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CMBO crashes to a Type 2 error on me Mac now


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Whats up with this? before it worked now when I launch a scenario or I am in the editor mode and launch a preview of the map CMBO quits giving me a Type 2 error!!

I'm running on OS 9.2.2, G4 867Mhz I have 530MB free RAM and give CMBO 85MB or 120MB in the last test but still the error.

I have not installed anything new to conflict with the game.

Frustrated mensch

I like to point out, NO i have not installed OS X. And for weeks it was working heck I was making maps and such and occasionaly got his error, now it is a permanent thing happening. BTS fix it or DO SOMEFINK!

[ 01-23-2002: Message edited by: mensch ]</p>

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Right I have not installed anything new (hardware or software) the Game worked most of the time (off and on I got this error) but hmm. would this happen when the system Memmory is maxed out?

Like this? (note this is my work computer but it's just for an example) the Red shows that the memory partition is at max.


I have btw the nVidia GeForce MX 32MB SDRAM Video card

Total of 640MB RAM, SCSI PCI Card too but like I said this was working before.

I did do a restart even zapping the PRAM and still this. Error pops up the minute I want a preview or start a scenario. Every other program works fine it's just CMBO konking out on me.

[ 01-23-2002: Message edited by: mensch ]</p>

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OS memory partitions are usually maxed out as they are dynamic.

I'd zap the PRAM (Reboot, hold opt+cmd+p+r and let it chime 2 or 3 times, this may that a while longer on newer G4's than older macs) and see if that solves your problem.

If that still does not help and you are experiencing other odd behaviour, then I'd rebuild the desktop to, by holding cmd+opt at startup.


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Well here it goes,

After some help from board users and such.

I did this, I backed up my Graphic files and missions n stuff. and Reinstalled CMBO.


so I pack in my missions, maps, etc.

IT STILL WORKS (all be it in crayola crayon colours)

so I pack in graphic file 1 and restart, works no problem, I continute to pack in 2,3,4 restarting every time and it works. Somewhere around graphic 5-9 i works but some Mods are not loading (houses for example) but it still works.

as I pack in the last graphic 13 everything is working, kinda (like I said around 5 to 9 things are buggy) after restarting the computer CMBO does not work at all when I launch a battle or look in preview mode in the builder. FEH!

So, what I figure is that some or one or more MODS are corrupt in the scource files (which ones I'm not sure) What I can't figure out is these same Graphic Source files are on my Mac at work (early G4 350mhz with a ATI 16MB graphic card) and it works there no problem.

so I'm confused in smashing this on corrupt files, maybe the nVidia GeForce card is having problems?

I also deactivated the ATI crap in my system folder) to see maybe the ATI stuff was activating on lauch of the game. no such luck.

One other thing is having a website and I take regular screen shots so I have tons of MODS. here is the graphic file with MY size next to it in the brackets is what BTS has for default size.

Graphics 1 - 6.8MB (5.5MB)

Graphics 10 - 7.3MB (1.9MB)

Graphics 11 - 244KB (256KB)

Graphics 12 - 8,9MB (5MB)

Graphics 13 - 388KB (388KB)

Graphics 2 - 14.6MB (9.7MB)

Graphics 3 - 4.3MB (3.9MB)

Graphics 4 - 8.8MB (5.2MB)

Graphics 5 - 13,5MB (8.2MB)

Graphics 6 - 7.5MB (4.2MB)

Graphics 7 - 4.7MB (4.7MB)

Graphics 8 - 10.2MB (7MB)

Graphics 9 - 9.3MB (7MB)

do you think Graphic scource files over 10MB is to much to handle? Damn I got to use more loRes Mods.

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mensch - the graphic resource size would be my guess. I'm not sure how well OS 9 handles resource files that start to get that big. It would definitely correlate with the Error -2 (memory). Like you said, you may have to sacrafice a high-res mod or two (though I'm not sure exactly what images get dumped into those particularly larger resource files).

Thankfully this won't be a problem with CMBB. Every bitmap will be a separate file (like the PC) and no more resource file size limits or special programs/ResEdit to apply the mods (managing them is something else though). Eh... but you know this already.

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That sounds CRAZY to me

I'm on a Mac 400 mHz G3 Powerbook right now with only 8 megs of VRAM and I have LOTS of highres mod files installed and it works GREAT.

With 32 megs of ram on that nvida card I CAN'T believe you are having video memory problems.

" so I'm confused in smashing this on corrupt files, maybe the nVidia GeForce card is having problems?"

That nVidia card seems to be gaining a NASTY reputation as being VERY problematic with CMBO!!

Any other Mac users with new Computers with that 32 meg nVidia card reporting this issue?

IT is a strange problem to be sure because no matter how many High res mods I jam on this powerbook it seems to do the BEST it and CMBO still looks great without ANY graphics problems.

I'm very sorry to hear you are having such troublesome graphics problems with that nVidia Card in your new Mac. :(

-tom w

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I don't think the resource file size is the problem. Mine are much larger, filled to the brim, I don't think I can fit any more mods. I never had problems with graphics on my G4 867,512 ram, Geforce 3, except for the crappy v2.4 Nvidia drivers that came with 9.2.2. You could try reverting to the v2.3 drivers and see if that helps.

