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1939 World Historical (is in CMODS)

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the creator is winky3x17

name 1939 World Historical

2 things I forgot to place in the readme notes.

I changed special forces to Mechanized (good vs soft targets, bad vs armor)

I changed anti-tank to Tank Destroyer (good vs tanks, bad vs soft targets)

There is no AI yet and I have tested it till the fall of France. I tested the scripts and I am fairly certain all of them work properly.

I will be working on the AI next so enjoy and please send comments and suggestions to the email inside the readme file.

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I saw it - by the way the way to do Pearl Harbor you can see how I did it - I made it a unit event (the US forces deploy) and a Strength event (they get hammered).

I have tested it and it works.

Also, you will have an issue when USA joins - all the China territory occupied by Japan will revert to China. This is a bug that Hubert has fixed for 1.02

just wanted to give you an FYI on that so you are not surprised.

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oops. Im reuploading it now. I fixed a couple things too.

I opted for the player actually attacking Pearl Harbor. But even with your script players can move out of the box and not be hit.

Wait did you do a Pearl Harbor script where if they got within lets say 4 hexes it occured? So the Japanese actually have to move out there? I didnt think of that.

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I updated the readme file. I will upload the new one with the next bug fix but I will post it here. BTW Nup the way I handled Pearl Harbor to get accurate results was to give double strike to the CV, experience to the Japanese, and Elite reinforcements. See my notes below reguarding the CV double strike. Thanks Hubert.


Brute Force: 1939-1945 v1.1

I little history on me. I have been in wargaming since 1983 (age 15). I love WW2 grand strategy games and have played almost every board and PC game there is on this scale. I am well read in WW2 history and have read a few off the common path books that lead me to believe that most books out there on WW2 history are just reguritation of propaganda and not fully accurate on many aspects of the war.

We start in general how I approached the game:

I based USA and USSR entry on a time line. Each turn they gain activation. If the Axis perform historically the USA should come in about mid 1942. If the Axis do not attack the USSR they should come in end of 1942 to start of 1943. This is done to keep the game playable. As we know Stalin really had no intentions of attacking Germany.

As for Italy I decided to make them the major power and France a minor. The reason for this is because France was in the war a short time and without the conquest of France the game is lost for the Axis. I didnt like the idea of Germany dumping massive amounts of EP into Italy to build their forces. Also unlike France, Italy did develop their own technology. France was too short in the war to develop anything. I took a twist on typical wargames with the allied partners as you will see below.

Activation of all minor countries are affected by position relative to each side and diplomacy points. Nothing is an absolute. If the Axis do well more countries enter on their side, as it is for the Allies.

I invite any comments or suggestions. This is a work in progression. winky3x17@hotmail.com

Below I have listed all countries that are affected in the game but actions of either side. If a country is not listed is will stay neutral throughout the conflict.

*** USA (5%): (50% of the time they gain 0-2%, about 1% a turn)

Anything the Axis do beyond what is historical affects the entry of the USA.

+1-3% for each Chinese city Japan captures

+1-3% for each Axis DOW

+1-4% for Axis control of Cairo, Gibralter, Persia, Iraq, or Spain

+10-20% if an Axis DOW on India or Australia

Any DOW on Philippines brings US into the war.

@ 56% Japanese oil is cut off

@ 48% USA sends MPPs to UK

*** USSR & Siberia (22%, 50%): (50% of the time they gain 0-2% about 1% a turn)

Siberia is a seperate nation that has its own forces and instantly allies with the USSR if it is DOWed on. The USSR becomes 100% allied. I felt that any Soviet force DOWing on Japan would crush them and unbalance the game so for the USSR to do so they must spend diplomany points on Siberia.

There are 4 hexes for Germany and 8 hexes for the USSR called "Garrison Hexes"

There are 4 hexes for Japan in Manchuria for Siberian activation

-0-3% if the USSR does not have all 8 hexes filled with a unit

+3-5% if the Germans don't have 4 units on their garrison hexes

+40-60% for Siberia if the USSR controls each of Warsaw or Berlin

+15-20% for Siberia if the Japanese start moving too many troops over to Manchuria or don't have all 4 garrison hexes covered

If the USSR selects to take Siberian transfers then Siberia loses those units. If they don't Siberia keeps those units.

