogy really. I mean heck, the "real time" did not even bother me that much because I could pause the game at will and issue my orders at will (the horrid music is another subject!)

But, I 'thought' I knew and could trust this company. So, I just shelved it and waited for a few patches. Not a big deal for me as I just don't play much any more... and before I knew it, it was Dec 2007. I tried again and saw some improvement, but, not nearly enough for the price I paid, the game I expected, and my very limited gaming time. Okay, but this was Battlefront, so... I waited for more patches. I just installed the latest (and I expect last) patch and tried again.

25 min of watching an empty screen later I win a "Total Victory" and examine the map to see every one of the AI's troops hunkered down in a corner. They never moved, fired, did anything. This would be one of the big gripes when the game was first released! And honestly, unforgivable then a over a year ago? (I honestly forget when it was released).

No big statement, but this was the very LAST game made by this company I buy BEFORE reading the reviews and the VERY, very last one I preorder from Battlefront, ever. I am sure the gamers they sucked-in with the "real time" logo will vastly overwhelm the likes of me. If so then more power to them.

But, there really are not that many things a person can 'really' control in their life. But, who you give your $$ to is one of them. As such, BF just lost another "Loyal Customer" who has been around since "Beyond Squad Leader Days" (no crap). Just move me into that "Casual Customer" category I guess (if even that).

Good luck on the next series and if and when you find your roots again, maybe I will still be around.


PS Don't expect an response, I don't have the time, the desire nor the patience for that kind of back and forth anymore. Not trying to be disrespectful, I have just had too much exper. with the people behind BF and this forum. Simply put I have been there done that already.

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25 min of watching an empty screen later I win a "Total Victory" and examine the map to see every one of the AI's troops hunkered down in a corner. They never moved, fired, did anything. This would be one of the big gripes when the game was first released! And honestly, unforgivable then a over a year ago? (I honestly forget when it was released)
This happened regularly with the old Combat Missions. The AI is best used in static situations. It's always been like that. Don't knock CMSF until you've played real time against another player. There'll be plenty of contact I assure you.
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25 min of watching an empty screen later I win a "Total Victory" and examine the map to see every one of the AI's troops hunkered down in a corner. They never moved, fired, did anything. This would be one of the big gripes when the game was first released! And honestly, unforgivable then a over a year ago? (I honestly forget when it was released).

Sounds like you played a quick battle on a crap map... ie no AI plans. If it WAS a scenario, get rid of it as it's useless too. There's no need for you to reply, just try playing a scenario and you'll see a big difference. Good luck.

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25 min of watching an empty screen later I win a "Total Victory" and examine the map to see every one of the AI's troops hunkered down in a corner. They never moved, fired, did anything.

What were you playing? As Paper Tiger suggests it sounds like a dodgey QB, the QB's are still still not working that well, play a good scenario, don't base your judgement on the QB's.

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You know, that sounds like a driver bug. I seem to remember BFC telling people who experienced the bug to install a patch by AMD for Dual Core processors or something.

I can understand Grumbling Grognard's frustration but it would surely be more worthwhile to see if there is a fix out there rather than just throw your hands up in despair and chuck the game in the bin?

[Edit] Of course, I could be wrong. It could just as easily be a bad QB map. Come to think of it, that sounds more likely to me now, as I think the AMD patch was for your own units teleporting to a corner of the map.

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Reading his post it seems like he went in with a negative attitude, had a quick glance that seemed to confirm his preconceived notions and gave up. He then fires a parting shot and disappears into the gloom. If he was really interested he would have tried harder.

Too bad for him. He's missing out on a lot more than we are by his lack of presence.

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25 min of watching an empty screen later I win a "Total Victory" and examine the map to see every one of the AI's troops hunkered down in a corner. They never moved, fired, did anything.

GG, are you certain you were playing with the latest patch and that it has installed correctly (as noted on the load screen), as it sounds like it may not have been? What you have described is certainly not something we have had reported reported in quite some time and is usually the result of a odd scenario set up as the strat AI is now controlled from within the scenario design. If you care to provide some more info on the map/battle set up you were using and maybe provide a save game Id say that many people here could provide you with some detailed feedback as to what went wrong.


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Actually I have just noted you mention that you have no interest in solving your issues or continuing the discussion anyway so there is really nothing to be gained here from further discussion. As such I guess this thread is now rather pointless, so Im going to lock it. Thanks for the feedback.


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