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Has anyone tried reverting to the v2.3 drivers or OS9.1 and met success? Just starting playing CMBO with a fellow mac person over ethernet/LAN. I have a G4 800DP w/GeF3, he a G4 533DP w/GeF2. Both machines have mega RAM but his machine (I always host) locks up w/ a Type II error after we have been playing for awhile. Maybe its just a coincidence, but the larger map/battles almost always guarantee a lock up,,, e.g., Sherbrooke Fusiliers.cmb is a sure bet for failure 'round turn 26 or so. Neither machine has "X" on it and all ATI exts. are off. We're both running OS9.2.2 w/nVidia v2.4 drivers. Have had no probs. with skys or text as some have experienced and no mods are being used (yet). Zapping, trashing and reinstalling has been done of course.

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Here's an off the top of my head thought, but one that might yield you some results.

Type 2 errors are memory related and lately I've been running into two "common" reasons for it (not on my own machine). One is bad RAM and the other is overheating. I find it unlikely that you've got bad ram because you didn't mention other problems.

However, graphics cards get hot and get hotter as they are more heavily taxed. And newer cards are running hotter than older cards. So with the high res mods the card is heating up more than with the low res mods (I'm not just making that up).

I would imagine this is normally not a problem, but perhaps for some reason (bad location, dust, something else) your machine isn't getting enough air flow to keep it cool. My girlfriend's machine (not running CM ;) ) was having a similar problem and so was my father's. When they moved their machines to get better air flow, their problems went away.

Maybe you recently moved your computer to a more enclosed area or it has gotten dusty? In any case, I hope you figure out what the problem is soon.

Best of luck,


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could be the resource file size, but usually that just results in funky in-game graphics, not a type 2 crash.

did you use MCM3 to convert graphics?

my bad in programming MCM3, as it doesnt check to see if you are going to exceed the resource file size limit before trying to modify it. Usually it results in a texture being removed and not replaced, but this would be the first time I've heard of it crashing the game.

another possibility is that the resource file can get corrupted once they get over 12 megs or so, and that can cause the game to bomb out. If you cant open it in either resEdit or MCM3, it's corrupted and needs to be replaced.


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Originally posted by aikidorat:

another possibility is that the resource file can get corrupted once they get over 12 megs or so, and that can cause the game to bomb out. If you cant open it in either resEdit or MCM3, it's corrupted and needs to be replaced.


Hadn't thought of that possibility (corrupt res file), you can also ask resedit to verify a file (checks the resource fork). I don't know if resedit does this when it opens a file automatically, but its another bit of info if you need it.
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Originally posted by Hoopenfaust 101:

Looking at your screenshot, I have to ask this question. Why is Mac OS 9.04 using 100mb of space. It should only be using 35mb. Or have you altered this. OS on the mac shouldn't use so much, I know 9.1 uses a little more than 9 so, I don't know.

I can answer that question. Many applications use "temporary memory" which is counted as part of the System's memory rather than the application's. Try it some time with Internet Explorer running after you load a big (or a number of) pages. The "reported" memory use of the OS goes up. Not because the OS is itself using more memory, but because other applications are using temporary memory.

Just FYI, the reason they use temporary memory is because the application can ask for temporary memory without having the user adjust their memory settings by using "Get Info". Photoshop, Internet Explorer and probably Go Live almost certainly use temporary memory.

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Originally posted by Cameroon:

......lately I've been running into two "common" reasons for it (not on my own machine). One is bad RAM and the other is overheating. I find it unlikely that you've got bad ram because you didn't mention other problems.....

.......Maybe you recently moved your computer to a more enclosed area or it has gotten dusty? .....


Thats good advice, but both these machines are well ventilated and non-dusty. RAM is a-ok as well. Next step is to install (downgrade to) OS 9.1 on both machines and see if that might alleviate the problem. Wondering if there are any Mac users out there that aren't having probs with the Nvidia cards when it comes to tcp/ip play on the larger battles


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Originally posted by UXcva:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Cameroon:

......lately I've been running into two "common" reasons for it (not on my own machine). One is bad RAM and the other is overheating. I find it unlikely that you've got bad ram because you didn't mention other problems.....

.......Maybe you recently moved your computer to a more enclosed area or it has gotten dusty? .....


Thats good advice, but both these machines are well ventilated and non-dusty. RAM is a-ok as well. Next step is to install (downgrade to) OS 9.1 on both machines and see if that might alleviate the problem. Wondering if there are any Mac users out there that aren't having probs with the Nvidia cards when it comes to tcp/ip play on the larger battles

:rolleyes: [/QB]</font>

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Originally posted by mensch:

Whats up with this? before it worked now when I launch a scenario or I am in the editor mode and launch a preview of the map CMBO quits giving me a Type 2 error!!

Go to the PowerLogix web site and download their G3/G4 Cache management tool. Then disable speculative Access.
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Well... apparently there are a few corrupt files, er on the ResEdit thing I didn't know there was a checker to make sure the graphics could be checked for damaged forks.

anyhow using MCM3 v1.6 to install my mods I have collected over time (nifty tool). Makes using mod much more easier.

I'll get back to you if there are any problems after I max out my machine at home with mods.

btw I'm using now at work 9.1 OS and at home OS 9.2.2 and OS X 10.1 (the OS X is fun but I suggest never try to open CMBO in classic form - it locked my machine up and good!)

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