If the Axis do well in the Middle East USSR's activation goes up because they are threatening their rear.

If the Axis DOW on Turkey the USSR becomes Allied.

*** Finland

I was trying to find a way and reason for making the Winter War a decision but its hard to introduce that into a game with it being an absolute always do or always don't. So I simply made the USSR always do the Winter War and Finland always become Axis. I might change that in later editions.

*** Romania/Bulgaria/Hungary/Yugoslavia/Italy

Each of these countries in most games come in on X turn in 1940 or 1941 with Yugoslavia never entering the war because of the coup. So I made it possible for a variable situation. If the Germans do well each of the 3 typical axis minor powers come close to coming into the war. Each surrender yields 3-13% toward activation. Each have a diplomacy point so usually from 1940 to 1941 each SHOULD activate in turn with Germany taking Poland, Norway, Denmark, Benelux, and France. Conquering Yugoslavia ensures all 3 normal allies come in to the Axis camp. Yugoslavia is an axis allied minor who follows the same path. Conquering Greece almost ensured they join the group. But otherwise they need a little diplomatic push to become an ally. Starting in June of 1940 there is a 2% chance per turn Yugoslavia has a coup. So the Germans have to decide to take a chance on taking out Greece or spending diplomacy points on them before the coup occurs.

Italy will come in once France falls. The might come in before hand due to randomness in activation. I was thinking of allowing them to come in when they want with a decision script.

*** Spain

Most people don't know this but Spain never entered the war for 2 reasons: 1st is that they just finished a civil war, and 2nd they wanted to see if Hitler would take out England. If Hitler had devoted to attacking England, Spain would have joined. So as the Germans do well in Africa and the Middle East and/or take GIbralter Spain comes closer to being Axis (+5-10%). The Germans still have to spend diplomacy points on them. If the Axis successfully invade the UK Spain will almost certainly come into the war. As the Axis take London and the lower cities Spain gains activation.

*** Sweden

They gain activation by the conquest of Denmark and Norway. If this is accomplished by the Germans they get full iron ore shipments from Sweden. This is a motivation to invade Norway and Denmark for the Axis and to defend it for the UK. If the Allies control Paris in 1944 or after Sweden will cut iron ore shipments to Germany (historical) as their activation will go down. Sweden starts the game shipping 1/2 their ore to Germany. This is to balance escalating production and use of material as the years go on in the war. I removed the convoy from Narvik to and tied the conquest of Norway to securing Iron Ore. If the Germans don't take Norway or the Allies do Sweden sends less which in effect means UK interdiction of Norway Routes.

*** Turkey

Historically Turkey didn't want anything to do with the war. Only lots of pressure and Allied victories late in the war brought them into the Allied camp. As the Allies take Tripoli, Rome, Romania, Bulgaria, and Poland Turkey will start moving toward the Allies.

The same applies if the Axis start taking the Middle East. The more they take the More Turkey falls under political pressure to join the Axis. If the Axis take all of the Middle East and have enough units on USSR's causcausus border Turkey should join the Axis.

*** Iraq

If the axis still control Trobuk or are close to Alexandria there is a 2% chance per turn starting in June of 1940 that Iraq will have a pro-axis coup. Yes the UK has to send troops there to quell the coup.

*** Vichy France

Germany has the option of making Vichy France. If they don't they will continue to fight from the colonies. Syria, North West Africa, Indo-China will all go Vichy with their own seperate countries. New Caladonia will go free and under UK control.

*** Thailand (Vichy Indo-China)

If Japan DOWs and take Vichy Indo-China Thailand will join the Axis.


*** Major Powers

All resources now have zero anti-air. I start all powers with anti-air tech of 1 so they can ungrade their cities if needed.

*** Germany

I increased the experience to 1 for all units. They were the best army in the world at the time. Their U-boat arm is weak as is historically was. I also gave them a 1 strength CV as a reinforcement in 1940. I brought in the paratroopers a little earlier to use in Norway and Denmark if needed. As Germany you can conquer France fairly easily if you setup correctly. Think about what units to place where. Incorrectly done the French can charge the Dyle and make taking them a real pain in the ass. Their rockets I tried to make more like the V-1 and V-2 units.

