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The preorder thing was more than a little frustrating.


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Although, it was a good deal, and I think it was well worth it for me, IMO, and my opinion only, releasing the demo before the preorders was not the right thing to do. Most of the people who preordered have been watching, waiting and supporting this game, through all it's iterations, for at least the last two years. People who download demos, for the most part, are flashes in the pan, sort to speak. I heard only 20% of people who try demos actually end up buying the full version. Well, that's 20% more sales, I suppose, but wouldn't they have tried the demo, and bought the game anyway? Regardless of whether the demo was out before, or after the games release? Just my opinion, as I do realize that Battlefront is a business and they must do things in a way that they think is in the best interest for the company. I just don't think it was the right thing to do. As someone said ealier today, by the 19th, all this won't matter, and it certainly is true. I'll definitely will continue to support Battlefront & spread it's gospel (just showed the ToW movie to my buddy, he's interested now), as they do serve a niche market. And, if it suits me, I'll buy preorders from them again. Just as a fact to customer loyalty, especially considering the storied development of ToW, I just think the preorder'ies should have had first dibs. But that's just me. I think the best thing to do would've been to accept preorders, then, if it was good for Battlefront, release it early to the preorder'ies as a suprise. The way it went down was in sort of a "carrot on a stick" marketing, I think. On a different note, I did make the SWAT team today, so horay!

[ April 17, 2007, 08:35 PM: Message edited by: Silverswift ]

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Hi Matt! Not coming down hard on you guys at all, although it may be perceived that way. I understand unforseen circumstances, and I think alot, if not all, the guys here understand that too. But it would've been nice to hear that there would've been a delay, that's all. I do really appreciate the hard work that went into ToW, and I wish it the best, for sure. Still, the frustration this particular preorder arrangment caused alot of people here is, I think, understandable. So don;t take offense, as I certainly mean none. If there were unforseen circumstances that caused delays, I understand, but the lack of information causes frustration, I suppose. Not for me, too much as I had alot of other stuff going on the past week. But if I was sitting around bored at home, like taking a vacation just to play ToW, I might be a little more frustrated. cheers, and good luck with the reviews! don't put me at the back of the line for expressing my opinion, now, right? ;)

BTW, why don't you guys take a vacation? you certainly sound stressed enough too. come to Milwaukee, I got 15 boxes of premium Cigars in my humidor, and 3 bottles of 15 year old Scotch to share them with? ;)

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With 18 hours days the norm for the past 3 weeks, trust me when I say that I honestly didn't have the time to spare to come in here and brief everyone with every little change and delay that occured because it hasn't been a linear progression of events.

The plan was always and still is to allow pre-order downloads to occur before the game officially goes ON SALE on the 19th.

We never gave you guys a firm timeline on WHEN downloads would be activated, and the truth is I still am not sure of the exact hour, but please understand that it will occur the moment everything is ready.

Perhaps this was my fault in the wording I choose to use on the pre-order page and announcement, I thought people would focus more on the 10 buck savings and ability to get both a download AND the DVD more than an early jump with the download itself. For that I am sincerely sorry if anyone feels betrayed or lied to. All I can say is that I am busting my ass to get this all set for you guys and we decided to go live with the demo tonight so you guys at least had SOMETHING to play with while you waited for the formal full game downloads to go live.


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Thanks for posting this Madmatt, and thanks for the demo too. That will help. I for one, as an impatient preorderer sincerely appreciate your deidication and sincerity.

If it violates an NDA or is simply too complicated to explain, I'll understand, but curiosity compells me to inquire about the nature of the complications you refer to. Is it a problem with facilitating the download, or is it a problem with the game?


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He, he, well guys, it looks like I won't be very wrong at the end, so I die to read some people excuses round here, well, just If they're brave enough to agree they were absolutely wrong.

Kisses to someone's nephew by the way ... LOL :D


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No offense but that WAS bad wording. It felt like false advertisement. Mind you, people who thought they would get it weeks in advance must feel even further angered then me (little silly to think you'd get a game THAT far ahead), but most people where expecting to atleast finish downloading on the due date and be playing in on it's true due date while others waited for shipping or downloads to finish.

I think the days of Steam's "preorders" are what many where atleast expecting, and your wording made it sound like they might even get to play it atleast a day before; to be able to brag to those who didn't trust how well your game would be.

You've zapped a lot of or trust, mind you like Grunts most of us won't stop buying from you... we just won't pre order.

I think we all appreciate the try, just don't mind us being mad when it doesn't work out. (Though I know some of the anger must be because you're REALLY stressed out trying to make this happen for us)

Next time, maybe don't promise it to us. Spring it up as a suprise! A present! I think that you're best bet is to make it a unwritten promise, maybe something that seems to happen as often as possible, but isn't garuanteed in stone.

I'd rather not get an unfinished game as a pre-order early just because you promised it.

That or delay it's release if this happens... I don't know...

I'm sorry I'm rambling...

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I didn't mean my tone to come off defensive or angry at all, as I am neither. I sincerely feel bad that some unforseen events have seemed to overtake the schedule and thats really all I was trying to say.

If people in the future don't want to pre-order, thats entirely their perogative. In fact, if you look closely at the pre-order page we even SAY that if your uncomfortable with the pre-order process, to NOT do it.

Some people will whine and cry, some will make threats, others will raise legitimate concerns and still the majority will be patient and understand that we are doing our very best to serve you.

We ALL want the same thing here. You guys want a good game and I want to deliver you a good game. And thats what I plan to do.



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Hi Matt,

but i guess that you have to admit that it would have been nice if you guys made a statement due your difficulties the moment they occurred to you and don´t let ppl wait all day long.

I think most will agree with me that if this was stated yesterday most ppl would have understand.

Most ppl are just angry because they were told zilch!

[ April 17, 2007, 11:43 PM: Message edited by: BadKarma ]

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I sure myself and other fans appreciate your efforts here MATT, though disappointing we have no early DL we should all understand that beneath the bonnet of the BF Machine the engine is going flat out...

Oh and thanks for popping by Devs at this crucial time!

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I´m not whining, I´m not crying, I´m only a little disapointed that nobody were able to post only a little statement yesterday like :" hey guys our cleaning woman just throw our gold copy into the dustbin, and so we have a little trouble to get it back..." or something.

Because of the politics of other companies who allready fooled me and others, I think we are a little sensitive on things like delay and getting told nothing.

Nothing is more disappointing than told nothing and left alone stepping thru the dark.

So it´s not your fault but because on the strength of past experience, I am tired of being put off.

Fortunately the demo seems to be in a good shape and works well. smile.gif

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People.. just download the Demo an play a little bit. In few hours we are able to download the full game. This will be the right time to play the demo again. then the download is ready and you have all your livetime to play this game.

Only a few hours......

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Originally posted by SirHurl:

People.. just download the Demo an play a little bit. In few hours we are able to download the full game. This will be the right time to play the demo again. then the download is ready and you have all your livetime to play this game.

Only a few hours......

smile.gif Personally im going to wait for the whole game to be released as some people are having problems with the demo with Vista and Core Duo CPU's this is probably why the Preorder's have been delayed for another day.
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