*** Japan

Japan's economy seems like it is too much if you see how many MPPs they are making. But I also made their fleet very weak needing repair. This should simulate the early years (39-40) weak economy in an abstract way. They have to build up their navy to prepare for war with the US. In China they can either attack and take them out or stay where they are. Attacking them to capture more resources takes a large expenditure of MPPs for the right units and ever long supply lines. Historically, like in this game, Japan could move the Chinese line anytime they wanted but garrisoning such a large country would consume lots of resources so they opted for taking what they needed. I hope to simulate that here. Ideally Japan should beat up some on China to keep the USA spending MPPs to rebuild their units.

Their carriers start with really high experience so that when they are repaired the will have some experience over all other nations. This is to simulate their top quality naval pilots. With 2 carriers and elite reinforcements the Japanese should be able to knockout 1 BB in Pearl Harbor completely and damage another.

I made their rockets Kamikaze with their own air symbol with a little pilot. Their infantry have worst tank attack and defend but higher soft defence. This simulates their lack of anti-tank weapons and their higher moral when being rooted from the Pacific islands. I gave them 2 levels in long range aircraft and rockets to simulate Zeros and Kamikazes. Their battle and cruiser fleets have lower anti-bomber and carrier defense to simulate their poorer anti-air guns. But their cruiser and escort fleets have higher naval combat factors to simulate long lance torpedoes.

*** Italy

Italy has stayed the same from the original game. Their armies are slightly weaker than the rest of the major powers.

*** USSR

Their fleets have been reduces in naval attack and defend to reflect their poor quality. I gave them all corps in 1939 to simulate their organizations as the western powers. They may build armies. As above they must keep 8 units on the German border to ensure they gain activation to DOW on Germany sometime in early 1943 or late 1942.

*** USA

Their subs have increased action points to represent their large hulls and long ranges for patrol. This means less supply loss.

*** UK and the Commonwealth

Australia and India some send resources to the UK, when the enter the war they send all their resources. This is to simulate increase production as the war years went on. They stay neutral until the USA is in the war or Japan declares war on either of them OR enters Hong Kong. Canada's convoy is the main convoy the Germans should be attacking as it is vital early in the war for the UK. I change control of Greenland and Iceland when Denmark is conquered to Canada so they can send strategic bombers there for convoy coverage. All of the Pacific is under Indian or Australian control to simulate the neutral state between the UK and Japan.

*** China

China's MPPs are shared with the USA. Their troops are poor and weak. It is very hard to conquer China, the Japanese have to literally take every city but they can be mauled into submission. I didn't distinquish from the two factions fighting within China, Chaing and Mao. I thought it was not important enough to consider on this scale since they were working together to stop the Japanese.

*** France

Even though its a minor power it functions just like France in the original 1939 scenario. Their MPPs are tied in with the UK. About 45 per turn should be spent in France to simulate her economy for that time period.

*** Game Scales and Units

For Italy and the USSR 1 army = about 10 divisons, 1 corp = about 5 divisions. Both had smaller division sizes than the rest of the major powers.

For the other powers each army = about 4-8 divisions, 1 corp = about 2-4 divisions.

Each land based air unit = 600 planes

Each CV = 3 large CVs or a mix of 2 large and 2-3 small CVs

Each BB = 3 BBs

Each CA = 5-8 CAs and mixed CLs

Each DD = 50 DDs and DEs

Each SS = 50 Submarines

Anti-tank = Tank Destroyer Corp (example Nashorn, Marder III, Panzerjager I)

Light infantry with attachments of chassis mounted armor. Poor vs infantry, good vs tanks.

I found a strict slow moving anti-tank was not feasable for this scale game. Usually units had attachments of of tank destroyers. Originally this was going to be marines but I could not see a way to fit them in the game with the statistics at hand.

Special Forces = Mechanized Corp (Panzer Grenadier, Soviet Mechanized Corps)

Highly motorized/armored car/support tank unit. Very effective vs infantry, poor vs tanks.

Aircraft Carriers: I gave these units 2 strikes and very poor performance vs land based units (land and air). They are crippling vs naval units and other carriers. I did this to fit the scale. A CV unit is at most 300 planes while a land based air unit is 600 planes. The double strike decision was based on how important the CV was in the pacific and the way battles can swing in naval combat due to luck or intelligence (Midway for example). Also because CV pilots were the best trained in the world so they should have the opportunity to get more experience. They have very little effect vs land based units for physical damage but do damage effectiveness.

Strategic bombers: I removed their double strike capability and increased their strategic bombing value. I found them too effective with a double strike as fighters could not intercept the 2nd attack. One strategic bomber in England could tie up many anti-air units and fighters defending the Reich.

Production is as close as I could reasonably get it for WW2. Increases in industrial technology should act as increases in historical production factors. But this is still being tested for late war effects. Convoys for Japan, UK, and Germany are halved in the eariler years of the war to simulate and balance the lower production. The increase to full convoy production comes with time and conquest in some cases.


Things not completed.

1 graphic file for flags on units when on the board.

The graphic files for units. I finished them for counter style units though.

Full testing of all late war scripts.

AI for PC opponent not even started.


For a heads up game I suggest that the USA can't move until in the war. I say this because its easy to move the fleet out of Pearl Harbor or subs in position to attack Japanese convoys. I thought about putting in activation advancement based on a fleet at Pearl Harbor but then you can simply swap the ships for CAs. I found no way to prevent this. So it should be a house rule.

Any country not at war (USSR, USA) may not invest in industrial or production technology.

France should only be spending 45 MPPs of the UK money per turn.

China should only be spending 35 MPPs of the USA money per turn.

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no they can't move out - when you make the decision event the following happens:

1) A unit event adds the units

2) The strength event happens

You cannot do anything about it - it takes place before your turn and the units are not on the board until the event.

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  • 3 weeks later...

All the AI is done except for Japan. So I am going to do a game as axis to see how AI reacts and to make sure stuff is doing what its suppose to be. Then I will upload it for playtesting.

I took a Clausewitz approach with the USA in the Pacific. Pick a target, throw everything at it, take it, move to next target. Works in World in Flames.

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I took a Clausewitz approach with the USA in the Pacific. Pick a target, throw everything at it, take it, move to next target. Works in World in Flames.

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who has been inspired by Clausewitz! :)

My wargaming improved immensely after reading On War. I still think it's unsurpassed as a guide on how to beat your opponent, although there are a few contenders for that title.

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I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who has been inspired by Clausewitz! :)

My wargaming improved immensely after reading On War. I still think it's unsurpassed as a guide on how to beat your opponent, although there are a few contenders for that title.

Sun Tzu is still the master IMO. The difficulty is translating what he said into todays modern battlefield. His statements sound more philosophical than strategic or tactical but that is what makes them stand the test of time. I have to admit I find it difficult applying his words into today's world.

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Sun Tzu is still the master IMO. The difficulty is translating what he said into todays modern battlefield. His statements sound more philosophical than strategic or tactical but that is what makes them stand the test of time. I have to admit I find it difficult applying his words into today's world.

I think that's why I prefer Clausewitz - because I don't like wishy-washy philosophical types.

Admittedly not all of Sun Tzu is like that, but I think that what Clausewitz wrote was more akin to what I want to read on the subject, and he has inspired more of my victories too - which helps!! :D

I think they are both very different from each other, and whether or not one is better, Clausewitz certainly gives a better idea of what 19th century warfare was like.

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Ok so far I have found about 20 or so corrections to the game/AI. Im in Aug of 1941

Some notes per country

Germany: I think I hit the production on the #s. I was able to build up a nice force for Barbarossa but not something rediculous. I could do/build things but not everything. I really had to have a set plan for what I wanted. Very nice.

Italy: They actually felt quite accurate. Their production SUCKS, but in the real world it did suck. I might boost them up a little for better playability. But I had repair and construction problems with them, as it should be for historical. I seriously needed German help in Africa.

Japan: This was the most interesting. Do an offensive in China, repair the fleet for attacking the USA, and buying enough land units to take out the resources I needed. It is very challenging and I will have just enough to do it. I did save to build 2 extra CV counters (6 real CVs). In China I decided to completely secure my line and take the 2 Chang-Sha, Cheng-Chow, and Si-An. A few extra MPPs and straightening out the line. So what I invested for China now goes toward India. I feel its nicely balance. If I didnt buy the CVs I would have bought more DDs (vs US subs) and airpower.

France AI: DId what I asked it. France fell in a reasonable time, as it should because the whole game hinges on the fall of France.

UK AI: Did some stuff I wanted it to. But the fleets were kinda eh on their actions. I think here I have to make special consideration for the AI and make it easier for it to run without cheating for it.

USA AI: Is building what I told it too but there is one problem. CVs were at a high % early in 1941 so they get them in 1943/1944. But the AI doesnt know how to save MPPs. So I fear the USA will not have CVs in 1943/1944. I will have to adjust building their CVs for them as added units (1 strength) so the US can build them up to full strength

USSR: I think they are following the defensive line protocal I put in but again another problem. The AI put all its MPPs into tech and nothing into an army. I might either have to nuke the tech build early or add 1 strength unit reinforcements after Barbarossa.

China: I was pleasantly surprise how China AI handled itself. I would have to commit considerable resources to take them out. They pulled back to defense lines and attacked fairly decently. Their main purpose is to live. If I gave them a ton of stuff the US could simple dump a lot of MPPs there for a major offensive. As you all know the Chinese army at the time was horrifically bad. The Japs could push the line anytime and anywhere they wanted. The problem? China is too big.

Overall I think the AI did what I wanted it to but it lacked units in certain areas because it doesnt know how to save MPPs. I balanced the Axis with units and tech. The AI basically teched out a lot of things. But its still late summer 1941. I will see how things are. I am hoping to at least get to 1944 and D-day before uploading the game. if I get there and the AI does what its suppose to: D-day invasion, USSR survives and goes from Def to Off, and island hops... then I know the engine will work.

I tell you all this so you can see for yourself and make suggestions. Please remember the game is based on historical production currently. If you play a full game and its unreasonable (like allies overrun in 1944) it just means it has to be adjusted.

Right now I am pleased so far :)


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yea I set up lines of defense and they fall back to them. If the axis breach the defense line they fall back to a new one. What else can you do vs the Germans untill your production catches up? And the AI is not smart enough to set up plans like Uranus or Kursk. The AI just needs enough units so I am considering shutting off their tech research till 1941 so they JUST BUILD UNITS. If not I might send in 1 point corps and armies as reinforcements post Barb DOW. Then the AI will automatically strengthen them up and tech them up while moving into position. Hopefully this will simulate the disorganization of the USSR in 1941 and allow the German player to advance.

I played vs my AI v1.0 with the Germans and I got to the 1941 line by winter. But the AI built too much tech and didnt have enough land units.

You should see what I did for siberian transfer, you might like it. I had 2 "add unit" scripts and 1 "siberian transfer" script. If the axis get close to key cities I ask "do you want siberian transfer?" If yes add unit #1 works #2 does not (which doesnt add to siberia if they are 100% activation. If no reverse

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I am trying to build in a system where the base +0 advantage is challenging.

Usually WW2 grand strategy games nerf real production of the allies because they REALLY outproduced the axis. So with historial production and specific scripts directing the AI I think the normal game will be challenging.

But we see. I hate giving free units for the AI to overcompensate. I'd rather do it another way.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Big Al, I'm trying out your "Brute Force" Mod, which I just downloaded today, and am playing as Allies.

A curious thing in turn one---the Kriegsmarine deploy a cruiser to the English Channel and a DD well out into the North Sea. Is this intentional? It's a bit of a gift to the Allies...

Also, at the end of the German phase of turn one, a message that Russia is considering war because the Japanese have neglected Manchurian defenses. Is this to simulate the historical border clash between Japan and Russia in '39?

Overall, this looks like it will be great, even if the AI has a couple of kinks. No doubt those will be straightened out.

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Axis AI is not no where near complete or tested. Right now I am working on Allied AI. Its the toughest to implement.

Which brings me to......

I swapped tank destroyers for garrisons in my mod. I just didnt see a place for them in this scale.

Working on AI for allies trying to improve on the replies I saw to the game. Im hoping to put out are larger update this week guys instead of several small ones.

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